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Assistance programs in Wayne County Ohio.

Grant money is available from charities, churches and the government in Wayne County OH with the funds provided to help low-income families pay their bills. There is assistance with a utility bill or housing costs, vouchers that pay for gas or transportation and other social services. Find financial help near you in Wooster and Wayne County.

Financial resources to pay bills for basic needs

Salvation Army has a few centers in the county. As resource levels allow, it provides emergency funds up to rental assistance. Or families in Wayne County will get financial help to pay a utility or electric bill. Basic medical is arranged, and the charity provides vouchers to be used to pay for clothing or furniture. A food pantry is at most sites and they also have Christmas meals and free gifts / toys for children. Main Wayne County center, 437 S Market St., Wooster, OH 44691, (330) 264-4704

Shreve United Methodist Church – Offers short term, emergency financial assistance to Shreve residents only. Any emergency help is for those who are facing utility disconnection or behind on their rent and owe back payments. The church also tries to provide free gasoline vouchers for a job interview or medical appointment All applications are reviewed on a one off basis. Call (330) 567-2051. Or the location is 430 N Main St, Shreve, OH 44676.

People to People Ministries is based in Wooster at 454 E Bowman St. As a last resort, provides temporary financial help with rental expenses, security deposits, and utility bill payments. The charity may also help with electric or heat well when faced with a disconnection. Or get food, clothes, firewood or oil during the winter and more. Only small partial payments are made. The charity is at  454 E Bowman St, Wooster, OH 44691. Call (330) 262-1662

Wayne County Job and Family Services offers assistance as a last resort. A number of needs can be met by the county, government affiliated organization. Any support provided is short term and is for needs that can’t be addressed using existing community resources. Some examples of the services for low-income families, seniors or single moms include the following.

Prevention, Retention and Contingency (PRC) can pay for housing expenses such as rent or security deposits. There is also funding offered for utility expenses, including heating bills and HEAP applications.




  • The Job and Family Services can also help Wayne County families with other needs. While the organization will normally offer cash assistance, in some cases certain applicants may be provided with a loan for their bills. This can include car repairs, water bill payments, propane, clothing, and food.
  • Emergency transportation cab be arranged for low-income families that need it for work, and this can include money to pay for a bus ticket or a free pass. It is for emergency reasons only. Look here for a bus pass for free.

Low income families can receive free health or dental care from Medicaid, or apply for public aid such as TANF or food stamps. There are a few offices in the county, including one at 356 W North St., Wooster, OH 44691. Call (330) 287-5800.

Community Action Wayne/Medina is part of the nationwide network. The objective is to provide short term support while case managers are working with clients and helping them exit poverty. They process applications for government grant money, offer referrals, and more.

  • Call the agency CAWM for help with heating bills, both regular and crisis HEAP components. A focus is on families with eviction or disconnection notices. Find other utility programs in Ohio
  • They also have details on free food pantries or low cost medical care in Wayne County Ohio.
  • A focus is on children, and seniors as well, and both Head start and senior care can be facilitated. Locate help for low income elderly people in OH.
  • Or inquire into homeless prevention, which can include both mortgage and rental assistance for low income families in Wayne County OH.

Social service type resources are provided by the Wayne community action agency. There are options for new mothers or single parents, such as free food and formula from WIC. Contact the agency at at 905 Pittsburgh Ave, Wooster, OH 44691. Call  (330) 264-8677, or find more details on community action in Wayne County.

Wayne County Veterans Service Commission helps families of active military personnel. The agency addresses shelter (including rent or mortgage relief), offers free food and money for utility bills. Financial assistance is in the form of vouchers for paying costs.





The focus is on families or veterans on a fixed income or with little or very low household incomes. Other programs pass out grocery vouchers in emergency situations. There is also affordable housing with monthly rent stipends, utility payments, burial costs and mortgage help. Address is 356 W North St. Lower Level, Wooster, Ohio 44691. Main phone (330) 345-6638.

Free holiday programs - When facing a hardship, Wayne County families, including seniors, the homeless and those with children, can get Thanksgiving and/or Christmas help. This may include toys, games, clothing, and more. Some meal sites and pantries may also have gift baskets for Wayne County residents. Click for details on Wayne County free holiday programs.

Saint Stephen Catholic Church at West Salem Community School House – For families struggling with utility bills, including water, sewer, electric, and gas, the charity may have limited funds to assist. There is also emergency help for single moms in the county. Call (419) 853-4948 or (419) 853-4946

American Red Cross Lake Erie Heartland Chapter – Able to financially assist individuals and families that need to be affected by a house fire, flood or other natural disaster. Any assistance, whether financial or not, needs to fall into that category. In addition, the American Red Cross will provide services to aid the individuals in their recovery. Call (330) 264-9383

Eviction prevention, rent help, and housing assistance - Tenants with an eviction notice, or those close to it, can seek financial or legal help rather than be forced to live in a shelter. While funds are limited, and the agencies require personal responsibility, so of the assistance may be as follows.

  • ESG grants for paying back rent, energy bills, or security deposits.
  • Counseling for everything from legal aid to tips on locating an affordable apartment.
  • Other resources may be shelter, transitional housing, and rent assistance for single parents with kids. Continue with rent help in Wayne County.

Free groceries and food programs help low-income families. There are several churches, charities, and non-profits that provide basic needs. Not only can it be a box of food, but they may have clothing or other items as well. Free meals may be served to the low income and homeless too, in particular around the holidays. There are several non-profit food distribution centers in Wayne County. Churches and other agencies assist the poor and less fortunate. Locate a food bank in Wanye County OH.

Viola Startzman Free Clinic in Wooster Ohio offers numerous medical bill assistance programs. While some care is free, others may be available at a minimal fee. The community clinic offers flu shots to current patients, arthritis care, mental health counseling, and checkups.

  • Some of the care includes emergency medical and psychiatric services, weight management program, a heart center and basic check-ups. Looking into free medications from their patient assistance programs as well. Call (330) 262-2500 for intake and appointments or the address is 1739 Cleveland Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691.


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