Rental assistance Hartford Connecticut County and city.
Find agencies that provide rental assistance in Hartford Connecticut. Locate churches, charities, and government organizations including social services that provide emergency housing resources. Learn how to get long term or emergency help with paying security deposits or back rent. Or find eviction prevention, Section 8 vouchers in Hartford County, and free hotel vouchers. Get help with rent near you in Hartford County CT, including programs offered by the state to low-income tenants as well as free legal aid.
Cash assistance is usually paid out in an emergency situation. Any funds for rent, utilities, or deposits are intended to help prevent evictions and homelessness in the greater Hartford County community. Some of the agencies distribute the rent assistance themselves. Or lawyers give free legal aid in housing/eviction court. Others will partner with local charities, non-profit and government programs. In these cases they will more than likely refer low-income people to these other housing resources, including houses to live in for free.
Funding is always limited, and when someone needs help with paying their rent or security deposit, it is strongly recommended to call early, before you are faced with imminent eviction. Unfortunately many programs, including section 8, will often have waiting lists; however each organization will do what it can to offer rental assistance (either grants or loans) to as many Hartford families as possible.
Organizations that help with rent in Hartford CT
Chrysalis Center – Offers the HPRP program which provides funding and cash grants to assist families and individuals who are at imminent risk of homelessness. There are several conditions that do need to be met before funds are paid out to people who need help, including being evicted in less than 15 days, living in condemned housing, and other criteria. 278 Farmington Ave., Hartford, Connecticut 06105, dial 860-263-4400. It covers East Hartford.
County of Hartford - State of Connecticut Eviction Prevention Services provides a number of assistance programs. One is a rent bank which provides grants for housing costs. There are also county wide mediation services for tenants, landlords. There are also security deposit guarantees, housing assessments, vouchers for section 8, free hotel vouchers and more. The program is run from 505 Hudson Street, Hartford, CT 06106. Phone 860-270-8260 .
Community Renewal Team, Eviction And Foreclosure Prevention Program – Services are provided to people who are economically disadvantaged in order to promote self-sufficiency. In order to be qualified for financial assistance, the applicant to the agency must have received a notice to quit or some form of eviction notice from their landlord.
People who are behind in paying their rent or mortgage payments but do not yet have an eviction notice to quit or a foreclosure notice are eligible for mediation services only. They will not able to get cash assistance. The address is 395 Wethersfield Ave., Hartford, Connecticut 06114. Call (860) 560-5881 or (860) 560-5600.
East Hartford Interfaith Ministries – The organizations can provide partial rent payment or security deposit assistance for East Hartford residents only, and cash is paid out after assessment and review of the applicant’s financial condition. Assistance is given one time only and any no-interest loans for paying back rent is for emergency purposes. 837 Main Street, c/o First Congregational Church, East Hartford, Connecticut 06108, call (860) 289-4919
Section 8 HUD vouchers, public housing as well as rent subsidized apartments are all offered by county-wide Housing Authorities. There are multiple offices with more often than not a waiting list, exceot for emergency section 8 vouchers. Section 8 is the city and county of Hartford income based, rent subsidized housing program. it also offers self-sufficiency, home buying services and more.
- Address is 80 Shield Street, West Hartford, CT 06110, phone: (860) 953-0002
- 546 Burnside Ave in East Hartford, CT 06108. Main phone (860) 290-8301
- The Housing Authority of the City of Hartford runs section 8 from 180 John D. Wardlaw Way, Hartford, CT 06106. Call (860) 723-8400
- Manchester Housing Authority operates income subsidized homes for the city. The PHA is at 24 Bluefield Dr, Manchester, CT 06040. Dial (860) 643-2163
Mercy Housing And Shelter Corporation – A non-profit agency for people who are on the verge of eviction or who are currently homeless. The agency provides shelter, a soup kitchen, day shelter and services to homeless families and individuals. There is also transitional housing for single adults for up to two years. If you are faced with an eviction notice and have less than 15 days before becoming homeless, money can be provided to help pay rent and housing expenses. 211 Wethersfield Ave., Hartford, Connecticut 06114, dial (860) 808-2040
Salvation Army – Southern New England Division, A social service agency provides financial assistance to low income people with emergency needs. Various homeless assistance services are administered. Programs are offered for families in Wethersfield, Bloomfield, East Hartford, Hartford, Newington, West Hartford, or Windsor who are at risk of becoming homeless due to eviction notices or other hardships. They also run the Emergency Shelter For Families Marshall House in Hartford.
The primary purpose of this housing and rental assistance program is to keep individuals and families in their current home. Funds can be used for paying energy bills, deposits, or rent arrears on qualified housing or apartments that are affordable over the long term. 225 South Marshall St., Hartford, Connecticut 06105, dial (860) 543-8438
- Northern Hartford Salvation Army covers Bloomfield, East Hartford, Windsor, and Hartford. All emergency rental assistance is provided on a case by case basis for people facing eviction. Funds are often only made for partial bills that are due and the tenant needs to come up with the balance of the rent. All money is given directly to the landlord. The office is at 100 Nelson Street/Way, Hartford, CT, 06120, or dial 860-543-8420.
Catholic Charity Churches offer financial assistance (including for rent or utilities), free furniture, homeless shelters, and other support. The homeless and working poor as well as single moms in the county and city of Hartford can get help. There is support for tenants on the verge of eviction as well with any rental arrears due to a property owner. More on rent assistance Catholic Charities Hartford County CT.
State Of Connecticut Department Of Housing And Homeless Services Unit. This is government assistance (including immediate rent payment help, transitional housing and more) for people facing eviction, single moms or those with an addiction or mental illness. Housing assistance and emergency shelter, as well as medical help, is offered to people who rent or need a place to live. Location is 505 Hudson St #5, Hartford, CT 06106, and dial (860) 270-8262.
Manchester Eviction Prevention Program is for city residents. Assistance is in the form of security deposit loans, grants to pay rent to stop homelessness, transitional housing, and more. Clients tend to range from the working poor to single moms, veterans and tenants in a crisis. Address is 395 Wethersfield Avenue, Manchester, CT 06040. Call (860) 560-2694.
Bristol Community Organization is a non-profit, community action agency. Resources include Eviction or Foreclosure Prevention Programs as well as applications to free government grants, LIHEAP assistance, rehousing for the homeless and others. Location is 55 South Street, Bristol, CT 06010. Dial (860) 584-2725.
Veterans only can get help from SSVF or HUD-VASH. They are only for veterans (and their families) in Hartford County. Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing is offered, and this include free motel vouchers, assistance for rent or moving costs, or security deposit help. There is also case management and information on government VA programs for paying rent, such as HUD VASH. Call 860-778-4775, or the main office is 1921 Park Street, Hartford, CT 06106.
Friendship Service Center of New Britain provides help to the town only from their office at 85 Arch Street, New Britain, Connecticut, 06051. Limited funds for paying back rent or for utilities (to stop evictions or shut offs) are offered at most one time per year. Dial 860-225-0211 for information on rent and/or housing assistance.
Connecticut Social Services – The Housing Services Administration may offer rental assistance. This is offered for people who must be experiencing a non-recurring, unexpected, documentable hardship and be in danger of eviction. Apply for the social services and housing programs at your local community action agencies. The State agency administers state and federal cash assistance programs too. 25 Sigourney St., Hartford, CT 06106, dial (860) 424-5578
Connecticut Department of Social Services – This is another local social service organization. The programs they administer include government aid, including section 8 housing vouchers. There is also security deposit loans and emergency rent help. Each is focused on the town or city in question.
They have a rental assistance program that helps Hartford County residents in financial crisis or short term hardship who are ineligible for other types of financial assistance. The money helps pay for housing, rent, fuel, and other expenses. Other loans may be used for rental security deposits and even electric or utility bill payments for Hartford County residents
- West Hartford Human Services, 50 South Main Street, Room 306, West Hartford, CT 06107, dial (860) 561-7500
- Northern Regional Office, Hartford is at 3580 Main St., Hartford, Connecticut 06120. The intake line is (860) 723-1000 or dial (860) 240-4800.
- Manchester office is at 699 East Middle Turnpike, Manchester, CT 06040. Dial (800) 859-6646
- Northern Regional Sub-Office, New Britain is another agency that offers section 8 vouchers as well as grants for paying housing or deposits from the Rent Bank. Address is 30 Christian Lane, New Britain, CT 06051. Call (855) 626-6632
- Town Of West Hartford Human Services is based at 50 South Main Street Room 306, West Hartford, CT 06107. Phone number is (860) 561-7561 or 860-561-7560.
SVDP of Hartford County – Multiple churches make up the Conference of Society of St. Vincent. They take applications from needy individuals, including seniors, single moms and the elderly. Based on funding, SVDP can make a payment for one-time assistance with rent payments or give free furniture or household goods for a home or apartment. More on housing assistance from Hartford County SVDP.
Homeless Prevention and Rapid rehousing – Several agencies offer it. Government funds and grants, including EGS, help pay for the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program. It offers money for security deposits, free hotel or motel vouchers, as well as cash grants for paying rent. Since it is government funded, it is open to all ages, races, religions, and groups such as single moms or the disabled.
Homeless Prevention also includes other services such as credit repair and financial counseling in an effort to stabilize the tenant. This will be required in order to receive any rent help. Learn more more on Hartford County Homeless Prevention Program.
The Bureau of Aging, Community and Social Work Services, which can be reached at (860) 424-5277, is another agency that runs the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program in the region. So people who need help in Hartford can call either one of the agencies.
The American Legion Department of Connecticut offers the Temporary Financial Assistance Program from 287 West Street, Rocky Hill, CT 06067. The main number is (860) 436-9986. The temporary service can include rent help, energy assistance and more support . It is a national program by the non-profit
Ryan White Part B supports households in Hartford County impacted by AIDs/HIV. The non-profit may offer Emergency Housing Assistance including HUD grants for paying rent or utilities. Address is 110 Bartholomew Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106. Dial (860) 247-2437.
Rent Rebate Programs are offered state wide for only disabled or elderly tenants. There are also Property Rebates. Each qualified, low income renter may be given hundreds of dollars in assistance each year from credit as well as rebates. The program is run from 450 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106. Low income, disabled or senior renters can dial 860-418-6377.
Greater Hartford Legal Aid can provide free advice to tenants facing eviction or other residents with a low income. Senior citizens can generally receive legal assistance regardless of their income. Attorneys or paralegals can resolve disputes over unpaid rent, landlord repairs needed to repair homes, and mediation. Location is 999 Asylum Ave, Hartford, CT 06105. Phone - (860) 541-5000.
Enfield Community Health Resources – Counselors offer housing counseling and rent/security deposit assistance for people who are at risk of becoming homeless. there may also be cash grants for individuals who are currently homeless. The rental assistance program also helps people leaving institutional care find housing in the Hartford community. Address is 153 Hazard Avenue, Enfield, Connecticut 06082, or call (860) 253-5020 ext. 115.
Gifts of Love is focused on the town of Avon and right outside of it. The address is 34 E Main St., Avon, Connecticut 06001. Low income families and those facing eviction can get rental or other financial assistance. The Telephone number is (860) 676-2323. They support Avon in Hartford County. One time grants for back rent, moving costs, furniture, and other programs are offered.
Connecticut Aids Resource Coalition (CARC) – People with HIV/AIDs, or their family members, may receive a cash grant of up to $150 to help pay rent. 110 Bartholomew Avenue Suite 4000, Hartford, CT 06106, call (860) 761-6699.
Human Resources Agency Of New Britain - Neighborhood Services is another agency to call for housing case management and rental assistance. 336 Arch Street, New Britain, CT 06051. Phone number is (860) 225-1084.
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