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Assistance programs Ingham County and Lansing.

Find the places to get emergency financial assistance in the Lansing area below. Low-income families will get free food, clothes, furniture, or Christmas gifts from charities or churches. Or locate rental assistance, grants to pay utility bills, or free medical or dental care. Find how to get financial help near you in Lansing and Ingham County below

There will be hardship funds to help pay bills as well as free stuff. The goal is to help the elderly, low-income and disabled get the support they need. Or find information on government assistance in Ingham County MI or free cars, school supplies, mortgage programs, and more.

Financial help or grants with bills, rent, groceries and mortgage payments

The Salvation Army in Ingham County Michigan provides a wide variety of assistance to residents. The charity has been able to bring financial aid, comfort and assistance to the poor and struggling of Eaton, Ingham, and Clinton counties in Michigan. They can be reached at (517) 484-4424.

in most years, thousands of local families receive assistance from the various Salvation Army programs. Clients can get support for everything including the following. Note the Salvation Army in the Cpital area of Michigan does have limited resources.

  • Free groceries/food vouchers, utility bill assistance, help with rent, housing and other general financial aid.
  • They also offers ways to get free clothing, Christmas toys and other personal stuff products as well as school supplies.
  • Medical and health care programs offered include free and discounted prescriptions as well as information on health care programs or co-pay assistance.  Find additional ways to get help with health care.
  • Salvation Army social services and transportation aid includes a free bus pass, gas voucher, or car repairs for a job.
  • Heating bill assistance is one focused program the Lansing and Ingham County Salvation Army. The organization will provide monetary assistance and free grants for people who received shut off notices from their gas or utility company. The Salvation Army can provide up to $750 per utility or heating bill for those who qualify for the assistance program.
    In regards to the Lansing TSA Utility Assistance by Salvation Army, the criteria to be eligible include a shut off notice. The heating bill must be in applicant's name or the name of his or her spouse and the applicant must have a current decision notice from the Department of Human Services.




If you are interested in applying or learning more, call the Lansing Salvation Army at (517) 484-4424. The primary address is  525 N Pennsylvania Ave, Lansing, MI 48912. Or read more Lansing Salvation Army assistance programs.

Many Michigan utility and gas companies also will not turn off your service during the winter. For example, The Board of Water and Light said it will not turn off a customers electricity service if they are a senior citizen or other high risk individual. Other gas and electric companies also adhere to regulations on turning off power. There are laws to protect customers from utility disconnections.

Capital Area Community Services offers numerous financial assistance programs. The agency is located in Mason Michigan and it can be reached at (517) 676-1065. The non profit provides direct hardship grants with paying heating and utility bills, mortgage and rent payments. The financial assistance is available at most once in a 12 month period and normally cannot exceed $1500 in total cash aid during that 12 month period.

A major focus of CACS is on homeless prevention. So in addition to the resources noted above, Ingham County families can inquire into referrals or more affordable no-waiting list housing that may be available in the region. There may also be referrals to interest deferred loans as a form of rental assistance. Rehousing may be offered in some towns as well, and that can assist with a security deposit on a new apartment.

The agency also provides debt help, budgeting skills, and energy education workshops, which focus on techniques to reduce energy consumption and utility bills. Money management workshops focus on priorities for household spending and ways to get the most out of the money available to them. There are also legal programs to help settle debts.

In addition, the agency also runs a food pantry, and provides Christmas and holiday meals and gifts. Last but not least they run the weatherization energy saving program. Read Capital Area Community Services programs.

The Ingham County Society of St. Vincent DePaul is another charity organization to contact. The agency provides emergency assistance with paying utility bills, including water, gas, and electric. The applicant must receive a decision notice from the Department of Human Services (DHS) and contact Capital Area Community Services office for assistance before contacting St. Vincent's for the cash funds.





SVDP also has a free thrift store for basic needs, food ,groceries and other stuff. Low-income families can get free furniture and other items. They also run a thrift store on site. Call (517) 484-5395 (517) 484-4228, or find Ingham County St. Vincent assistance programs.

Local Lansing churches help with basic needs, and the volunteers may provide referrals as well. There are a number of centers to try. They operate ministries in Ingham County that offer items like free clothing, school supplies, and a Christmas assistance program. Get free winter coats, boots, or furniture as well as household stuff.

In very rare cases, low cost car repairs may be provided. Other resources from the churches include baby formula and diapers, used furniture, personal goods and referrals to emergency aid. Learn more on Ingham County church assistance programs.

Clinton and Ingham Department Of Veterans Affairs – Two different programs, the Michigan Veterans Trust Fund and Soldiers and Sailors Relief Fund can provide emergency financial assistance and cash grants. The money can be used for paying for utilities, food, housing expenses (rent/mortgage), and even clothing. 5303 South Cedar Street, Lansing, Michigan 48911, call (517) 887-4331

Ingham County branch of Michigan Department Of Human Services – The local office of the state of Michigan emergency financial assistance programs. The government aid is for very low income families, the unemployed, disabled or seniors in the region. Programs include, but are not limited to, emergency assistance for utilities and heating bills if faced with a disconnection.

They also have applications to SNAP  food stamps, Medicaid, TANF, General Expense Assistance, Food, and much more. The location is 320 S Walnut St, Lansing, MI 48933, dial (517) 887-9400, or find more information on public assistance in Ingham County.

Tri-County Office On Aging – The elderly can access this 24 hour crisis program. Apply for up to $200 to pay for expenses such as utility disconnections/shut offs as well as emergency prescription medicines. Volunteer human service professionals provide staffing to the non-profit.

Get information on Meals on Wheels as well as Medicare. Or free rides are given to senior citizens as well as the disabled for local rides. Address is 5303 South Cedar Street Suite 1, Lansing, MI 48911-3800, call (517) 887-1440

Low to moderate income seniors citizens as well as retirees can get other help too. There are discounted medications, Mediare seminars, congregate meals, field trips, and more. A Meals on Wheels service also operates. When it comes to assistance for paying bills, there are also senior citizen low cost loans while waiting on a check.

Housing resources from Lansing Housing Commission are for the very low income, disabled, single moms and seniors. The agency is involved in processing section 8 vouchers and they administer other housing solutions as well, such as HUD-VASH program. There are also low income apartments and homeswith no waiting list  in Ingham County for those that qualify. Most of the rental and/or housing assistance programs have an extensive waiting list in place. Find more details on the Lansing Michigan Housing Commission.

Charter Township Of Meridian - Meridian Township residents in an economic crisis may quality for assistance. Grant money and the Michigan SER program are options. Programs can offer emergency assistance with paying for rent, utilities, mortgage payments, or prescriptions. Or get free bus passes, emergency food, and counselors can offer referrals and other needs on a case-by-case basis. 5151 Marsh Road, Okemos, MI 48864, (517) 853-4200





Housing Services of Mid Michigan offers a number of eviction prevention and foreclosure assistance programs. Some of them are offered directly by the agency, and other resources are available from referrals.

  • Mortgage help and foreclosure counseling is arranged, including information on short sales.
  • Tenants with a pay or quit notice can apply for grants for back rent.
  • The agency offers HUD Housing Choice Mainstream Vouchers and section 8 information.
  • Many other programs are also run. Learn more on Housing Services of Mid Michigan programs.

Volunteers of Michigan in Lansing - Some of the resources available are emergency shelters and low income, transitional apartments and homes. Ingham County Michigan families, veterans, the elderly, and low income families can receive access to several additional housing programs. Other resources are free food, coats for children, thrift stores, and other aid. More on Volunteers of America Michigan.

Stockbridge Community Outreach – The center can provide referrals to appropriate charities and non-profit agencies. The location has a pantry open daily, clothing, utility and rent assistance prescription and transportation monies for the low income. Location is 680 Cherry Street, Stockbridge, Michigan 49285, phone (517) 851-7285

Ingham County eviction and rent help - Individuals or families that are behind on their rent, or that need help in paying a deposit, can apply for assistance. There is support for a wide range of clients, ranging from senior citizens to single parents and others. Money may be issued for rent, there is transitional housing, emergency shelter, and more. Read rental assistance in Ingham County.

Free Christmas and holiday programs are wide ranging. As resources allow, churches, non-profits, and other social service agencies in Ingham County can help the less fortunate. Meals, holiday baskets, toys, gifts, and other assistance is available. Call a center for details. Read more on free holiday help in Central Michigan.

Free foreclosure counseling and debt reduction services

Thousands of Michigan families are facing foreclosure and struggling with debts. The following non-profit agencies may be able to help. Learn about refinancing, payment plans, and credit card or mortgage relief.

Lansing Affordable Homes ((517) 694-6284)- Assists homeowners in Ingham County in negotiating a repayment plan with their bank or mortgage lender. Provides a loss mitigation packet as well. Find additional Michigan mortgage programs.

Greenpath Debt Solutions (phone (517) 321-5836) offers homeowners housing delinquency/foreclosure counseling as well as assists low-income families in debt. There is free reverse mortgage counseling, pre-purchase home buyer education and counseling, rental housing programs and resources for the homeless. Types of housing counseling include the development of a budget and action plan, and referral to appropriate resources and government programs. There is also car payment help.

This agency also offers debt reduction and management plans. Enter into a program to reduce the amount you owe on your credit card or medical debts, and waive fees. More on debt settlement.

Food assistance in Ingham County Michigan

Some of the local churches, food pantries, soup kitchens, and food banks to contact include Faith Fellowship Baptist Church ((517) 853-9897), Haven House ((517) 337-2731), and the City of Lansing Mobile Food Pantry (phone (517) 483-4477). They may give groceries, serve holiday meals, provide snacks to kids, and more. There are several other food distribution centers and churches to contact. Find more free food banks in Ingham County and Lansing.

Health care for low income and uninsured

Health insurance in pricey in the region. There are counselors and specialists that go over options with consumers. They discuss federal programs like Medicaid and private plans. As an example, find how to get low cost health insurance.







Care Free Medical and Dental Clinics is involved in providing ongoing primary dental and medical care to persons without health insurance. They also assist the low income or patients without access to quality health care. Low-income people, the elderly, adults and kids can all get free medical or dental, eye exams and more. Low income individuals may also qualify. Phone (517) 244-0120. The address is 790 E Columbia St, Mason, MI 48854.

His Healing Hands Health Center is located in Lansing, but serves Ingham County and Mason families. The facility is a walk-in clinic that is open to the uninsured and underinsured in the community. Call (517) 882-0056

Cristo Rey Community Center is a Family Health Clinic that is staffed by a full time medical team, including doctors and nurses. The site is open daily from 8-5. The staff is bilingual in Spanish. Services offered by the clinic include, preventative care, treatment for acute and chronic illness, counseling, first aid, flu shots, diagnostic services and education and information. Fees are based on a sliding scale. Dial (517) 372-4700. The address is  1717 N High St, Lansing, MI 48906.


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