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Assistance programs Prince William County.

Find financial help and places for free stuff in Prince William County. Low income families, single moms, and the elderly among others will get grants to pay rent or electric bills as well as free groceries, medical care, and other support. Find charities, churches, and government agencies that provide financial assistance near you in Prince William County.

The funds will help with energy bills or rent, pay for repairs to a car, and address other emergency living expenses. There is also free debt and mortgage relief in Prince William County, eviction prevention services and free lawyer consultations, among other resources.

Emergency help with bills, including housing and utility, in Prince William County

Action In Community Through Service (ACTS) is a local non-profit community action organization that people can turn to for help if they have a short term hardship. They offer several different programs and services to people in need, including the following.

  • Get assistance with your utility and electric bills. Financial aid is available for individuals and families who have a disconnect notice, and it covers all utilities, such as gas, heating, electric, water, and even sewer bills.
  • Medical bills and health care assistance can be arranged by the Prince William County community action agency. They can provide discounted or free emergency prescriptions and medicines for individuals who are uninsured or have limited health insurance. Find additional ways to get free prescription medications.
  • A thrift store is also located on site that can provide clothing and other household items. Some free good may be offered by ACTS as well. There will also be free vouchers for furniture or appliances in Prince William County.
  • A big focus is on housing assistance as well. Action In Community Through Service offers shelters, emergency rent help, assistance for domestic violence survivors and other housing solutions.

People in need should call during business hours for questions about eligibility and also for guidance on what information or documentation is necessary for your first visit to the facility. There are also clothes, budgeting and financial education classes, money management and more. The contact number is 703-221-3186. Or read more on assistance from Action In Community Through Service.




Prince William County Social Services – Some low-income energy programs are offered. The government agency provides and coordinates financial assistance to low-income and elderly households for paying for wood, coal, gas, heat, oil, or electricity bills. They can also help people apply for food stamps or an EBT card, LIHEAP, and other Virginia public assistance.

  • Residents of Prince William County can explore many other public benefits that are available at Social Services. For example, they operate a Cold Weather Shelter as well as the Hilda Barg Homeless Prevention Center, which can provide referrals to grants for paying rent or local low income apartments.

The underemployed can access job training, and case managers also have TANF application. Much more is available. The address is 7987 Ashton Avenue, Suite 200, Manassas, Virginia 20109, (703)792-7500, or continue Prince William County Department of Social Services.

JASA Inc.  - Various services are run. The Resource Center has information on Prince William County area financial assistance for energy bills, rent, and other basic needs. There are details on Toys for Tots, Affordable Housing, Job programs, transportation, and more. Or low-income families will get free credit repair services. Call (571) 306-3066.

Northern Virginia Family Service – Helps the most vulnerable in Prince William County address basic needs. Programs run include free Dental Care, including information on extractions or cleanings. Or get free prescription medication vouchers.

There is also immediate Financial Aid for Housing and Utilities, Food Pantry/Emergency, Head Start, and Health Care,. They also assist with School Readiness, Shelter-Emergency, and Employment as well as Career Services. The address is 10056 Dean Dr, Manassas, VA 20110, phone 571.748.2600, or find help from NVFS.





Another Prince William community action agency is People Incorporated of Virginia. Case managers from the non-profit strive to help people overcome their challenges, hardships, and exit poverty. Some of the leading assistance programs administered are below.

  • Early Head Start is for children from low income families up to 3 years old. It offers children from Prince William County with center or home-based education, health care, and their families can sign up for other social services. Children up to age five may qualify for Head Start. It is similar in that it helps prepare the child for education, offers free meals, snacks, health care and more. Parents can also participate in the program from training, adult literacy workshops, and career skills classes.
  • People Incorporated may offer, or arrange, Affordable Child Care. This is offered at the Child Development Center in Clintwood Virginia. It can include before and after school child care and also summer care.
  • Homeownership programs include low interest loan packages, housing counseling for eligible families, and even foreclosure prevention from specialists.
  • The Section 8 Rental Assistance program is a voucher that can be used to help pay the rent in government approved housing or apartments. It is generally for the very low income and families. This can also provide details on private landlords with housing that takes eviction..
  • Homeless Prevention Program is when the community action agency may offer emergency rental assistance to stop evictions. It will only be short-term financial assistance for various households in Prince William.
  • Weatherization free home repair and rehabilitation programs are administered by People Incorporated. This includes free home energy audits and home improvements for increased energy efficiency. Specialists and contactors will determine necessary repairs and supervise the improvements. This can also even include Indoor Plumbing and Rehabilitation to ensure homeowners have safe drinking water.
  • Minor Home Repair can assists very low-income households with heating, electrical and even roof repairs. Grants or loans can be offered for these improvements. There is even grants to replace a homes windows.
  • The Virginia Adult Workforce Investment Act is offered at One-Stop Career Centers. Staff offer workforce preparation, job placement, and talent development service. Workshops include GED preparation, continuing education and employment placement services. The similar Youth Workforce Investment Act is for residents under the age of 21.
  • Another option is the Dislocated or Unemployed Worker Program. The goal is to help residents and job seekers upgrade skills, improve job retention, obtain employment, and increase earnings. Employment and other training programs are offered for qualified workers who are now unemployed.

People Incorporated of Virginia can be reached at (276) 623-9000. Case managers from the non-profit can offer those and other services. The address is 1173 W Main St, Abingdon, VA 24210. Read more on People Incorporated of Virginia financial support.

Volunteers of America in Chesapeake may have emergency homeless prevention and rapid rehousing assistance, in particular for veterans and homeless single adults. This is in addition to low income housing and shelters in Prince William and nearby counties. Some of what may be offered by referrals includes government grants for paying rent, case management, and funds for security deposits. Learn about Volunteers of America Chesapeake assistance programs.

St. Vincent de Paul Society, All Saints Conference – This non-profit charity organization provides help with fuel, utilities and electric bills to help people keep their power on. There is also hardship funds for mortgage/rent, prescription medication and other forms of occasional assistance to those in need. This will include free home repairs for a senior or disabled person as well as rides to a doctor.





Other needs can be met as well by the churches and volunteers that work with the charity, such as clothing, Christmas meals and free food. They also partner with non-profit organizations and provide referrals. The location supports the entire county as well as northern Virginia. Location is 9300 Stonewall Road, Manassas, VA 20110, dial (703)368-2429. Click details on northern Virginia. St. Vincent.

First AME Church of Manassas – Regardless of background, provides grants and financial assistance for utility cutoff notices and eviction notices. Location is 10313 South Grant Avenue, Manassas, Virginia 20110, telephone (703)361-8791. There are various ministries available, and click more information on First AME church of Masassas.

Additional rent assistance and housing programs are available. Tenants that are struggling with paying for rent, deposits, or are facing eviction will get emergency financial help. Charities and the government provide emergency rent help, including to the low-income. There are also free motel vouchers, apartments with no wait list and other resources. Find additional Manassas and Prince William County rent assistance.

The federal government funded Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program may be able to provide hardship funds. This is also administered by the Action In Community Through Service (phone number above). This program offers Manassas and Prince William County families with up to 18 months of rent assistance.

  • The funding is intended for people who have historically had stable job histories, but who may be facing a short term crisis. It is not a charity program. In addition to receiving funds that can be used for rent, this government funded program can also provide money for utility bills, moving expenses, and even provide free credit or debt counseling.

HPP - Homeless Prevention is available across William County. A non-profit known as Family Services partners with SERVE and other agencies to provide emergency financial aid for rent as well as utility or security deposits. Clients will also be able to benefit from case management and mediation, if it is decided to be the best solution. Continue with Family Service Eviction Prevention.

Salvation Army of Prince William County may distribute emergency financial assistance for paying utilities, home heating bills, and they also work with Citizens Energy in the Commonwealth. The non-profit also provides limited boxes of free groceries, furniture items such as a couch and clothing,

Low-income families or single moms with kids will be able to apply for free Christmas assistance, free Thanksgiving dinners, help for seniors, and more. There are also seasonal programs, such Angel Tree at Christmas and free back to school supplies. The address is 4343 Ridgewood Center Dr., Ste. A , Woodbridge, Virginia 22192. Telephone: (703)580-8991 or read more on Prince William County Salvation Army .

Free holiday programs (Thanksgiving and Christmas) are available. Prince William County families that need help around the holidays can find assistance. There are items available including free Christmas toys, Thanksgiving turkeys for an entire household, holiday food baskets, and other presents. Charities process applications and also enroll residents into these services. More on Prince William County Christmas and holiday help.

Catholics for Housing - Offers financial help, mainly loans or funds for paying security deposits. They work with churches, housing counselors, and others on this program. Main address - 8139 Triangle Shopping Plaza, Dumfries, VA 22026, dial (703)221-4510.







Francis House can provide utility bill assistance in Prince William County for those facing a disconnection. Other services include prescription medications, referrals, and case management. Some free clothes, including for school or work, may be passed out too. Address is 2606 Heth Court, Dumfries, Virginia 22026. Call (703)221-6344.

Catholic Charity parishes, churches and services are offered in Prince William County. There are several. They include free medical or dental care from Mother of Mercy. Free food, hot meals, and personal care items are from the Saint Lucy Project. There is also help for immigrants from Migration and Refugee Services, counseling or employment resources and more. Women facing DV and migrant workers will also get free legal advice or stuff from a clothing center. Continue with Prince William County Catholic Charities assistance programs.

Free stuff, including for school, furniture for a home, and clothes are given away. Families with no money or on a low-income can turn to churches and charities for free or low cost clothes and basic needs. Dozens of centers are available in the area, including free furniture banks and appliance distribution programs in Prince William County. Some provide vouchers or gift cards, others directly pass out a bag of clothing or maybe school supplies to the less fortunate. Find Prince William County free furniture, school supplies and clothing closets.

Free food assistance in Prince William County

For those who are struggling just to feed their families, the ACTS Food Pantry is also located on a site in the county. It is in the Family Services Center. There will be grocery boxes, paper products, hot meals to the homeless and other support. If you are more fortunate and can donate extra food, please bring all of your donations to the door next to the garage door. The phone number of the food pantry is 703-221-3186.

Chapel Spring Church - Manassas Assembly of God may have boxes of groceries or serve free meals. Location is 11500 New Life Way , Bristow, VA 20136. Dial (703)368-2895.

Tabernacle Baptist Church is located at 8275 Barrett Drive in Manassas. Call (703)-368-8610.

Seven Loaves Services may have basic needs. Bags of food, Christmas meals, canned goods, perishable items and more are served to the poor, low income and seniors. Address: 15 West Washington Street, Middleburg, Virginia 20117. Phone (540)-687-3489.

Holy Family Catholic Church - Serves food and meals to low income families, children, and the needy in Prince William. Call (703) 670-8161

Find more food banks and soup kitchens in the region. Based on client needs and income criteria, non-profits offer boxes of groceries along with applications to SNAP food stamps. Or inquire into a hot meal, or lunches for seniors. There are also material goods available in Prince Williams, meaning items such as clothing, school supplies, and Christmas gifts. Read more free food pantries Prince William County.

Free community health clinics and medical care

Prince William Area Free Clinic operates from several non-profits and charities as listed below. The centers provide free or low priced primary medical and adult dental care. The services are provided to indigent, the low-income and uninsured residents.





The locations serve as so called non-urgent community clinics and help patients that are in need of health or dental care. This will be physicals, free women’s care such as OB/GYN, dental cleanings, diabetes management and more. The free care is given to people who are willing to follow treatment plans outlined by an on site dentist or physician.

  • 9301 Lee Avenue, Manassas, Virginia 20110, call  (703) 792-6300 or (703)792-6378
  • 4001 Prince William Parkway, Suite 101, Woodbridge, VA, dial (703)792-7321
  • United Methodist Church has a clinic at 1400 G. Street, Woodbridge, Virginia 20110, dial (703)792-7321 or (703) 494-2445
  • St. Margaret's Anglican, 13900 Church Hill Drive, Woodbridge, VA 22192. Dial (703)499-9034.

Free dentists and clinics provide dental care to adults, seniors or kids. There are locations in Prince William County for teeth extractions, free partial dentures or implant assistance, fluoride, X-rays and other services. Patients with no money or insurance will get care too. Find Virginia free dental care clinics.


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