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La Salle County Idaho assistance programs.

Low income families in a financial crisis can get help with everything from rent to medical care, food costs, mortgages, housing, security deposits, and utility bills. La Salle County working poor, elderly, disabled, and single parents amount others may also get free clothes, cash aid, government grants, loans and more for paying bills or other household expenses.

Rent, shelter, and utility bill assistance

The Local Emergency Food and Shelter Board in La Salle County has recently established as priorities rent, shelter and energy assistance as the top funding priorities. There is a tremendous need for heating and energy assistance in La Salle County, Illinois, and the need for this aid has increased dramatically with the slowing economy.

Currently, only minimal assistance and programs are available. Sadly, even fewer resources are available for rent assistance, shelter assistance; and in addition the overall housing expense is high in La Salle County. Underemployed families, senior citizens, and those with disabilities exist on limited incomes in today’s environment. Usually these incomes simply do not go far enough to cover basic shelter and energy bill costs. The United Way of Eastern La Salle County (phone number 815-434-4003) will be the lead agency is distributing the funds and grants.

The Ottawa and LaSalle County Illinois area is served by the Tri-County Opportunities Council. Call them at  (815) 625-7830. They offer the low income access to a host of financial assistance programs, information, and advice. Some of the resources run from the agency include the LIHEAP Program, which was designed to help eligible elderly and low-income households pay for winter energy services and heating bills. Other services run include Head Start, Weatherization, and Transportation Assistance.

One of the local clinics or medical centers is the Health Center of Eastern LaSalle County. They offer prescription coverage for the uninsured, as well as free or low cost health care for low income patients in the community who have no Insurance, no government Medicaid, and no Medicare. Find other Illinois free community clinics, or call 815-431-0400.





Community Care Assistance, which can be reached at 815-434-4003, can provide individuals with utility and heating assistance, as well as funds to pay rent. Call them to apply for help, or to get more information on other non-profit agencies.

Senior citizens can contact Voluntary Action Center at 815-758-3932. They offer programs for Seniors in Ottawa and LaSalle, including home delivered meals and food.

Ottawa Salvation Army, which is located at 516 W Madison Street, can provide access to an onsite Thrift store. They may also be able to facilitate one time grants or assistance for heating and utility bills from NICOR. Once a year may offer limited help with the cost of paying for prescriptions. Some of the other services offered for La Salle families include a thrift store, free Christmas assistance, a food pantry, and much more. Call 433-0798, or click to learn more.


By Jon McNamara

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