Free food pantries in Wayne County Ohio.
Several non-profits and charities in Wayne County offer food assistance to needy families, seniors, and others. Many of the people calling upon the pantries are doing so for the first time and it is mostly due to the challenging economic environment. What may be offered includes canned goods, bags of groceries, fruits, vegetables, and even special Thanksgiving meals.
Hundreds of residents from Wooster and the surrounding county turn to a food bank each month for their basic needs. If a center can’t meet your needs, then referrals may be offered. For example, some of the non-profits can provide information on state of Ohio benefits such as SNAP food stamps, government commodities and similar support.
Apple Creek United Methodist Church 269 W Main St. Apple Creek, OH 44606 Main phone (330) 698-3101 The pantry at the church provides free emergency food and meals to those in need. The items passed out in Wayne County may include canned, boxed and frozen items, along with milk and fresh produce.
Faith United Methodist Church 124 Mill St. Burbank, Ohio 44214 (330) 624-5842
Salvation Army centers in Creston region Address: 121 Factory St. Creston Village, OH 44217 Main phone number is (330) 435-4321 Part of the nationwide Salvation Army centers of Ohio.
Dalton Baptist Church Address is 400 Lincoln View Dr. Dalton, OH 44618 Call the pantry at (330) 828-8302 for information on hours and food resources.
Doylestown United Methodist Church Main location is 153 Church St. Doylestown, OH 44230 (330) 658-7744 They run a so called community cupboard. This means the charity can offer emergency food to Chippewa as well as Doylestown Township residents. Formula, non-perishable goods, and other items may be served.
Ministries of Mother Hubbard at New Hope Christian Center Food bank address: 236 N Walnut St. Orrville, OH 44667 (330) 749-5800
Orrville Christian Church – Loaves and Fishes partner Main address is 925 North Elm Street Orrville, Ohio 44667 (330) 682-3686 As donations allow, the Wayne County center provides monthly emergency food to Wayne County residents, seniors, and the homeless.
Maiwurm Service Center - Salvation Army Main address is 401 W High St. Orrville, OH 44667 Phone - (330) 683-3138 Some of what is available includes a food pantry, thrift store, and public aid such as SNAP food stamps. Case managers may also have referrals to other programs, including some emergency financial support.
Crown Hill Mennonite Church Main address is 9693 Benner Rd. Rittman, OH 44270 Call (330) 927-1716
Eastern Road Church of God Main address is 2600 Eastern Rd. Rittman, Ohio 44270 Telephone - (330) 927-0448
Rittman United Methodist Church Main address - 211 N Metzger Ave. Rittman, OH 44270 Call (330) 925-4015
Shreve United Methodist Church of Wayne County 430 N Main Street Shreve, OH 44676 (330) 567-2051 Temporary food assistance is only for residents of the immediate town and community.
Saint Stephen Catholic Church at West Salem Community School House Wayne 99 E Buckeye St. West Salem, OH 44287 Main phone number - (419) 853-4703
Truth Baptist Church - Pantry 9777 Kline Rd. West Salem, OH 44287 (216) 272-0887 Clothing, boxes of food, and referrals are just some of the services offered.
Hands of Grace United Pentecostal Church 4497 Melrose Dr. Wooster, Ohio 44691 Telephone - (330) 345-8550
People to People Ministries Address: 454 E Bowman St. Wooster, OH 44691 Telephone - (330) 262-1662 Bags of groceries, boxes of free food, milk, breads, and more may be offered. Meals can be served too. Or some clothes and limited financial help.
Seventh Day Adventist Church Address is 445 N Bever Street Wooster, OH 44691 (330) 601-3174
Wooster Hope Center Location is 342 Nold Ave. Wooster, OH 44691 Main phone number is (330) 683-2242
Wooster Hope Center at Wayne County Fairgrounds Main address is 199 Vanover St. Wooster, OH 44691 Telephone - (330) 683-2242
Zion Lutheran Church Wooster 301 N Market St. Wooster, Ohio 44691 (330) 262-5606 Emergency food, basic clothing, and special holiday meals (such as Turkeys at Thanksgiving) may be served.