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Assistance programs Wayne County North Carolina.

Find how to get financial help and free items in Wayne County NC. Below are churches, charities, and government benefits for low-income families, single moms and the elderly. Agencies provide emergency help for rent or utility bills, grant money, free food from pantries, and also clothes, school supplies, and more. Get financial assistance near you in Wayne County NC.

Struggling families in the Goldsboro area can will get free medical or dental care, foreclosure counseling, Christmas toys, and free household stuff. There are also transportation programs too, including free cars for single parents or repairs to an auto.

Community Action grant money in Goldsboro NC area

Over the years, tens of thousands of people have been receiving help from the Wayne County Community Action Agency, better known as WAGES. While they do offer several resources to help families, the most effective at helping people with their bills include the following.

  • Save on your heating and energy bills from The Weatherization Program. This assistance program will help reduce the energy burden and expenses for lower income households. Qualified hospitals will receive free energy saving upgrades, such as extra insulation, caulking, and more. You can save hundreds of dollars per year. Learn more on free government weatherization.
  • For appliances and more, the HARRP program focuses on the replacement and repair of water heaters, heating and cooling appliances and devices, and more. The aid is for elderly and disabled families. The HARPP program is for Lenoir, Wayne, and Greene Counties.
  • Counseling and free advice is provided too. The overall mission of WAGES and the Self-sufficiency Project is to provide comprehensive case management, financial counseling, resources to assist with medical bills, and other aid that will strengthen and empower the entire family unit by equipping every family served with the skills needed to help themselves over the long term.
  • WAGES free food programs are offered. A major focus is on offering Meals on Wheels to senior citizens, the homebound and disabled in Goldsboro NC and Wayne County. They also help low-income families get benefits, such as SNAP in the region which is called Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) in NC.




Other financial help is provided to low-income families. Overall, the WAGES community action group is dedicated to helping individuals and families improve their quality of life, health and also gain independence. WAGES will do whatever they can and advocate for the low income and the disadvantaged; they will encourage people to raise their self-esteem through education and job training; and mobilize public, community, and private resources to help people find jobs. Even learn how to get a free training for CDL.

They are located at 601 Royall Ave., Goldsboro, NC 27534. Phone number is 919-734-1178.

Wayne County NC assistance for bills, housing, and free counseling

The Goldsboro North Carolina Salvation Army offers a host of assistance programs, social services, and financial resources. The charity helps low income families, single moms, the homeless and individuals who need help. Some of the services they provide include.

  • Emergency Financial Assistance - Rent Assistance, Money for Utility Bills, even occasional funds for prescription medications.
  • Low Cost Family Stores - The thrift store sells Clothes, Household items, cheap couches or furniture  and more.
  • Various worship centers and classes for counseling.
  • Free stuff and Basic needs. The Salvation Army Army will give out free food to Christmas toys, school notebook, supplies or uniforms, and more. There is Adopt a Family holiday help in Goldsboro NC, free school supply giveaways and Thanksgiving meals.
  • Youth and Senior Assistance Programs. This ranges from summer snacks to kids to after school care or summer camp.

The Wayne County Salvation Army can be reached at 919.735.4811. The thrift store also has an office on site. For more details, locate assistance from Goldsboro Salvation Army.

Another charity agency to call is the Goldsboro Society of St. Vincent DePaul. This agency offers counseling as well as low income programs. Case workers also give clients information on options for help, and may even have limited financial assistance for paying emergency bill. They also try to coordinate free medical care of health insurance programs for the community. Call SVDP at 919-734-5033, or the address is 1000 N Jefferson Ave, Goldsboro, NC 27530.





National and regional agencies provide rent and housing help. There are government grant programs, cash loans, legal aid, eviction defense services, security deposit help and much more. The goal is both to stop homelessness and get families into a home or apartment. Find more details on help for rent.

Wayne County Veterans Services helps veterans, their families, and gives referrals to current service members. Get help with housing needs or VA benefits for medical care. There is financial literacy services, food programs, and staff that help veterans in obtaining federal government and state benefits, including free grant money or shopping services, including shop my exchange clearance. Address is 2001 E Ash St, Goldsboro, NC 27530, and dial (919) 731-1490 or (919) 705-6492

Department of Social Services of Wayne County. This government department offers multiple assistance programs including SNAP, which is also the Food and Nutrition Services (FNS). Or get free insurance from Medicaid, Work First Family Assistance, Housing Vouchers, and Emergency Assistance. DSS is at 301 N Herman St, Goldsboro, NC 27530, phone: (919) 580-4034. Learn how to get cash assistance in NC.

Legal Aid of North Carolina provides low-income families, seniors and the indigent free lawyers. Get a consultation or advice for Civil legal needs, including to stop an eviction, benefit applications and more in Wayne County. The pro-bono attorneys are at 102 S William St Ste A, Goldsboro, NC 27530. Call (866) 219-5262

Free food banks and soup kitchens - Several locations help feed and clothe low income families. Resources include free groceries, hot meals, Christmas toys or meals, and hygiene products too. Each food pantry has their own focus as well as resources.

If a center can’t help, ask for referrals. As they are a source of information for the community as well, and volunteers try to assist. Clients can even learn about Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) (SNAP food stamps) applications too or an EBT card for low-income families or seniors. More on Wayne County free food pantries.


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