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Eviction prevention and rehousing in New Hampshire..

Agencies in New Hampshire help tenants that are threatened with an eviction and also provide rapid rehousing programs to homeless people. Charities and state organizations have emergency funds to prevent homelessness, including low-income families, veterans and the poor. Or find how to rehouse families. Find programs near you that help low-income families in NH that have an eviction notice.

Tenants will get emergency help for back rent or free lawyers to stop or delay an eviction. There is also case management in NH, money for paying a security or moving deposit, short term housing for rehousing and other support. Non-profits, charities and social services in New Hampshire partner with resources such as the Continuum of Care as well as HUD to address these goals.

Emergency financial help to stop evictions and homelessness

Funds can be provided from the Emergency Solutions Grant program to help tenants pay rent to a landlord. Or get hardship funds to help with moving costs, or to also pay a portion of a security deposit. Tenants will also be provided with case management and self-sufficiency services.

Homeless prevention in NH includes financial assistance for renters. In some cases, there will be loans or grants to help low-income homeowners. New Hampshire addresses any form of housing that individuals may currently have. While in all cases they will try to offer pro-active advice and support to prevent a family from losing their home, unfortunately this is not always possible.

The resources, as well as the federal Emergency solutions grant program, is focused on keeping housing for at-risk households as well as people facing imminent homeless. This includes tenants or veterans as well as seniors or the disabled in NH that are behind on payments to their landlord.

The non-profits in New Hampshire will provide temporary financial assistance for paying rent, housing relocation (if needed), mediation and stabilization services. All of this, and more, is for low income qualified individuals and families who are facing eviction from their landlord. There are also free lawyers in NH for tenants.

As noted, there are other components to this homeless prevention program. Some of them include the following.




  • Homeowners can receive free foreclosure counseling for a HUD certified agency.
  • Both renters and homeowners can receive free mediation services for dealing with either their landlord or lender. This is also include pro-bono lawyers that help tenants that have a pay or quit or eviction letter.
  • New Hampshire can provide certain, income qualified families with a zero percent interest loan for paying their security deposit. Find a loan place.
  • The homeless can receive help with basic needs, including food, work clothing, and personal hygiene.
  • Financial literacy workshops budgeting, and self-support is all coordinated by the agencies.
  • Some funds may be offered for paying energy bills of a tenant, if this could in fact lead to an eviction from their home.

Outreach services are also available. A combination of case workers and volunteers from the state pro-actively seek out the homeless. They can guide them into nearby shelters, offer referrals to soup kitchens, and more. This will then lead into some of the rehousing services that are available in New Hampshire, as noted above.

Rehousing in New Hampshire for homeless people

The currently homeless can participate in rapid re-housing. Communities across New Hampshire have put an emphasis on this, and it can be one of the keys to ending homelessness in towns and cities across the state. It uses a combination of case management and limited financial aid to achieve its goals.

Many families in the state are evicted or lost their home to foreclosure due to a one time, unexpected crisis. It may be a reduction in work hours, death of a primary wage earner, domestic issues, or say an unexpected expense such as a car repair. This then may cause someone to miss a rent or mortgage payment. Non-profits will offer counseling and case management to deal with these problems.





As that occurs, rapid rehousing will help the family get placed into temporary transitional housing or maybe a low income apartment. Whenever possible, there may be government funds issued as part of ESG in order to assist with the security deposits. Staff will also help the family locate an affordable home or apartment to live in.

During this entire period, housing specialists will partner with the family to ensure they continue to live independently and remain housed. The goal is to not see the person be evicted again, and then placed into a shelter somewhere in New Hampshire. So while assistance with paying a security or utility deposit or other expenses is not common, the guidance from a professional case worker can make a big difference in helping the individual remain stable.

Non-profits for eviction help in New Hampshire

Belknap and Merrimack Counties - Telephone (603) 225-3295
Anyone renting their home or facing a foreclosure can call for help. Grants for expenses such as a security deposit and other eviction advice may be provided.

Cheshire and Sullivan County region - (603) 352-7512

Coos, Carroll, Grafton - (603) 752-7001

Hillsborough and Rockingham and the Southern part of the state - (603) 668-8010

Strafford County - Phone number is 603-516-8153. Referrals and other support may be available.


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