Assistance programs Ross County Ohio
Find churches, charities, or government organizations that offer financial help in the Chillicothe OH region. Get help with paying rent or security deposits, grant money to pay electric or utility bills, free groceries from pantries, debt relif and other support in Ross County OH.
The goal is to help low-income families or single parents, seniors or disabled. There is also free stuff, even medical or dental care as well as free gas cards or clothes. Learn where to apply for grants or loans to help with those bills as well as how to get free job training, help budgeting and other support.
Get mortgage help, rent assistance, grants for utility bills, and food
The Ross County Community Action Commission offers numerous financial resources and social services for low income and struggling residents. You will find a sampling of the programs below, however stop by their office or call them at the number below to apply. .
- Rental/Mortgage Assistance Program: To be eligible, an applicant’s income needs to be within guidelines and they must be behind on their monthly mortgage or rent payment. In addition, the community action agency in Ross County can also provide funds for first months rent for people or families that need relocate to a new apartment. Find additional Ohio mortgage assistance resources.
- Homeless Prevention and Rehousing: To qualify for this program, a homeowner or tenants must have limited income or there is also help for currently homeless people in Ross County. Applicants need to have a letter of a foreclosure filing or eviction notice to bring with you to the community action agency. This program is also for low income households, and grant money is provided to people who have received an eviction notice with a focus on single moms or parents with kids.
- Help with Security Deposits: Funds are available for those people, including veterans or families with kids, who have been evicted from their current home or apartments. When applying, people will need to bring information on what their need for first months deposit on an approved, affordable home or apartment.
- Weatherization: This assistance program, which is funded by the federal government, will help people (with priority on seniors as well as the disabled) reduce their heating and utility bills. Improvements are free to qualified applicants. Community action will help arrange for free Duct Insulation, insulation in floors, attic, and sidewalls. There is Free replacement of hot water tank and/or heating system, broken glass replacement, as well as door or windows for a home. Learn more on government free window programs.
- LIHEAP, Winter and Summer Crisis Utility Assistance Program: The Ross County CAC Winter Crisis Program begins annually in November, and it runs through and continue through March of every year. The Summer Crisis Program begins in the spring and it ends at the end of August. This energy assistance program will help those income-eligible families in dealing with disconnect notices, service shut off, transfer of service or new service for natural gas and electrical account. There is also money to help with bulk heating fuel, oil, propane, wood or coal for those who qualify with less than a 10-day supply available.
- Prescription drug medications: Another program for those who live in Ross County, they may be eligible for assistance to help with the cost of your prescription drugs and medicines. Find additional ways to get free prescription drugs.
Free prescription medicines, grants, and other forms of aid may be available from the Ross County community action agency. To learn more, or apply for aid, stop by or contact the Ross County Community Action Commission at 250 N Woodbridge Ave, Chillicothe, OH 45601. The phone number is (740) 702-7222.
Emergency financial assistance in Ross County Ohio
Assistance House – The non-profit offers emergency services including food vouchers, prescriptions, and some utility assistance. All resources are provided based on the family or individual circumstances. For example, priority is given to people with utility disconnect notices, seniors on a fixed income and the working poor in Ross County.
- Another example is shoes may be given for children of working families. They will also purchase cloth diapers for local families. Note that adults needing vision assistance can contact Assistance House as Lioness Club gives funds to for prescription eyeglasses and checkups. Address is 841 E Main St, Chillicothe, OH 45601, call (740) 774-3560, or find more on Lions Club free eyeglass programs.
Salvation Army Family Services and Thrift Store in Chillicothe support the low income as well as homeless in the county. they offer help in several ways. There are of course free items (food, winter clothes, Christmas toys, backpacks or school supplies, meals, etc.); financial aid (rent, medications, energy or water bills, etc.); homeless shelters; and other hardship funds.
- The Ross County Salvation Army offers other programs too. This includes summer camp for kids, adult rehab as well as low cost items for sale from thrift store; case management; as well as adult and child services. More on Salvation Army Ross County assistance programs.
Hope Clinic of Ross County provides free or income based medical, dental, and behavioral health. The walk-in clinic offers womens medical care, free basic dental or exams, RX vouchers, physicals and more, including to patients with no insurance. The location is 610 Central Center, Chillicothe, OH 45601. Call (740) 774-4606
Trinity United Methodist Church has small dollar amounts of emergency assistance, offered today. The location is 24 S Mulberry St, Chillicothe, OH 45601. The money can help pay for car repairs for work, a past due energy bill, or rent for those with an eviction. Or get free food, delivery of meals for seniors, clothes and other stuff. Call (740) 773-6640
Ross County Veterans Service Commission – Military members, veterans, and their immediate families can apply for emergency financial assistance. The government and non-profits help with fuel oil and kerosene, groceries, prescriptions, or give out free bus tokens. Families can also get free personal hygiene items, diapers, infant or baby formula for a newborn
- Veterans can also get help with free eye exams and glasses, medical supplies, utility bills with shut off notice, or grant money for back rent or house payment. Funeral expenses may be paid for too. So assistance requires applicants to go before a Board--on a case by case basis. Location is 475 Western Avenue Suite C, Chillicothe, Ohio 45601, call (740) 772-1600
Chillicothe Metropolitan Housing Authority offers section 8 vouchers, income based apartments, and housing solutions. Location is 178 W 4th St, Chillicothe, OH 45601. The rent subsidized homes or also for seniors, people with no money, and the disabled. Call (740) 775-7881, or learn more on section 8 from OH Metropolitan Housing Authorities.
Free clothes, furniture as well as other stuff is provided in Ross County. A few clothing closets give out kid or adult sized clothes, hygiene stuff, or even small furniture items. Or get diapers, school backpacks for students, medical uniforms and other goods.
- The clothing and furniture programs are limited in scope. But giveaways occur at Bainbridge United Methodist Church at 201 E 2nd St, Bainbridge, OH 45612 (dial (740) 634-3791) as well as Community of Christ (address 539 W 5th St, Chillicothe, OH 45601, call (816) 833-1000). Or try Chillicothe Seventh-Day Adventist Church at 510 Metzger Ave, Chillicothe, OH 45601. Dial (740) 774-1295
Ross County Food banks and groceries assistance programs help feed the community. Several churches and charities distribute emergency food boxes, surplus government commodities and groceries in the area. Examples of places to turn to for free meals, information on shelter, clothing, and more include Jefferson Church Of Christ (dial (740) 773-6747 at 770 Jefferson Ave, Chillicothe, OH 45601) as well as well as Good Samaritan Network, which can be reached at (740) 774-6303. Those are just two locations, but there are many more. Click here for details and phone number on other free food banks in Ross County.
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