Assistance programs Montcalm County.
Get financial help from churches, charities, and even the government. Montcalm County agencies offer help with utility bills or rent, mortgage payments, security deposits and can assist with medical bill payments too. The main organizations to apply at for grants, loans, or even free items (food, clothes, gasoline, etc.) are listed below. Low income and struggling families can find assistance below.
The place to call for help is the local community action agency, EightCAP, Inc. They may from time to time be able to provide direct financial assistance to qualified individuals. However they can refer people to non-profit organizations and charities, and advise people on both state of Michigan and federal government assistance programs.
Assistance with bills and food
A program known as community services may be able to help people who are in a crisis situation. The programs offered are.
- Rental Assistance and Payments for security deposits.
- Free Food, which is available through scheduled food distribution centers and locations
- Transportation assistance and needs
- Funds for paying heating and utility bills. Note the applicants must be in "Shut Off" status or received a disconnection notice.
- Deliverable home heating fuels and oils
- Free Tax Preparation (including home heating credits, homestead property tax credits / rent credits, and earned income tax credits).
- Michigan Enrolls, which provides education and enrollment assistance for managed health care providers in the community and health insurance information.
Other services and financial assistance programs provided include the following. EightCap can also refer residents to government benefits.
Weatherization assistance. Get free home energy conservation services, and the program is available to low-income Michigan homeowners and renters. More on government weatherization programs.
Roof repairs - They offer a housing program that may be able to help with minor roof repairs.
Head start - The agency and this program in particular is to consistently provide the highest level of service to children and families in the Montcalm County area of Michigan.
Low income energy assistance - This program, known as LIHEAP, can help people both pay winter heating bills, as well as provide help during the summer. Read more on LIHEAP and electric bill help in Michigan and other states.
Grants and funds may be available to pay your regular, recurring monthly utility bill. And additional cash grants and emergency assistance may also be offered to help in a crisis, and in particular to help someone avoid disconnection of their utility service.
Call the EightCAP, Inc. community action agency at (616) 754-9315. Or find more details on EightCap assistance programs.
Montcalm Salvation Army - This is another leading non-profit, social service agency to contact for help. The organization administers several emergency assistance programs and also provides self-sufficiency. While funding levels are limited and the programs may change over the course of time, Stanton Michigan and nearby low income and poor families can receive free food, grants for paying rent or energy bills, shelter, and more. Also, social workers at the site will help address long term needs. This can include employment and job search assistance and applications for government benefits and programs such as food stamps or LIHEAP. When faced with a crisis call this center. More on Montcalm County Salvation Army assistance programs.