Rent assistance El Paso County Texas.
Find a listing of El Paso Texas rental assistance programs for both the city and county. A number of churches, charities, and government agencies provide low-income families with funds to pay their rent, security deposits or moving costs in an emergency. There is help for Spanish speakers, immigrants (including Mexican), the low income, and tenants close to eviction. Find help with paying rent near you in El Paso County TX.
In addition to a grant or loan for paying rental arrears many individuals may be able to qualify for help with paying security deposits, moving expenses, and storage cost assistance. While each program will have certain qualifications that need to be met, the bottom line is that thousands of people in El Paso County receive housing or rent assistance every year.
Some of the programs have a goal of providing emergency rental assistance to prevent an eviction, and others are targeted at the homeless and trying to get them into a new home or apartment. Section 8 HUD vouchers are also for long term rent subsidized homes.
Unfortunately not everyone will receive help. The deciding factor will be the specific criteria established by the El Paso Texas non-profit agency administering the particular program and the guidelines they have in place. In addition, it is always best to ask for rental help early in the process, ideally even before you receive an eviction notice.
It is widely recognized that is is far more effective, and less costly, to provide people with help before they lose their homes. If someone is homeless, it is much more challenging, and expensive, to get them back on the feet and into a home. That is why this assistance program was created. The idea is to provide short term emergency help and then wean recipients off the program as people get reestablished.
Get help with rent in El Paso TX
Department of Community and Human Development - Distributes rent and housing grants from the federal government stimulus created Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program. The goal is to prevent evictions, keep people in their homes and apartments, and even pay deposits and moving costs for new homes. Address is 300 N. Campbell, El Paso, Texas 79901, call 915-546-8150.
El Paso MHMR HUD Supportive Housing - Homeless adults who also have a mental illness and who are clients of El Paso MHMR may receive rental assistance. Call (915) 562-5898
Missouri Street SRO (Single Resident Occupancy) – People who need temporary transitional housing can access a private room and other services. Address is 526 W Missouri Ave #16, El Paso, TX 79901. Phone (915) 533-1761.
Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid Inc. - Offers free or low cost legal advice for El Paso Texas individuals. Some of the advice deals with landlord/tenant issues, such as eviction prevention or family law. Free lawyers also coordinate applications to government and public assistance or credit assistance. Homeless are also provided guidance and attorneys deal with housing discrimination for Spanish speaking applicants or minorities among others. Call (915) 585-5100, or the address is 1331 Texas Avenue, El Paso, Texas, 79901.
Myrtle SRO - Single women may qualify for rental assistance, shelter, or rooms. Counseling, case management, and self sufficiency programs are offered too. (915) 577-0357
Catholic Charities/St. Vincent de Paul - Administers emergency services for needy local families which may include rent, utilities, and housing assistance. Also get help apply for government welfare programs such as Section 8 vouchers. Many churches and charities around El Paso Texas administer the program. (915) 564-4357 or (915)877-7030, and the address of that center is 6950 Third St, Canutillo, TX 79835. Continue with El Paso Texas St. Vincent de Paul.
TVP Non Profit Housing Corporation - Low income families and individuals, the working poor, and disadvantaged may qualify for affordable housing or apartments. (915) 858-0607
Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church may have rent help on a case by case basis. Address is 8600 Winchester Rd., El Paso, Texas 79907. Dial (915) 859-7939. Any financial aid is on a case by case basis. There may be emergency funds for rent, housing, utilities, and more. Free furniture vouchers for furniture can also be combined with rent help to get settled into an apartment in El Paso County.
Aliviane Inc. Administration provides support to veterans and their families. This includes housing, case management, loans, or rental assistance to veterans facing eviction. Location is 616 N Virginia St. in El Paso. Call 915-533-3132.
El Paso County General Assistance Low income families, the disabled, and even single moms can get cash aid. Funds or grants for rent, security deposits, storage or relocation costs and other bills. They also help with mortgages or home loans. There are two offices. 9521 Socorro Road, Suite B1, El Paso, Texas 79927 (phone (915) 859-4101) as well as 6314 Delta Dr., El Paso, TX 79905 (dial (915) 775-2791).
American GI Forum is for veterans, military service members and/or their families. The location is 5959 Gateway W Blvd, El Paso, TX 79925. Telephone number is (915) 774-0525. Only veterans and their families can get emergency help. Everything from shelters to rental, deposits, or first months rent assistance is paid out.
Housing Authority of the City of El Paso HUD program helps disabled veterans or those with a mental illness. They also run Section 8 income based housing for the poor and low income. Low income apartments are offered, as well as grants for paying the security deposit or first months rent on them. There also pay out section 8 vouchers for rent subsidized housing. Telephone number is 915-849-3742, and address is 5300 East Paisano Drive, El Paso, Texas 79905
Emergency loans are provided for paying bills (or rent), including to El Paso Texas borrowers with bad or no credit. Funds can also be given to immigrants, Spanish speakers and the “unbanked”. There are cash checking stores, title or payday loans for paying housing, and other options. Continue with emergency loans for rent or bills in El Paso Texas.
TRLA offers free legal aid to qualified low income or senior families. Support is for residents that are in the process of being evicted. Homeless prevention and landlord / tenant mediation is also available. 915-585-5100.
HOPWA Housing Opportunities for People with AIDSis available in El Paso County. This is federally funded and can offer rent help, utility bill assistance, or funds for other mortgage/housing needs. Dial 915-590-2118.
El Paso Salvation Army - Resources include a homeless shelter and transitional housing. In addition, if you are faced with imminent eviction, some emergency funds may be offered to pay rent. They also help immigrants, Mexicans, and migrant workers with housing. Call (915) 544-9811. There are multiple locations, including one at 3920 Morehead Ave, El Paso, Texas 79930. Or read more on rent assistance El Paso County TX Salvation Army.
Opportunity Center - Provides rent help and/or emergency shelter for individuals without children. Other programs include food, clothing, housing, and other programs to assist the homeless. Phone (915) 577-0357, or the address is 1208 Myrtle Avenue, El Paso, Texas 79901-1602.
Centro Mujeres de la Esperanza - Call for referrals and counseling. Mailing address is 1101 Birch St, El Paso, TX 79930, and phone number is (915) 545-1890.
City of El Paso - The government agency runs the Community Development Block Grant, Homeless Prevention and the Emergency Shelter Grant. Additional services may be administered as well, such as Home Investment Partnership program, Emergency rental assistance, the Retired Senior Volunteer Program, and Section 8 for the City of El Paso, Texas.
Programs help to provide housing, comprehensive energy and utility bill assistance, food stamps, and rent assistance. This is a leading non-profit for the El Paso region. If the agency can’t assist, referrals may be offered for other homeless prevention services or interest free loan programs for paying rent. Staff can also direct immigrants to low income housing or guide low income families to security deposit help. Main phone number is (915) 541-4211.
YWCA El Paso Del Norte Region - Runs programs for women and families, residence support, and job training. (915) 566-2762
Veterans Lodge – Shelter Plus Care - The organizations has housing and rent solutions for chronically homeless veterans. (915) 204-1715
El Paso Department of Community and Human Development coordinates homeless prevention in the county and city. may be used to pay for rental arrears, moving or storage costs, and deposits for utility connections or first months rent. Some charities that participate may also issue a hotel voucher while enrolling the client into case management. Based on federal and state of Texas funding, resources available include short term rent help, placement into shelters, legal support, and rehousing. Federal grants fund these services, and locate eviction help in El Paso County.
International AIDS Empowerment - HIV and AIDs patients can get information, referrals, and financial assistance. The office is at 800 Montana Ave, El Paso, TX 79902, call (915)590-2118
Christ Miracle Mission - Clothes, food, housing, and crisis programs administered. Mailing address is 2219 Magoffin Ave, El Paso, Texas 79901, or call (915) 577-9992.
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