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Rent assistance in New London County.

Find government agencies, charities and churches that provide emergency rental assistance as well as long term housing programs to low-income families in New London County. The resources available range from both grants (from the state of Connecticut and federal government) to emergency funds from charities. There are also rent assistance programs, free motel vouchers, lawyers that help tenants, as well as low-cost section 8 housing vouchers. Find assistance paying rent near you n Norwich County CT.

When applying for emergency rental or security deposit assistance, many of the agencies will require the client to be on the verge of eviction or be homeless. The New London organizations tend to also take part in the countywide EFPP eviction prevention service. This will provide financial aid on a case by case basis, but there may be funds for paying rent arrears as well as mortgage payments or utilities to keep power on. This service will also help residents locate housing with no waiting list or apply for benefits such as disability or section 8 housing vouchers.

Places that help with rent in Norwich CT and the county

Tenants can often start by calling their Town Human Service Department. These are located in most New London municipalities. The government may have information on rent assistance programs such as Emergency Solution Grants (ESG), transitional or public housing, and legal aid.

  • One example of an office is in Groton, and the address is 2 Fort Hill Rd, Groton, CT 06340. Call 860-441-6760.
  • Stonington Human services is at 166 South Broad Street, Pawcatuck, CT, 06379, 860-535-5015. There may be public aid for everything from heating bills to rent and food. The Social Service committee decides on applications.

Thames Valley Council For Community Action
401 West Thames Street, Unit 201, Norwich, Connecticut, 06360-7155. Phone - (860) 889-1365 or 860-425-6570
Emergency rent help will be offered for residents facing a one time crisis. Grants are issued up to a maximum dollar amount, and the money can be used for everything from a security deposit to mortgage or rent payment. A strict application process is in place.




City of Norwich - Human Services
Address is 80 Broadway, Norwich, CT 06360. (860) 823-3778
Struggling renters or the homeless in Norwich can call this local government agency. The government offers eviction prevention programs, cash aid from welfare and other benefits which can be used for rent or housing costs. Or tenants can apply for LIHEAP grants. More on New London Social Services programs.

New London Homeless Hospitality Center
730 State Pier Rd, New London, CT 06320. Call 860-439-1573
They only support veterans with direct financial help, but other homeless can get support too. Rent assistance may be from SSVF, and they also run the Project Home transitional housing program. There is case management, low-income emergency housing, free motel vouchers and other resources.

Opportunities Industrialization Center Of New London County
106 Truman Street, New London, CT 06320. Telephone number - (860) 447-1731
Most of the programs are around self-sufficiency, but the non-profit gives referrals to grant money, housing, loans, moving help and more.

New London Legal Aid – Tenant Services
153 Williams St, New London, Connecticut 06320. Call (860) 344-0447 or (860) 447-0323
Lawyers provide families, including seniors and low income disabled residents, with support to stop an eviction. Or learn about fair housing standards, get help in applying for government rent programs such as EFPP and more. The free lawyers in New London County help low-income families with housing needs.

Safe Futures
They help women facing DV. The phone number is 860-447-0366.
Housing assistance, or short term shelter, is for women, children, and single moms as part of Phoenix House. Transitional housing is combined with legal aid, free furniture when an apartment is found and security deposit grants.

Connecticut DSS - Sub-Office, Norwich
Address: 401 West Thames St., Norwich, CT 06360. Phone - (860) 823-5000 or (855) 626-6632
Information on state and federal grants for rent, energy bills, and more. They can also refer very low income families to rent subsidized housing. Senior citizens in New London County also receive support. They also offer the state of CT security deposit guarantee program.





Salvation Army Centers
Services include homeless shelter as well as loans or other funding for back rent. Case managers also advice clients on their options. Some homeless people can be given free hotel vouchers, or get grant money for utilities, rental arrears and other housing costs.

  • 11 Governor Winthrop Blvd, New London, CT 06320. Call (860) 443-6409
  • 294 Washington St, Norwich, CT 06360. Telephone - (860) 559-2245

St Vincent De Paul Place
120 Cliff Street, Norwich, Connecticut 06360. Call the churches at (860) 889-7374

Catholic Charities of Norwich
Address is 28 Huntington St., New London, CT 06320. Main phone - (860) 443-5328
Volunteers raise money, and the funds can be used for rental expenses and more. Staff also will try to find some type of solution to prevent homelessness from occurring. Immigrants and single moms are major clients. Applications can be done on site or at home.

Section 8 Vouchers in New London County
There are multiple housing authorities. They manage apartments, income based homes, and process applications for section 8 rent help. Emergency HCV is also an option for the elderly and/or disabled. The locations are.

  • New London Housing Authority is at 78 Walden Avenue, New London, Connecticut 06320. Call 860-443-2851
  • Norwich Housing Authority main address is 10 Westwood Park, Norwich, CT 06360. Dial (860) 887-1605
  • Groton Housing Authority has section 8 vouchers, family self-sufficiency (FSS) and other support from 770 Poquonnock Rd, Groton, CT 06340. Call (860) 445-1596


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