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Homeless prevention and rehousing programs in Pinal County.

The programs that can prevent homelessness in Pinal County are detailed below. The amount of assistance given will be very limited, and it is focused on tenants or the homeless that are facing a short term emergency but that are otherwise financially stable.

When applying for eviction or rehousing help, applicants need to be prepared with some or all of the following. They will need a copy of their lease, proof of income, and an original eviction or utility disconnection notice. Depending on the agency applied to, other supporting documentation may also be required. The most common request will also be details on a plan to stabilize their situation.

Some Pinal County homeowners that are facing a foreclosure (and homelessness as a result) may also be supported by an assistance program. This type of help is usually given in the form of counseling though. The solution to a homeowner may be a payment plan with their lender or maybe a home loan modification.

Eviction help and foreclosure assistance

Tenants can seek assistance in preventing the eviction. The main form of help is available due to the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. What has occurred is the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has provided funds to a few Pinal County non-profits, such as the Community Action Human Resources Agency, as part of Emergency Solution Grants. There may also be some annual funding from the United Way that can also be used for helping with evictions.

This money is targeted at maintaining housing stability. It can pay for some bills (such as rent arrears, utilities, or legal costs) while provide other services to people who are at-risk of homelessness. In general, grants for any homeless prevention program are for individuals that are living in or near poverty. They need to live in a home that is close to the median level in the county and also have a source of income so they can live on their own. In addition, in order to apply for eviction help, case management is required of all participants and there are other eligibility requirements from each Pinal County agency.

Homeowners in Pinal County that are facing homelessness due to a foreclosure can also seek help. There will be services tailored to their specific needs. Note that any homeowner is more likely to receive help in the form of mediation or counseling as government grants for helping with a mortgage are not common.





Rehousing in Pinal County

This is a service that can help families and individuals that are currently experiencing homelessness. There are agencies in Pinal County, such as the Division of Housing, that offer transitional housing, shelter, and other support. The aim is to always allow people to access housing as quickly as possible, or place them into a shelter or motel if available.

Rapid rehousing is also for individuals without a long history of homelessness/eviction on their records. If there is a long term barrier that the individual has, then they may be referred to a supportive housing program or even a shelter. Rehousing is focused on those families that are first-time homeless and that have a strong employment history. This service is also paid for using ESG funds, and the following financial aid may be offered.

  • Staff help the client locate affordable housing or apartments to live in.
  • Government money may be available to pay for a lease application or security/damage deposits.
  • Short term solutions to keep the person safe and stop homelessness will be reviewed, such as a hotel or motel voucher.
  • Pinal County non-profit may offer short-term rental and utility bill assistance.
  • This service is always combined with case management as well.
  • Some funds may help pay storage fees or moving costs to assist the household with moving into the new home.

Ensuring housing stability, and breaking a cycle of homelessness as well as evictions, is always stressed. To this end, the staff will offer referrals to other community service providers in Pinal County. Using these partners, such as the Salvation Army or a job center, the client can access employment assistance. There will also be job training, education, physical, mental, as well as chemical health services for people that need it.

Contact to apply for homeless prevention in Pinal County

For more information, including referrals to programs to stop evictions and homelessness in general, the Human Resource Agency is at (520) 466-1112. The Pinal County Division of Housing may also have details on short term housing units, and the number is (520) 868-7200.

By Jon McNamara

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