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Assistance programs Martin and Beaufort County.

The leading agency to calling in Williamston and Washington NC for help is the Martin and Beaufort County Community Action, Inc. This non-profit may be able to offer short term financial help for paying bills, and longer term counseling and advice. The phone number, address, and example of assistance programs offered are listed below. Another option is the local Department of Social Services.

Martin and Beaufort County Community Action, Inc.

Low income Self-sufficiency Project, otherwise known as Community Block Grants, includes one or more of the following resources. Job readiness assessment, training, and retention, rent assistance and housing, employment search assistance, financial literacy skills and training (such as debt reduction, budgeting skills), and housing services such as information on free foreclosure counseling programs.

Weatherization can help you save money on your energy bills. The government created Weatherization Assistance Program will help you reduce your monthly energy bills and by improving the energy efficiency of your home and helping you conserve energy. In fact, the services from this program will allow you to reduce the average annual energy costs by up to $300. There may be a waiting list as the demand for help is so great.

Head Start - This is a comprehensive program for children, and the Head Start program involves helping, supporting and growing both the family, children and community. The program serves the child not only through medical care, educational, health, counseling, nutrition, and mental health services.

Referrals are given to. Case managers offer Information on everything from loan programs to rent, churches, and food assistance. The MCAI non-profit is an effective source of information on where to turn to for help, and they even have details on churches that assist with paying rent.

Many other services are offered. Much of the focus is on assisting with employment in Martin County and poverty fighting needs in the community. The agency can help the working poor, seniors, and others that are struggling.

The Beaufort and Martin County Community Action, Inc. is in Williamston North Carolina and can be reached at (252) 792-7111. Call them for intake or to learn of government benefit programs. Continue with Martin County Community Action.




Department of Social Services

Both Beaufort and Martin County offers the following resources, or can direct people to aid.

LIHEAP - Low Income Energy Assistance - Two different energy programs are run, one of which is for a crisis and the other which is for paying ongoing monthly utility bills. Not only that, they will often have information on local North Carolina energy programs. Read more.

Children and Family Medicaid - One of the goals of Social Services is ensuring that families and children that are eligible for health care are able to obtain timely medical treatment. So the local offices administer the family Medicaid program for children, families, infants, and pregnant women in the community.

Food and Nutrition Services - Low income people and families, or those with no income, can buy or be sent free or nutritious food and groceries. The primary benefits come on a plastic card that you use, like a bank card, to buy food. Most grocery stores accept Food and Nutrition Services benefits from the state of North Carolina.

Rent assistance and homeless prevention - One of the programs available is the Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing. The social services office can provide more information on that. Also get assistance from your local Section 8 housing choice voucher agency.

Beaufort Social Services is located in Washington NC and can be reached at (252) 975-5500. Martin County Social Services is located in Williamston and can be reached at (252) 789-4400.

Area Salvation Army centers provide coverage to both Martin and Beaufort. While some financial aid may be offered in a crisis, the main focus is on self-sufficiency, basic needs, and case management. This means that some items, such as free food, housing, holiday meals and clothing may be provided. There are also free school supplies for students or holiday meal baskets for low-income families.

Occasional grants for rent or electric bill may be paid out. At the same time this is occurring, clients will be able to learn about job training programs or local credit counseling workshops. Referrals, information, and guidance is always available too. Click here.





Catholic Charities operates in the area, including Martin County. The church based charity offers counseling, referrals to government aid (SNAP or housing), employment programs, and several other resources to low income families. They also extend their operations throughout the Albemarle region of North Carolina. More on Albemarle Catholic Charities.

Non-profit clothing closets and thrift stores - The focus of these sites is on offering basic needs, especially to children, seniors, the disabled, and least fortunate. This can include vouchers or free clothes, Christmas assistance, furniture, personal hygiene items and similar goods. Some of the centers, and the staff and volunteers who work at them, can also be effective at providing referrals to local financial assistance programs or housing resources. Read eastern North Carolina clothing closets.

Food banks and pantries help feed families. Not only that, but there are locations in Beaufort County that offer additional social services to residents. People can call upon a pantry for help. Whether it is a free box of groceries, Christmas or Thanksgiving meal, or even clothing or household supplies, non-profits will help struggling families. Locate Beaufort and Martin County food pantries.

By Jon McNamara

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