Rent assistance in Durham County North Carolina.
Find information on charity agencies, churches, and government programs in Durham County NC that help with back rent as well as try to stop evictions. Organizations offer immediate rental or security deposit assistance, free legal aid to tenants and operate low income, no wait list housing programs. Some programs focus on families with children, the elderly, or disabled, however referrals are provided. Get rent assistance near you in Durham County NC.
Hardship funds are limited. Always call a non-profit or government agency (noted below) to ask about or apply for a loan or emergency rent help. Each year thousands of local Durham NC families are provided some form of affordable housing, including section 8 vouchers, or rental assistance. There is grant money to pay for housing, in other cases the assistance may be more in the form of counseling, advice, free legal aid or referrals to local agencies. However the bottom line is that each program is committed to offering as many people as possible with housing in the form of free hotel voucher, housing or rental assistance. Look here for other information on immediate free hotel vouchers.
Help with rent in Durham NC and housing programs
A local church which is a great resource is the Presbyterian Urban Ministries (phone number 919-220-8757). On average, $50 can be provided to help pay rent, utilities, and other emergency expenses. The programs are focused on families with young children, disabled, single mothers in Durham and senior citizens. The address is 2504 N Roxboro St, Durham, NC 27704.
Durham County Department of Social Services - There are two housing and rent assistance focused programs offered. They include Elderly and Disabled Emergency Services (located at 220 E. Main Street and phone number is 919-560-0300 or 919-560-8600) as well as Family with children Emergency Services (address is 300 N. Duke Street in Durham, NC). There is also details on second chance housing for people with past evictions.
In addition to offering those rent and housing programs, the Durham NC DSS also administers various financial assistance programs such as TANF, Medicaid, and SSI disability. They also operate a Homeless Prevention program The Department of Social Services also offers emergency assistance with paying rent, cooling bills and utilities as well as other basic needs. So the amount of resources is extensive. The main phone number is 919-560-0300 or (919) 560-8000.
Central Piedmont Community Action Agency is a poverty fighting group for Durham County. They offer homeless prevention and rapid rehousing (among other programs). There is also case management, funds for security or utility deposits, moving assistance and legal consultation.
As part of homeless prevention is Rapid Rehousing as well as emergency rental assistance. This can help keep a tenant in their home, or help them locate a new one. All programs require budgeting, case management and other ongoing advice. The goal is 1007 Broad Street, Durham, NC 27705, call 919-797-0880.
Another local religious organization/church is Second Mile Ministry (phone 919-286-3596) and it is located in Grey Stone Baptist Church on 2601 Hillsborough Rd.. Services are in high demand, so stop by and line up early for free food and funds to pay rent or housing expenses like utilities.
Durham Housing Authority runs the Section 8 Housing Program for Durham NC. Section 8 can help very low income families in paying rent on private housing units and apartments of their choice. Low-income families with a voucher can also look into home buying programs. They also offer rent help for the disabled from Shelter Plus Care. Call (919) 683-1551. The PHA is at 330 E Main St, Durham, NC 27701.
Families with children, the disabled, adults, and senior citizens can try calling Women In Action at 919-680-4575. Funding is very limited, and in some cases a loan will be issued for back rent costs. The agency will also focus on single moms and females in Durham County. The service is operated by The Elna B. Spaulding Conflict Resolution Center.
Open Table Ministry is for the currently homeless in Durham County. Phone number is (919) 412-7011. Homeless shelters are offered to stabilize the family. Then there may be financial for for job costs, first months rent or deposits, utility bills and more. The focus is on housing assistance. Address is 215 N Church St, Durham, North Carolina 27701.
Durham North Carolina Salvation Army may be able to help those on the verge of homelessness and who have an eviction notice. Call 919-688-7306. Some other forms of bills may be able to be paid too, including back rent. There are also limited free motel or hotel vouchers as well as housing placement programs. The center is at 909 Liberty St, Durham, NC 27701.
Emergency funds are offered on a sliding fee scale by the Catholic Charities. Small amounts of aid is offered in a crisis. They focus on stopping evictions, and may have occasional government grants for rental and other housing expenses. Call 919-286-1964, and the program is located at the 2020 Chapel Hill Rd Ste 30, Durham, NC 27707.
Council for Senior Citizens (phone number 919-688-8247) may have rent assistance for seniors age 60 and over. They are at 406 Rigsbee Ave, Durham, NC 27701. There is support for the disabled too, and the rent help can be for supportive housing that seniors or retirees need. Get grants, information on safe housing for the elderly and more.
Women in Action Address 112 N. Queen St, Durham, NC 27701. Call 919-680-4575 or (919) 682-1431 Single moms, minority women, and other females can apply for emergency rental assistance. There are also motel vouchers, deposit help, budgeting classes, utility help and other programs. A major focus though is on housing - so rent or mortgage payment help.
Churches and charities that are part of New Hope offer transitional housing to the low income as well as struggling. They also facilitate case management and may offer Durham families funds, or a no interest loan, for first months rent or other bills such as a security deposit. Many resources are available to clients of the charity. Call 919-489-6282 for information. Continue with Housing for New Hope rent assistance.
White Rock Baptist Church is based at 3400 Fayetteville St., Durham, NC 27707. Main phone - (919) 688-8136. This charity offers help to the disabled as well as families with children, including single mothers and dads in Durham. Emergency rent help, free furniture, and other housing resources. Other resources include food, housewares, and furnishing for apartments.
Legal Aid of Durham is made up of pro-bono attorneys, free lawyers and volunteers that offer free representation as well as advice. They deal with unsafe housing, work to prevent evictions, and mediate payment plans on overdue rent between tenants and landlords. Phone (866) 219-5262. There is a downtown office at 201 W Main St, Durham, NC 27701.
Grants for rapid rehousing and homeless prevention can help the homeless and tenants facing eviction. Whether it is emergency money for rent or access to free legal aid or a government grant, support is arranged. Latinos, Spanish and non-English speakers can apply too.
Multiple agencies offered this program in Durham NC. Based on funding and applicants criteria, Homeless prevention, including a few dollars for rent or utility bills, may be offered. It is for low income and the working poor as well as single mothers or fathers Many applicants have an eviction letter, or are close to it.More on Durham County homeless prevention.
Veterans only can turn to Volunteers of America. The main service is a transitional housing program in Durham County called Maple Court. But they also offer food, referrals to grants for paying rent, deposits, or moving mosts, case management and more. The housing resources are at 207 Commons Blvd., Durham, NC 27704. Veterans only can call (301) 459-2020 or call 477-0571
RTP Triangle - Durham County is a faith based charity that helps the vulnerable with rent as well as other bills. This includes migrant workers, Hispanics, the underemployed and others. The entire region is served, and call 919-861-4602.
HOPWA Program Location is 807 E. Main Street, Durham, NC 27701. Call Phone: (919) 560-4570 This is the Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA). There is free government grant money, medical support, rent or mortgage help and more. Families, or people with HIV or AIDs, can get financial help for housing, utilities, moving and more.
Homeless shelters and transitional housing in Durham
These too can stop homelessness. Referrals may be given to financial aid including for rent as well or free hotel vouchers Durham North Carolina shelter and emergency housing is offered by the following:
- Urban Ministries Community Shelter, 410 Liberty St. (call 919-682-0538 ext. 21)
- Durham Rescue Mission Men's Shelter 1201 E. Main St. (phone 688-9641)
- Durham Crisis Response Center helps women or children who are facing domestic violence. The address is 206 N Dillard St, Durham, NC 27701. Call (919) 403-9425.
- Families Moving Forward-Genesis Home is a homeless shelter at 300 N Queen St, Durham, NC 27701. Call (919) 683-5878
- Dove House can house women, children, minorities, and others. Address is 1406 Holloway St, Durham, North Carolina 27703. Phone (919) 682-3777
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