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Rental assistance programs in Webb County.

Laredo County charities, churches, and government agencies provide emergency rental assistance to the low income, working poor, qualified immigrants and others. The housing resources available in Webb County Texas range from grants to rent subsidized apartment from section 8, money to pay for security deposits, free legal aid and more. Find details on financial resources that help pay for housing, as long as other financial aid, below.

All rent assistance is offered only when requirements are met and funding exists. Almost all funds are issued on a first come-served basis. Even when a homeless shelter is full, or an agency has no money available to help pay rent or a utility/security deposit, many Webb County residents can also give referrals to other community resources. As there can be “non-traditional” forms of housing assistance, or non-monetary support. That can be legal aid, loans for families with no credit, agencies such as Catholic Charities that help immigrants, and more.

Bethany House of Laredo - Barbara A. Kazen Center for Hope
Address is 817 Hidalgo St
Laredo, Texas 78040
Telephone number is 956-722-4152
The main resource is the Homelessness Prevention Program. HUD guidelines as well as those from ESG are followed. But when qualified, there may be emergency rental assistance. There may also be money for utility bills, including water, if the unpaid bill can lead to an eviction.

CCDOL, which is the Catholic Charities Diocese of Laredo
1919 Cedar Ave
Laredo, TX 78040
Telephone number is 956-722-2443
Webb County churches offer intake to various social services as well as financial aid programs. This may include rent (to stop homelessness), security deposits, energy bills, food, clothes, and even furniture. Immigrants, including migrant workers or refugees, can get housing assistance and items for the home, including furniture too.




Laredo Salvation Army
Main address is 408 Matamoros St.
Laredo, TX 78040
Rent payment assistance and other social support is for low income families. This is also for the elderly, unemployed, and single moms. In addition, there are free motel vouchers, hotel shelters, counseling, and more. Any financial help for rent or utilities is combined with case management. Find more details on Salvation Army housing assistance Webb County.

Laredo HSDA HIV/AIDS Services Consortia
Location is 1115 Chihuahua St , Ste B
Laredo, TX 78040
Only patients, or their families, with HIV and AIDs can get help. Medical, rent assistance, health equipment for the home or apartment, and more.

Community Action Corporation of Webb County and South Texas
Location is 204 E First St.
Alice, Texas 78332
361-664-0145  or (361) 664-3171
The H4TH program from FQHC helps veterans. There is grants for security deposits or back rent, storage cost help, job programs, transportation and more. They also help veterans and active military members (spouses or children) get cash aid, which can help with rental or mortgage costs.

Laredo Housing Authority
2000 San Francisco Avenue
Laredo Texas 78040
Main telephone number is (956) 722-0221 or (956) 722-4521
Low income families, seniors and disabled can get rent subsidized and/or income based housing. The agency offers section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers. This also gives self-sufficiency, family development, and public housing.





City Community Development
Address 1301 Farragut
Laredo, Texas 78040
Phone - (956)795-2675
They offer the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program as well as TBRA - Tenant-Based Rental Assistance. TBRA is for low income senior citizens, and they need to pay 30% of their income (whether from retirement or social security) for rent, which includes utility bill expenses for water and electricity.

Texas RioGrande Legal Aid
Office address is 1702 Convent Ave.
Laredo, TX 78040
Phone: (956) 718-4600
Free legal advice and representation for tenants facing eviction, housing discrimination issues, and other civil matters. They can also help the poor apply for financial aid from the government, including section 8 or rent assistance.

By Jon McNamara

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