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Assistance programs in Whitley County Kentucky

Low income families can get help from churches, charities, government social services in Williamsburg KY or non-profits. Find various forms of financial help along with case management. There is support for rent, mortgages, electric bills or security deposits in Henderson County. Whitley County families can also get free groceries from food pantries, furniture, school supply items or clothes as well.

Other resources can be arranged too. Whether it is food stamps from Social Services, cash aid/welfare, or season help like free Christmas toys, help is offered. Many charities also try to help stop homelessness and/or prevent the shut off of utilities.

There is are really a couple place to call for help as well as assistance in Whitley County and Williamsburg Kentucky. One is the Bell-Whitley Community Action Agency, Inc. However there are other agencies listed below too. This agency offers the low income, working poor, unemployed, and others with both information and the possibility of limited financial assistance for paying bills and expenses. Most services offered are indicated below.

  • They are the local agency that runs the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). This federal government supported program provides energy bill assistance for low income individuals, in particular the elderly and people with kids. There is both a crisis/emergency fund as well as ongoing financial assistance to pay recurring monthly bills.
  • Summer Cooling Bill Assistance Program - This is available some years during the summer. It can help people either buy or repair air conditioning unit or help pay summer cooling bills for Williamsburg and county residents.
  • Get help with paying heating bills from the Winter Care program. Money is passed out on a first come and first serve basis. Preference for the grants and heating bills is given to disabled or elderly low income eligible households.
  • Another energy type program is the Weatherization Works Program. This federal and Kentucky government supported and funded program also seeks to improve the energy efficiency and conservation of low-income households, by repairing or installing energy efficient heating systems. Repairing or replacing doors and windows and various other energy saving improvement can do this, as well as insulating homes. This weatherization program also serves low-income homes and apartments of the disabled, elderly, and families with young children and babies.




  • Another government program known as Emergency Food and Shelter may be able to help with rent and housing costs. Funds are provided that may be used to assist low income families and individuals with paying one month's rent, heating or utility bill payments to provide one month's service. Money from the government program may not be used for security deposits, late fees and service charges of housing needs.
  • Another rent assistance program for Whitley County Kentucky families is the Kentucky Housing and Emergency Assistance Reaching the Homeless (KY HEARTH). The hearth program may be able to temporary financial assistance, cash grants and housing relocation (such as deposits and first months rent) and stabilization services for individuals and their families.
  • Bell-Whitley Community Action Agency, Inc. can also help people find a job. The two programs run are The Workforce Investment Act (WIA) as well as JobSight.
  • JobSight is a free resource that brings dozens of partners and government programs together including state of Kentucky and federal government training and employment programs together. They try to help job seekers find jobs. Workforce Investment Act provides career counseling and additional job finding assistance to both youth and adults in certain areas such  tuition assistance, paid job training, job search and employer search, and other areas to help in the training and placement of individuals. Specifically, some of the details include education and training information, vocational rehabilitation, G.E.D. courses, college scholarships, student financial assistance, assistance for older workers, on-the-job training, and unemployment insurance.
  • Several other resources and programs are administered. They include food. Call the community action agency to learn about food bank and pantries across the region. Every year thousands of people from Williamsburg and Whitley County Kentucky turn to Kentucky food pantries for free food and groceries.
  • Kentucky Vision Project - This resource can assist adults who meet the program’s income guidelines with giving them free eye exams and help them with the purchase of eye glasses.
  • Head Start and Early Head Start are offered for low income children, and are really in effect comprehensive child development programs which serve pregnant women and also their children from birth to five years of age. Both the Head Start/Early Head Start government programs have a long tradition of delivering high quality services, including health care, education, and more that are all designed to foster healthy development in children.

Call the Bell-Whitley Community Action Agency, Inc. at (606) 337-3044. Or read more on Bell-Whitley Community Action Agency assistance programs.





Additional financial help in Whitley County

Health and Family Services is offered to the poor, elderly, and disabled in Whitley County. The main office is 1000 S. Highway 25 West, Williamsburg, KY  40769. These are income based, time-limited financial aid programs in which the government will give out everything from section 8 housing vouchers to SNAP food stamp applications, Medicaid, and other services.

The government also help address employment needs. Whether it is job training or help in locating and paying for day care, support is offered. Or learn about SSI disability vouchers. Call (855) 306-8959.

The local Catholic Church has a soup kitchen and free food pantry. There may be groceries, household products, and even cleaning supplies or paper products. Christmas and Thanksgiving meals, as well as small toys for kids, may be passed out too. The main address is 76 W Sycamore St, Williamsburg, KY 40769. Call (606) 549-2156


By Jon McNamara

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