Assistance programs Marin County.
Learn about organizations that will help people find jobs, provide financial assistance or grants for paying bills or rent, give access to free health care, and much more in Marin County CA. Locate churches, charities, or government assistance programs that help low-income families. Find financial help near you in Marin County CA.
There are also a number of mortgage relief programs, foreclosure prevention services in Marin County, as well as resources that provide security deposit help or free stuff. Or apply for free clothes, school supplies, food, gasoline vouchers, Christmas toys, or transportation.
Job finding assistance programs
Marin Jobs and Career Services provide job training and employment services to individuals who have barriers to employment. The program helps low income, immigrants, homeless, and others. The goal is to facilitate economic stability and self-sufficiency among local residents.
The bottom line is that Marin Jobs and Career Services is a unique employment and job training program developed to bridge the gap between conventional employment services that are offered by other private companies, and individuals in need of services that are not offered by mainstream services. Get access to Vocational Training, Job Placement Services, Resume Review, and more. 415.526.7540.
Medical services
Parent Services Project, Inc. is a local organization that has as its mission the goal of ensuring all children in Marin County have health insurance. The organizations call the activity the Children's Health Initiative in Marin County, and the goal is to increase the number of children across the County with health insurance coverage. They do this by conducting outreach, health insurance enrollment, education, and re-enrollment. The goal of the project to ensure that all children have health coverage and access health care. (415) 454-1870
Light of the World Charities is home to the Little Lights Dentistry Program. Since 2016, they have provided 100% free dental care for children of high-school age or younger, in poverty, and that have no dental insurance. The free dental services are comprehensive and range from examination to hygiene, with ongoing treatments as required for various conditions. Call (772) 223-8781 to see if qualified.
Credit repair, debt assistance, budgeting
It is important to repair credit, improve financial skills, and improve credit status in order to become self-sufficient. Prosperity Partners was formed from partnerships between local organizations to help people in Marin County in this capacity. The services provided from the program include credit building, income tax preparation and assistance, help dealing with credit card and medical debt.
There is also homeownership assistance and foreclosure help. They can also help people deal with financial matters in other ways. Click here to read more about debt help and assistance programs, or dial 415.526.7530.
Emergency financial assistance
Adopt a Family of Marin is a small non-profit local organization that serves families with children under the age of 18 that live in Marin County, California. Financial assistance is provided on a case by case basis and includes utility and electric bill shut-off prevention, emergency rent and security deposit payments, safety-related car repair, and food vouchers when available. In addition, the agency offers emotional, case management and workshops as well as information and referrals to community resources. The address is 496 B Street, San Rafael, California 94901, or call the San Rafael California agency at (415) 456-7805.
Salvation Army - Marin Corps provides Marin County residents with short-term emergency assistance including free food, utility bill payment and transportation. There are also various free seasonal and holiday services, ranging from free back to school supplies to turkey dinners, Christmas gifts, and more.
Or try the case management process or immigration services at the Marin County Salvation Army. Get access to emergency food programs and pantries, as well as help with utility bills from the REACH program. Or homeless people can get a free motel voucher or placement into transitional housing. Call (415) 459-4520, or more details on assistance from Marin County Salvation Army.
The Community Action Marin is the non-profit community action agency that serves the low income, unemployed, working poor, and others in the area. They are a non-profit, anti-poverty social services agency that helps people throughout Marin County gain long term stability. The programs they administer include
- Emergency Family Needs Fund - While different organizations have partnered to create this option, the Emergency Family Needs Fund administers an assistance program that provides financial help with bills or free stuff. They support families and individuals who are experiencing a short-term crisis or emergency. Financial assistance is provided in the areas of rent, utility bills, rental deposits, car repair, prescription drugs and medications. There are also eyeglasses and financial help help for other emergencies of an immediate and short-term nature, or look here for free stuff in local area.
- Utility assistance - They administer the low income home energy bill assistance program, known as LIHEAP. It is both an energy assistance and conservation program that serves low to moderate income individuals and families with offering them essential funding for their energy costs and bills, especially during the winter and summer season.
- Food programs - The non-profit tries to address and eliminate food insecurity, including with partner organizations. Community Action of Marin provides guidance on applying for CalFresh (SNAP), free Emergency Food Boxes, or groceries. Staff will teach children about eating healthy foods in their learning gardens, and support local food entrepreneurs or people who need space to start a small business focused on food, meals, or restaurants.
- Get assistance for paying electric bills, as well as receive energy and conservation education, information on free home weatherization measures and referral to other California and federal government energy programs which may include free or reduced cost energy efficient appliances. For customers whose primary heating source is wood or propane, the LIHEAP program can even provide assistance with these payments in lieu of PG&E bills.
- Rental and Eviction Prevention Assistance - Community Action of Marin County helps put a roof over families or individuals heads by providing rental and eviction prevention assistance. There are grants, financial resources, low-income housing information, and housing navigation.
- Financial Empowerment, Job Programs and Workforce Development Programs - No matter what a family's financial situation, they can provide coaching to help with employment, skills development, and other support. People can make a step-by-step plan to create a household budget, rebuild their credit score, pay down bills or manage debt, or get trained for a new career.
- Free Children and Family Services - Community Action arranged high-quality free and/or affordable programs for kids. There is early education, health care, and social support to children and their families, with help available for kids ages pre-natal to school-age. They also help with supporting the development of the home language.
- Head Start is administered from this center. It is a federal government funded child and family development and education program. It offers low-income families and their children with social services, comprehensive health care, education and more. Also included is treatment assistance for health, mental issues and developmental problems. Read more Head Start.
- Resources from Sparkpoint Marin Center - Referrals to state of California benefits, such as CalFresh food stamps are available. Other Marin community action programs from the site include job placement services, credit repair, and help in applying for government grants for expenses such as utility bills or rent.
Call the San Rafael based Community Action Marin at (415) 526-7500.. A number of government and non-profit resources are administered. More information Community Action Marin County.
Ritter Center runs a medical clinic, food pantry, and other programs. Services may be able to offer financial assistance for paying delinquent rent expenses or mortgage payments, or access a rental deposit grant through the Season of Sharing (SOS) fund. In addition, they provide financial assistance for emergency bills and expenses through the Season of Sharing Critical Family Needs (CFN) fund for critical one-time needs that cannot be met through other resources. (415) 457-8182
St. Vincent De Paul Society of Marin County (phone (415) 454-3303) helps the currently homeless, and they also run a program known as The Home Visits Program, which arranges for volunteers to visit needy individuals and families at risk of eviction to provide temporary financial assistance with paying bills, including rental payment as well as cooling, heating and utility bill payment. Assistance provided by the program is paid directly to the landlord or to the utility company.
Other resources offered to Marin County residents can include food, eviction prevention from the Help Desk, and even transportation assistance programs. A focus is on preventing homelessness in the region, so vouchers, grants, and referrals are offered. More details Marin County St. Vincent De Paul.
BayLegal of Marin provides low income families and the elderly with help, some of which may be free. Programs include Economic Justice, which is used for obtaining public assistance such as SSI or medical care. Lawyers can also help with eviction and housing issues and also offer debt or foreclosure counseling. Other civil matters may be addressed in Marin County too. Continue with free Bay Area Legal Aid.
The disabled can also use additional resources. SSI or CalWorks is difficult to live on. There may be a need for mobility equipment, additional grants for paying bills, or transportation to the grocery store or doctor. Help is available, and find disability assistance programs in California..
West Marin Community Resource Center – Partners with county agencies and non-profit community organizations to help people address their basic needs. A number of programs are offered, including these below.
- Financial assistance and grants for paying delinquent electric and utility bills. They work with the PG&E sponsored REACH program and the organization also administers the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) in the area.
- In an emergency situation, may have gasoline, food, and clothing vouchers, financial assistance for paying for car repairs, moving expense, and loans for low income West Marin residents.
- Assistance for finding a job. They are a location for residents to find jobs, and employers can get help finding qualified applicants.
- Food is provided. They run the Supplemental Food Program for low-income seniors (age 60 or over). In addition, food is distributed from the USDA government food box to households through the local Marin Community Food Bank. A Thrift Shop also distributes free household items and clothing to eligible individuals.
- Case management and referrals are available to at-risk clients to help them during difficult times.
- Holiday assistance, including Thanksgiving and Christmas meals and gifts.
- Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Rehousing Program can help people on the verge of eviction or those who are homeless. Resources may include moving cost assistance, short-term rental assistance, utility bill assistance, legal assistance related to eviction, and hotel or motel vouchers.
11431 Highway 1, Suite 20, Point Reyes Station, CA 94956, phone (415) 663-8361
Funds for rent and housing assistance - Several non-profit agencies, churches, charities, and government programs focus on dealing with housing matters. The goal is to prevent homelessness and evictions, so money can be offered to pay rent or deposits in a crisis situation. Also receive counseling and free case management services. Read more rent help in Marin County.
The cost of rentals and leasing a home or apartment in Marin county is very high. Too many families face eviction and need help. There are attorneys that offer legal aid, ESG grants, churches, and many other groups that can assist a struggling tenant. Find a list of resources that offer help to stop an eviction.
Free food in Marin County
The following may be able to provide meals and food to qualified individuals. Saint Stephen’s Church (415) 381-8723 as well as the Salvation Army and St. Vincent, both are which are mentioned above.
A couple dozen other churches, charities, food pantries, and clothing closets are located in Marin County California. They provide the low income, seniors, and unemployed with numerous resources to make it through a difficult period. Find Marin County free food pantry locations.
HUD approved foreclosure counseling
If you are behind on paying your mortgage, and on the verge of foreclosure or if you are a homeowner who received a foreclosure notice, call Fair Housing of Marin. They provide a wide variety of housing resources. Among them they serve as a HUD approved housing counseling agency and provides foreclosure prevention counseling and information on mortgage programs to homeowners. For example, learn about foreclosure mediation.
In addition, they provides intake, counseling and investigation of discrimination complaints, eviction advice, as well as mediation between tenants and owners/managers. Refers individuals to agencies, government programs and private attorneys for legal assistance. San Rafael Call (415) 457-5025.
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