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Free legal lawyers in Kansas

Low-income families and seniors will get free legal aid in Kansas. Lawyers, pro-bono attorneys and paralegals provide advice on civil issues. There are free lawyers for tenants, help with benefits applications, bankruptcy or divorce filings and more. Find a free attorney near you in KS as well as legal services.

There is one primary firm to contact for free legal aid as well as supporting services, with consultations offered over the phone, online, or in person. The non-profit, partial government funded Legal Services phone number is below provides assistance. Find more information on the free attorneys services below, as well as who to call for help.

Legal services for housing, tenant issues, and social service applications in KS

Kansas Legal Services offers a number of free consultations and representation to low income families around housing, government assistance applications such as unemployment claims, housing discrimination and more. The programs are focused on the low income, elderly, disabled, single moms and working poor in the community. They can often qualify for free support from an attorney. A wide variety of civil cases can be covered, and advice can be offered on the following types of issues and concerns.

Housing cases are covered. Lawyers provide foreclosure counseling and help tenants that have an eviction notice from their landlord or property owner in Kansas.  There is free advice on dealing with landlord and tenant disputes, representation in local housing court and more.. Lawyers do their part to address illegal lending by banks as well as support tenants with pay or quit notices from a property owner. Lawyers also tackle subprime mortgages issues in the state.

Kansas Legal Services helps with federal government assistance applications benefit programs. Get support in filing for and dealing with benefits in Kansas, including Medicaid (KanCare), Social Security, SNAP (Food Assistance) and WIC. There is also free legal help on applying and resolving disputes in benefit reductions or get legal aid in applying for Kansas Successful Families Program (TANF). Learn more on TANF benefits near you.




Employment issues are supported. Many Kansas employees and low income families need legal advice to deal with employer issues. Get a free lawyer consultations for Job Discrimination, tips on solving unemployment claim disputes, unsafe working conditions, and addressing topics such as age discrimination in employer hiring.

Free attorneys in KS for civil law cases

Lawyers help with a wide variety of civil cases. This includes the topics below and others. As Kansas Legal Services ensure that all people, whether the low-income, people with no money and others get access to legal advice that is either affordable or free.

Consumer and Finance civil cases are addressed by an attorneys, sometimes in partnership with non-profit credit counselors. Topics covered include bankruptcy advice, utility disconnections, predatory lending and help in dealing with payday loans. Lawyers also tackle subprime mortgages issues in the state.

Family law in Kansas. Pro-bono, or volunteer attorneys from Kansas Legal Services help individuals and families deal with a number of civil family issues. This includes protective orders for Domestic Violence, Paternity, Name Change, unpaid child support to single moms or dads in KS, and Custody Disputes.

Elder law attorneys in Kansas specialize in providing free services to older people, including senior citizens, retirees and their family members. In general, the client needs to be age 60 or older. Clients will get help with creating a will, applying for social security benefits, nursing home care and more. They also are offered on a pro-bono basis. Learn more on how to find Elder Law attorneys.

Job Success is another free program from Kansas Legal Services. The lawyers, and local workforce centers, hold a series of group life skills and job readiness classes that also includes individual support. Kansas Legal Services also organizes another program, Expecting Success, which is a job readiness program offered in partnership with Social Rehabilitation Services. It helps women in the community.





Kansas legal aid phone numbers

Call the Kansas Legal Services office that is closest to you for more information. Staff will go over with the caller on how to apply in order to get free legal help. The local offices are as follows.

  • Dodge City (dial 620-227-7349).
  • Pittsburg office is at 620-232-1330.
  • Hays legal services are at 785-625-4514.
  • Seneca legal aid is at 785-336-6016
  • Salina KA legal services, dial 785-825-8147
  • Emporia (phone 620-343-7520).
  • Kansas City low-income families call 913-621-0200.
  • There is also a Legal Assistance Office in Manhattan KS, phone 785-537-2943.
  • Topeka (dial 785-354-8531)
  • Wichita (dial 316-265-9681)

There is also a statewide hotline number for free legal aid from free lawyers in Kansas. This provide consults across the state. In addition to the resources above, there are other free attorneys as well as legal resources in Kansas. Otherwise the main number for the organization is 785-233-2068.


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