Public assistance and government benefits from Minnesota DHS.
Low income families and people with no money can get help from public assistance programs in Minnesota with applications accepted by the Department of Human Services (DHS). Everything from cash benefits to SNAP food stamps from MNBenefits, disability, Medicaid (MA Medical Assistance) and other government benefits programs are offered. Learn more on DHS and public assistance in MN below.
The low-income, seniors on a fixed income, disabled and unemployed will get help. A number of state government run benefits and social services listed by Minnesota county below are focused on helping the working poor and low income meet their basic needs. The Minnesota Department of Human Services can help with food, housing, medical bills, and other expenses.
Public cash assistance and food benefits in Minnesota
Receive both free government money and food from the Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP). This is the state of Minnesota’s public assistance/welfare program for low-income families with children, including single mothers. Many people may refer to it as TANF, and it can also help pay rent costs. Learn more on assistance for low-income families with rent.
The Minnesota MFIP program can help lower income and disadvantaged families get a job and pay bills over the short term. The government benefit program will help pay for housing, transportation, utilities, food and other bills. After applying for cash assistance, most families will then need to participate in the Diversionary Work Program, or DWP.
The primary goal of this multiple month long program is to help parents find a job and obtain work. The Family Investment Program (MFIP) may be able to help families transition to economic stability, pay their bills, and find a job. Parents are expected to work in order to receive public assistance, and are supported in working. There are many other government financial assistance programs.
SNAP food stamps from MNBenefits are offered. The state of Minnesota EBT card is used to help families get Food and groceries. SNAP benefit will also help lower income people with their grocery and nutritional needs. Services provided can include Expedited Food Support, emergency groceries, USDA benefits, Food Stamps (which is now known as Food Support), an EBT card and government aid. The goal is to feed families as well as kids. There are other benefits for people on EBT, and even learn about getting a free tablet using an EBT card.
The Food Support program, also called SNAP Food Stamps, is offered at the county level, but at the end of the day it is a federal government paid for program that helps low income Minnesotans buy the groceries they need for well-balanced meals and sound nutrition. An EBT card is issued to low-income MN families. It can help stop hunger. The program issues electronic food support benefits and vouchers that people use as part of their budget. Or turn to a free food pantry in Minnesota.
Another option is the Minnesota Food Assistance Program, which is paid for by the state and is for people age 50 or older. It was created as a result of federal government law changes which made certain non-citizens ineligible for federally funded food stamps. It is yet another resources available using public assistance. State funds are provided from MFAP to replace the public assistance benefits lost when federal Food Support eligibility ends. Free food, resources and vouchers from MFAP are only offered for people over 50 who are not citizens.
The Child Care Assistance Program can help qualifying low income families both find affordable child care and also pay for it. Some people may be given free daycare from DHS in Minnesota. The state of Minnesota’s Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) will help make high quality day care affordable for income-eligible families.
Various qualifications need to be met, and Child Care Assistance is available to families that had an MFIP case close within the last 12 months and for low income families participating in Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP). In addition, some low-income families in Minnesota may be eligible for the Basic Sliding Fee program. More on free daycare in Minnesota.
Minnesota Diversionary Work Program will help families find a job and gain employment. IT also builds work skills and coordinates free job training. The Department of Human Services can help parents immediately go to work to gain an income rather than go on welfare or public assistance. Those grants can then be used to pay the families living expenses as they look for a job, even using games to make money. Read about making money playing games.
Interested parents will be expected and required to sign an employment plan with the state before their family is approved for DWP. After families have an agreed upon employment plan, clients will then be able to receive financial and public assistance to meet their basic needs and pay bills. Low income families will also be able to get other support, such as health care assistance, food support and child care.
Minnesota Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) and Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) are part of a statewide resettlement program. Public programs administered include employment, social services, cash and medical bill assistance, and job placement resources. These government funded benefits, which are paid for at the federal level, are available to a refugee for the first eight months after they arrive in the country. Your local county human service agencies and voluntary resettlement agencies run the refugee programs.
The Department of Human Services General Assistance Program can help childless married couples as well as single adults who are unable to work and can’t afford to pay their bills. There is government money for people with no money or source of income in MN. It is their primary safety net for paying for basic needs and bills.
The Minnesota General Assistance program provides monthly cash grants and disbursements for low income people and the working poor whose resources and income are less than program limits. In addition, participants in GA are also eligible for help with paying for medical and hospital bills through the Food Support (referenced above) and various Medical Bill Assistance (MA) programs per below.
Public health and disability assistance from DHS
Get public health care from Medical Assistance, or Medicaid in MN. This is the state’s primary health care assistance program. Free or low-cost government insurance pays for check ups, medications, telehealth, and even some dental services are paid for using public money. Medical Assistance in Minnesota really focuses on families, babies and children. The second primary recipients are adults without children as well as people who have disabilities as well as senior citizens. Income limits need to be met. Or if not qualified, then find another free dental clinic.
Minnesota Supplemental Aid is paid for by the state, and it provides a monthly cash supplement to people who are disabled, aged, blind or who may receive public help from the federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits program.
There is some flexibility here, as some recipients of the aid who do not receive help from SSI because their household income is too high may still be eligible for MSA if they meet other MSA eligibility criteria, including income limits.
MinnesotaCare is a public and government subsidized insurance program for low income and working poor Minnesota residents who do not have access to affordable private health care coverage. It is similar to Medicaid. This has been one of the main programs used to help residents leave welfare or public assistance and go to work without losing their health insurance or care coverage. Some of the conditions for enrollment include:
- The majority of enrollees will need to pay a monthly premium towards their bills. The exact amount is determined by a sliding-fee scale based on income and family size.
- Most residents will not be eligible if their employer offers health insurance and pays at least half of the monthly costs for it. However there are some exceptions to this rule for some children.
All medical and health care resources as part of MinnesotaCare are provided through health plans that people can select from a list of approved plans.
DHS benefits in Minnesota counties and cities
Each county has a local DHS office for low income families in that county. The main customer service number for government assistance in MN is (651) 431-2000. Applications can also be processed online.
Anoka County
Dakota County
Hennepin County
Ramsey County
Washington County
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