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United Methodist Church assistance programs.

A nationwide charity organization known as United Methodist Church provides social services and assistance to low-income families. While programs vary, many UMC churches operate food pantries, provide free transportation, offer medical care, clothes and more. Find help from a United Methodist Church (UMC) near you.

While UMC is a faith based organization, people and families of all religions can receive assistance or some form of referral from their ministries near them. There is support, whether financial, car repairs, or free items given out to the poor, homeless, unemployed and others in need.

The support services are not offered directly by United Methodist Church at the national level but rather the assistance is provided by the churches that partner with them. The programs will often also be called Ministries at the local level. The search box at the bottom the page can help families find a UMC church near them.

Emergency financial help and basic needs from United Methodist churches

The exact types and numbers of programs will vary from community to community and can even change throughout the year. However some examples of what may be provided by UMC near you includes the following.

  • Transportation ministries may involve volunteers taking clients to job interviews, medical appointments, critical shopping trips and other special circumstances. Some UMC locations may even offer a free, donated vehicle to a family. Even rarer would be a free bus token or gasoline voucher on help in getting a free used car.
  • Free basic home repairs from United Methodist Church including minor updates. This may even include yard work such as a Spring Clean-up, Leaf Raking, or cutting grass. A focus is on the elderly, with some UMC ministries partnering with Habitat for Humanity near you.
  • Free UMC food pantries, clothing and meals - Many United Methodist Churches have on site food pantries as part of their Hunger Ministries. Or they run free clothing closets for those that are less fortunate, including items for children. Find more information about pantries or free food near you.
  • Health ministries - This United Methodist program will offer access to free community medical clinics, mental health services, and arrange care for families of ill or hospitalized households. Read more on free community clinics.




  • Financial help from UMC- This is very rare, but some churches may have some cash assistance for rent, prescription medications, utility bills, or car repairs. In general, United Ministry Church financial assistance programs are a last resort for low-income families.
  • Car repairs - Many ministries use volunteer mechanics to help fix a car. Or some churches are involved in donation programs, in which a low income family may receive either a free or low cost auto for employment needs if the cost to fix a car or truck is too high. All of this and more is available through the United Methodist Church. Or look here for car ministries for repairs or new autos.
  • Hunger Ministries - The charity will offer Meals on Wheels for seniors or the disabled, take part in surplus food distribution, as well as operate food pantries and soup kitchens. Locate free Homebound Meals for the elderly.
  • UMC free holiday programs - Around holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas, many Unlimited Methodist Ministry churches have special programs where they provide free holiday meals, small gifts or food baskets to those in need. Locate help with Christmas gifts.

Other reaching out in mission services include English as a Second Language classes, Job Skills and Career Transitions. UMC provides help for the homeless, after school care and assistance for immigrants, migrants or refugees. United Ministry also assists asylum seekers as they acclicate to the US. Find additional details on assistance for immigrants or refugees.

UMC also gives referrals to many local charities or government benefits near you. If the ministry can’t help, then linkage is often available for clients, so they can learn about public assistance for people in a hardship or the programs offered by other local charities or churches.

Those are just a few examples if what the United Methodist Church charity organization may offer. However the specifics will vary based on town and even neighborhood. This is mostly due to funding levels and the number of volunteers in the region.





In many locations, advocacy is arranged by United Methodist Church. They work with the government and community at large to try to increase the supply of affordable housing, health care, and more for the working poor. They coordinate transportation and employment opportunities for the working poor or less fortunate in the community.

Long term services from United Methodist Church

Additional support may be offered too for long term client stability. All requests of the churches will be evaluated by staff or volunteers on a case by case basis. The goal of United Methodist Church is to meet every legitimate request and need, subject to availability of our resources and volunteers. At the least, the ministries will tend to offer referrals.UMC church near you assistance programs

Longer term case management is often part of the process. This is for the low income or working poor with a chronic, recurring need for help. The applicant needs to be committed to improving their situation, attending job training, financial literacy classes and more. They help families start or build a savings account too. Members of the church will work with the individual throughout this process. Find more on emergency savings accounts for low income families.

As part of this, clients can get mentoring from UMC, job skills training, goal-setting, and spiritual or emotional support. The objective is to overcome poverty in the area. They have access to the full array of church and community resources to help with long term needs. This partnership with employers, companies and hiring organizations, even for work at home jobs. Find a list of jobs to do from home for money.

Apply for UMC assistance near you

The various United Methodist Church affiliates use an intake system. This is where the requests for assistance are received. A person in need, who meets low income levels or that is disadvantaged, can go ahead and call the intake number with a specific need for what they need. Applicants to a UMC program need to provide proof of that hardship. A review process will then take place.

The staff from United Methodist Church will then analyze and verify the clients need. As this occurs, they may be referred to another local church, non-profit agency, volunteer and/or faith-based organization. This local source will then work with the client to try to satisfy the request and offer resources or services that are needed. It can range from food from a pantry to clothing, housing, medications, or financial aid. A follow up will need to take place as well.




The local UMC churches near you will also place eligible clients into the appropriate ministry. This can include self-sufficiency classes or job training opportunities. The mentoring or case management services may be offered for a few months, and many churches will require this before they provide any type of support. There will normally be some form of goal setting and follow up that needs to take place as well.

The Ministry can often provide information that may help supplement what a local church or affiliate can't provide on their own. It can fill the gap for what a government benefit can't provide either. What exactly is offered is wide ranging and depends on many factors.

There are thousands of local UMC churches, including some that may be near where you live. To find a location, you can use the search page on this website or navigate to

As indicated, the details of what is available at each church will vary widely, and often times the specifics of each location may even change over time. However, the bottom line is that the United Methodist Church can place to turn to for help. They are one of the nation's leading poverty fighting charities.


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