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Free health insurance and medical care programs Virginia.

Get details on free health insurance for the uninsured in VA as well as non-profits or government programs that help with medical needs. There are insurance and medical services for kids, teenagers, low-income patients who are uninsured and the working poor. Find programs for free government health insurance in Virginia below as well as programs provided by non-profits.

If you meet low income guidelines and do not have adequate health insurance coverage, then the state may be able to offer some solutions. Government run programs and non-profit organizations will help residents with accessing medications, medical care, health care equipment, and other needs. Assistance will only be offered if the applicant meets qualifications. This can vary by each program, but it can include low income standards and a lack of access to other private health insurance plans.

A summary of the resources are below. Whether you or your family need medication, basic checkups, testing, or care for your child, then the state of Virginia may be able to help. Some centers will even take people who are not eligible for other government aid, such as Cardinal Care - Medicaid. Or find free medical and health clinics in VA.

Free healthcare and insurance programs in VA for the under or uninsured

Family Access to Medical Insurance Security, or FAMIS in Virginia,will provide affordable or free health insurance for children, teens and newborns in low income and working poor families. The applicant can’t qualify for any public aid, specifically Medicaid, and they can’t afford to pay for any private health insurance on their own. This is the state’s version of CHIP, the federal government insurance program.

The Virginia program, known as FAMIS, can pay for prescription medicine, doctor and hospital visits, well baby checkups, vaccinations, as well as tests and x-rays. The cheap or low cost insurance also pay for dental and vision service, emergency care, and mental health. Dial 866-873-2647 or 855-242-8282

  • Pregnant women in Virginia can get insurance from FAMIS MOMS. This covers teens, single moms who are pregnant and anyone in need. Call 855-242-8282.
  • FAMIS Select provide low to moderate income families financial assistance to pay for their own, private or employment sponsored health insurance. It allows otherwise uninsured families in VA the ability to find their own policy while getting government grants to help pay the bill. Call 800-432-5924.
  • Children or teens under the age of 19 can get free health insurance, medications, dental screenings and more. There are also managed health care organization or fee-for-service. Or find additional free health care.




The Virginia (VA) Medication Assistance Program (MAP) is for people with HIV or AIDs that are uninsured. The resource is a federal government funded resource that is available in all states, including Virginia. If funding is available, the government will pay for medications used in the treatment of HIV/AIDS, and assistance is only offered for qualified, low income uninsured families. There is often a waiting list, and various restrictions are in place. In Virginia dial  855-362-0658 for applications and enrollment.

Females in Virginia may qualify for free screening, early detection and treatment of Breast & Cervical Cancer. Women under the age of 65, who are not eligible for Cardinal Care (Medicaid), may receive help from the state’s Breast & Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program/BCCEDP. Full medical care and insurance is offered.

Among other services, it will provide for a free clinic visit and various testing. If diagnosed with cancer by this program, you may be eligible for enrollment in a Cardinal Care / Medicaid treatment program, BCCPTA. Applicants also need to either lack insurance, or their plan does not cover the treatment. Call 866-395-4968

Chlamydia Prevention Program will coordinate the screening and testing for Chlamydia and other sexually transmitted diseases. Phone number is 800-533-4148

Free medicine and prescription drugs may be available as part of Rx Partnership. This is offered for the uninsured in Virginia. The non-profit works with clinics and stores, such as WalMart, Publix, Kroger and others across the state in an effort to provide free or cheap prescription medications for the low income, the unemployed in VA and people who do not have insurance. Locate store pharmacy discount drug cards.

The organization will establish affiliations and partnerships with pharmaceutical companies as well as stores in order to provide free prescription medications for the uninsured. Call 804-377-1057 or 866-262-5510 for information.

Technology Assistance can provide for telecommunications equipment for those with disabilities. This can include amplified and voice carry over phones, CapTel captioning, signalers for doors, and other medical type devices. There are free tablets, government cell phones, compouters and more. Training is also offered for the devices.





Dial 800-552-5019 for Virginia Assistive Technology System (VATS). Another similar service is TAP, or Technology Assistance Program, which focuses on the deal, hearing impaired and blind in Virginia, and call 800-552-7917

Free or low cost vaccines for children is available from VFC. All of the medications are provided to State of Virginia as well as local health clinics and agencies. These locations will then distribute them to physicians/health clinics in Virginia that have signed up for the program. Immunization can help prevent diseases of mumps pertussis, hepatitis, flu, measles, polio, and much more. Phone - 800-568-1929

WISEWOMAN is offered for low income women, and it can help them both detect and get treatment for diseases such as cardiovascular. In addition to being low income, the applicant also can’t have insurance that will provide this service. Oftentimes WISEWOMAN will provide referrals to other hospital and specialists. Call 804-864-7877 for more details.

Virginia Bleeding Disorders Program will offer care and treatment of persons with hemophilia and other similar or related bleeding disorders. The program will pay for the comprehensive treatment and clinic services, physical therapy, hospitalization for severe episodes, and lab tests. Several facilities offer the service, and income guidelines are in place. Phone - 866-228-2516.

Virginia Family Access to Medical Insurance Security (FAMIS) - This is a low cost or free health insurance plan for families in Virginia with children. This program has two options that help with paying medical care.

Numerous dental community clinics operate across Virginia and they provide the low income and uninsured with free health dental care and other medical services. They help patients on Medicaid (Cardinal Care), he uninsured and working poor. Dental centers are run by volunteer dentists that focus on offering qualified patients free or low cost dental assistance. Locate free dental clinics in Virginia.

PACE-VA is a free or affordable insurance plan (as well as medical care) that helps the elderly and sick stay in their own home vs. moving to assisted living. The state, as well as federal government, will help pay for mobility equipment, caregivers, medications, rides to the doctor and more. PACE will pay if private insurance or Cardinal Care (aka Medicaid) does not. Call 855-242-8282.

Cardinal Care (formerly Medicaid) is a free government funded health insurance programs for the low-income and people in poverty. The service paid for by the state of Virginia with block grants coming from the federal government. Assistance is available for paying medical bills, and it is available for the working poor, low income, and others with special needs. Some of the other people covered can include pregnant women and the disabled.

  • The insurance from Cardinal Care - Medicaid can pay for almost all of someone’s health care needs, whether it is a visit to a doctor, hospital, or needed medication. It will pay for a broad range of health benefits, including medications and primary care as well as mental health therapy. The enrollee will still be required to pay a portion of their bills and deductibles. Call 804-786-7933 or 1-855-242-8282

People on Medicare Part A and B costs can get financial help from the government. The Virginia Department of Social Services provides grants, cash assistance and more to help senior citizens and the disabled pay for insurance deductibles, Part A & B premiums, co-payment, insurance premiums and more. Call 804-726-7000.







Infant & Toddler Connection of Virginia is for newborns, babies, and infants that are developmentally disabled. They can get free health insurance and medical needs met. Checkups, therapy, exams, and more are government by the government insurance program. Applications are at the Department of Behavioral Health & Developmental Services, and dial 800-234-1448.

No Wrong Door is a free service for seniors, the disabled and veterans. They can learn about how they can get free insurance, wellness checks, financial help for medications and more. It is free counseling for the uninsured, and referrals even includes such services as assisted living how to get disability benefits in VA, transportation and more. Dial 800-552-3402 for consultations.


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