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Aransas, Bee, Kenedy, Kleberg, Live Oak, McMullen, Refugio assistance programs.

Learn about the financial assistance programs available for this area of Texas. Residents of McMullen, Aransas, Bee, Kenedy, Kleberg, Live Oak, and Refugio Texas can get help for rent, energy bills, food, and other forms of aid. Find the main churches, charities, and non-profits to apply at below. Both emergency financial help as well as job programs, immigration services, and debt/foreclosure counseling is available to qualified residents.

Rockport-Fulton Good Samaritans - This non-profit agency assists the low income, unemployed, and families undergoing a hardship. Get financial help and grants to help with electric and gas bills, prescription medication payments, new or gently used clothing, transportation, and rent payment assistance. Call (361)790-9828.

Aransas County Government - This government agency administers utility, and rental assistance programs, provides free food, and may also be able to offer medical and prescription expense payment for indigent residents. (361)790-0100

Beeville Vineyard - The agency provides basic needs assistance for clothing, food, prescription medications, and gas money and funds. Beeville Texas. (361)358-2075

Kleberg County Human Services - Provides payment assistance for qualified low income individuals. Get help paying rent, food, and gas and electric bills. (361)595-8574

Institute of Rural Development, which is based in Kingsville Texas and can be reached at (361)592-1303, can assist county residents that have current utility disconnection notices. The amount of financial assistance offered to a qualified applicant is determined by the applicant's maximum allowable amount of assistance which is based on the families or individuals total household income. (361)592-1303





Live Oak Outreach - This agency offers free food, gently used or discounted clothing, and household items to low to moderate income individuals and families. Provides shelter and food for homeless people in the community as well. George west Texas. (361)449-1860

Live Oak County Government (phone (361)449-2733) provides financial assistance for utility bills. Click here to learn about other energy programs.

Bee Community Action Agency - It serves residents of all the surrounding counties including Kenedy, Aransas, Bee, Kleberg, Live Oak, McMullen, and Refugio Texas. Several programs and resources are offered to the low income.

  • Emergency Food and Shelter - This federal government program supplements the work of local non-profit agencies and charities to assist people in need of emergency assistance relating to food, shelter and may help them pay their rent an/or mortgage.
  • Head Start - May be able to provide medical, educational, dental and mental health services to low-income, language disadvantaged, or disabled children.
  • Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program - This state of Texas program offers households energy related services, and it is focused on low-income persons.
  • Weatherization/Energy Conservation - Home energy conservation measures for low-income households can help them save money on utility bills.
  • Community Block Grants - Direct services, grants, and aid is offered to low-income clients.
  • The non-profit agency also offers referrals, case management, and other guidance. The centers tries to help people overcome the challenges that lead to low income status or unemployment.

Call the Bee Community Action Agency at (361) 358-5530.




Shelters and transitional housing - Resources range from a place to stay for a night to more longer term facilities. Basic needs like clothing and free food may be offered from the Coastal Bend transitional housing programs. Also get information on permanent homes and financial assistance programs, such as section 8 vouchers or funds for deposits. Continue transitional housing and shelter in Coastal Bend.

Salvation Army has locations in the region. While the main centers are in the Kleberg County region, they can provide referrals, guidance, and other support. Additional centers are located in the coastal area as well. Some locations may have financial aid for paying emergency bills, such as rent or energy costs. Another focus is placed on housing, including shelter and transitional services. The Salvation Army and its social workers also try to provide access to Thanksgiving and Christmas meals and gifts and other basic needs. Read more Kleberg area Salvation Army assistance.

Community Action Corporation of South Texas provides assistance, referrals, and resources to income qualified families in counties such as McMullen, Kleberg, and others in coastal Texas. Some of what is available is below.

  • Medical assistance, including information on Children’s Health Insurance and Medicaid.
  • Programs for paying utility bills, including weatherization, free conservation, and grants from LIHEAP.
  • Assistance for senior citizens and the disabled in Texas.
  • Veterans can receive low income, affordable housing.
  • Referrals to loan programs for everything from medical needs to rent or utilities.
  • Other programs are offered by CACOST too. Find details on assistance from Community Action Corporation of South Texas.





Coastal Bend free or low cost clothing closets - If you are trying to find low cost, gently used clothes, school supplies, or household goods for your family or children, a clothing closet may be an option. Some of the non-profits may even provide free items or vouchers to the less fortunate. Locations are across the region, including in Kleberg and Live Oak County and they assistance hundreds of families per year. Some may even have financial aid or referrals. Learn more about southeaster Texas clothing closets.


By Jon McNamara

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