Assistance from Operation Homefront.
Military service members and their families will get financial help and support from Operation Homefront. The non-profit provides assistances for housing, post service employment, food, medical and other basic needs. Find help for active members of the military from Operation Homefront.
The goal of the charity is to assist with any need that a service member or their family has. There will be emergency help to pay bills including rent, moving costs or utilities. Operation Homefront will also provide everything from free food to housing, car repairs, vision or medical care, and much more to members of the Army, Marines, Air Force, Navy, and National Guard as well as wounded warriors.
Financial help for military members offered by Operation Homefront
Most of what is offered relies on volunteers as well as donations from people across the country. The organization is a non-profit that also partners with the government and companies to provide various types of assistance to troops as well as their families. They can help with everything from providing cash to help pay living expenses up through providing moral support. If a service is not offered, then the non-profit may provide referrals instead.
Emergency financial assistance from Operation Homefront is available. There is nutritional support including free food, baby formula and groceries. Or get money to pay for housing (mortgages, rent or electric) as well as funds to help the family of a military member move. A focus is on the wounded as well as military members who have been deployed, whether it is with the Marines, Air Force or another branch of the Armed Forces.
- This program addresses crises such as illness, homelessness, medical emergency and death. Grants from Operation Homefront can be used to cover rent and critical bills as the family stabilizes their situation. Other living expenses can be paid as well.
Moving assistance, both financial help and workers to help relocate, is available. Operation Homefront provides services, including physical labor for individuals and families when a service member is deployed. Or get funds to help with a security deposit or first months rent for a new location, whether it is government housing or a private landlord owned property.
Government mortgage and foreclosure help is also available. These help active military members as well as veterans. There are several government programs that can provide mortgage relief to military personnel, including the Military Homeowners Assistance Program. Learn more on Military Homeowner Assistance.
Get free automobile repairs for military families. For those military families that are coping with injury recovery or deployment, vehicle repair services are offered through authorized service centers. The program can also help family members, such as a spouse, get their car fixed so they can get to work or take care of a kid. Mechanics may volunteer their time and services to the program. Cash for car repairs can also be distributed by Operation Homefront.
Money to pay for home repairs, or volunteers do the work for free. There is assistance with the unexpected home emergencies, such as routine home repair in partnership with community members willing to donate materials, time and services to Operation homefront. Receive help in repairing a heater, air conditioner, roof, plumbing work, and other critical appliances.
Free stuff for military members and families
Using donations from the community, including individuals and corporations, military families can get free items from Operation Homefront. The goal is to ensure service members get the clothes, furniture, electronics and other personal or household supplies they need.
There are free computer giveaway programs. This allows spouses and children of active military members to stay in touch with their loved ones with access to computers. laptops and other telecommunication services, even including Apple iPhones or Samsung Galaxy Smartphones. There is free Internet usage and emails. Find more details places that give away free Apple iPhones.
- Cell phone companies also give military members, and their families, discounts on wireless service. AT&T, T Mobile, Verizon, and other carriers provide not only cell phones (often for free) but also discount monthly packages. Learn more on how to get a military discount cell phone.
Military families will get free furniture, or a voucher to shop for household stuff. Operation Homefront works with furniture banks, charities and local organizations to give out household and baby furniture, working-order appliances, and other household items.
Assistance applying for government benefits is available. Staff from Operation Homefront help military families access programs such as BNA (Basic Needs Allowance), cash assistance, food benefits and job training for spouses. While most of these are focused on low-income service members or those that live in states with a high cost of living, there are programs available. Learn more on Basic Needs Allowance - BNA.
Operation Homefront free eye and vision care is offered. While the military does offer great health care benefits, Operation Homefront offers military family members who are in financial need new glasses and/or contacts for those that cannot otherwise afford to replace them. There are other basic medical programs too, including supplies given out to wounded veterans. Find other ways to get free health care.
- Caregivers and home health is part of the medical support. This service is for disabled as well as wounded warriors. The program is known as villages, and staff will help care for the veteran while they recover.

Free back- to-school supplies are given out to the children of a military family. There are also personal hygiene supplies, school uniforms, backpacks and more. The goods are seasonal in nature and passed out as part of the Operation Homefront Back-to-School Brigade.
Free holiday help for Military Families, including meals or Christmas gifts. This will ensure that their is a meal around Easter, Thanksgiving, or Christmas. Also, there will be referrals given to Christmas toy programs for children of members of the military, including to the USMC Toys for tots program. Staff from Operation Home also assist troops and their families with a number of social outreach events and programs for the holidays.
Apply for help to Operation Homefront
Overall, Operation Homefront provides emergency grants, hardship funds, free items and financial help for troops as well as their immediate family members. Also, anyone that has been wounded from serving our country can also apply for help. They offer financial assistance during crises and when someone has a short term hardship. Additional resources offered include the following. While Operation Homefront is located in San Antonio, Texas, but they have offices and locations around the country. Call them at 210-659-7756 to learn more or apply for help.
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