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Eviction prevention programs and rehousing in Oklahoma.

Non-profits and government organizations in Oklahoma run homeless prevention programs. Find how to get help to stop an eviction or get assistance with rapid rehousing. Low-income families, veterans, single moms and the unemployed will get financial help or free lawyer consultations so they are not evicted. Find help with an eviction notice near you in OK.

The organizations that administer these services are listed below by county or city. Struggling renters, homeowners with a foreclosure notice, or homeless people (adults or families with kids) will get help. Tenants with a pay or quit notice, whether from a private landlord or section 8 agency, will get rent help. Or get security deposit assistance for moving from Emergency Solution Grant (ESG) program or other agencies for rental in advance. Get more details on people that help with rent.

Financial help to stop an eviction or homelessness in OK

There is assistance for both the homeless as well as tenants threatened with an eviction in Oklahoma. Emergency hardship grant based aid will help keep a tenant in their home by helping to pay their rent or utility costs. There is also support for families, single moms or dads or individuals that are facing imminent homelessness. In these instances the client being evicted will be provided supporting ranging from shelter to grants for paying security deposits on a new, affordable apartment.

The state of Oklahoma Community Housing Department receives support from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD to offer this emergency eviction prevention program). The federal government provides grants to charities as well as units of general local government. This money can be used for activities, such as back rent, moving costs, transitional housing, rental application fees, or to pay for security deposits. Other housing may also be arranged.




Many of the community action agencies (CAA) partner with their local government on self-sufficiency plans for tenants with an eviction letter as well. This is a requirement for both the homeless seeking to be rehoused as well as tenants applying for eviction prevention help. The reason it is required is that it is difficult to authorize the payment of an Emergency Solution Grant (ESG) or to provide a loan to the applicant for their rent if they can't maintain the home.

The CAA in Oklahoma take a leading role in these self-sufficiency programs for families being evicted. These privately run, yet non-profit organizations, take a leading role in fighting poverty and underemployment. The programs are aimed at helping the homeless as well as working poor gain mid to long term employment. They can show people how to budget for their rent, provide legal support around tenant rights and responsibilities, and otherwise coordinate homeless prevention services in Oklahoma.

Homeless prevention in the state of Oklahoma may also include ongoing rent and eviction prevention subsidies. These so called housing relocation or stabilization services prevent an individual from becoming homeless in the future as well. The ESG funds can be used to provide either short or medium-term rental assistance so the family can live in income based housing.

To apply for a subsidy from a program such as section 8, the client's income needs to generally be at or below 30% of the state of Oklahoma's median income. The applicant therefore needs to have some form of employment to apply for this program. This subsidy or voucher also needs to help participants regain stability in their current permanent housing. Learn more on section 8 applications in OK.

Additional eviction prevention help may be available too. Examples of what agencies in Oklahoma may incorporate into their programs range from legal aid in Oklahoma to resources from the Continuum of Care, including basic needs such as food or clothing. On the other hand, the homeless may be placed into emergency shelters or transitional housing programs to give them time to stabilize.

The state of Oklahoma eviction prevention programs provides ESG funds as well. They help renters, the currently homeless and families living in poverty either stay in their current home or find a new place to live. Various local applications sites are across OK for people threatened with an eviction notice, and get details here.

Oklahoma rehousing programs for people previously evicted

When it is not possible to stop an eviction from occurring, then the homeless prevention program may take the step of assisting them with a move into other permanent housing and help them of course gain stability. Homeless adults, youth, veterans and other will get a place to live in the short and long term. Or the agencies can offer help in finding low income apartments.




Rapid-Rehousing / Homeless Prevention helps in an emergency and long term stability. Many private landlords work with HUD and the federal government to help people find a place to live. There are apartments, motel vouchers programs, and counseling for evicted tenants as well as homeowners.

Local eviction prevention programs in OK

The general terms and conditions of the eviction prevention and rehousing programs is above. However each county has their own application process and funding levels. Find more information on security deposit help or other grant based aid near you for housing needs below. There are many county and city wide eviction assistance programs in Oklahoma. Select a county near you below.

Oklahoma County

Tulsa County

Or, find additional resources below. There may be security or utility deposit help, legal advocacy, housing discrimination services and other homeless prevention programs.

Big Five Community Services
They provide help to low-income renters and homeless people in the counties of Bryan, Carter, Coal, Love, Pontotoc County. Address of the office is 1502 North First, Durant, OK 74701. Dial the center at (580) 924-5331

Eviction prevention programs OklahomaWashita Valley Community Action Council
Caddo and Grady County families can try this non-profit. Address is 1000 W Minnesota Ave, Chickasha, OK 73018. Telephone: (405) 224-5831
The eviction and rapid rehousing programs range from Emergency Solution Grants to motel vouchers for low income tenants and more.

Central Oklahoma
131 N Bell Ave, Shawnee, OK 74801. Telephone number is (405) 275-6060
Tenants with an eviction notice, whether from section 8 housing or a private landlord, will get help. Grants money, security deposit help and other support for people in the counties of Cleveland, Lincoln, Logan, Payne, Pottawatomie, and Seminole.
Community Action Development Corporation
Counties of Beckham, Cotton, Jefferson, Kiowa, Roger Mills, Tillman, and Washita are supported. Grants, HUD programs and lawyers for tenants with a pay or quit notice are options.
Location is 521 E Gladstone Ave, Frederick, OK 73542. Call (580) 335-5588

Community Action Resource of Mayes, Nowata, Rogers, Wagoner, Washington
Location is 707 W. Lowry Road, Claremore, Oklahoma 74018. Intake - 918-341-5000







Human Service Alliance Homeless Prevention for Garfield, Grant County Region
Office for homeless assistance is 114 S. Independence, Enid, OK 73701. Telephone: (580) 242-6131
Referrals are given to federal and state funded homeless prevention programs (HPRP). Clients, including seniors and the disabled, can learn about grant based resources, relocation services, and even section 8.

Deep Fork Community Action
Eviction prevention services are run for the Counties of Hughes, McIntosh, Okfuskee, and Okmulgee. The office is at 223 W 6th St, Okmulgee, OK 74447. Phone: (918) 756-2826

Garvin, McClain, Stephens Counties
Eviction and homeless prevention is for 308 S.W. 2nd Street, Lindsay, OK 73052. Telephone: (405) 756-1100

Comanche County - Great Plains Improvement Foundation
Address of eviction prevention and rehousing services is 2 SE Lee Blvd # 200, Lawton, OK 73501. Telephone: (580) 353-2364

INCA Community Services
Families with an eviction in Atoka, Johnston, Marshall, or Murray County can get help. Main address - 202 S Capitol Ave, Tishomingo, OK 73460. Main phone - 580-371-2352

Ki Bois Community Action
Haskell, Latimer, Le Flore, Pittsburg, and Sequoyah County is covered. Location is 200 SE A Street, Stigler, OK 74462-0727. Telephone: (918) 967-3325
Tenants with an eviction notice can sign up for legal aid or case management. There may also be referrals to loan programs or charities for additional rent or deposit help.

Choctaw, McCurtain, Pushmataha Counties CAA
Main address: 209 North 4th Street, Hugo, OK 74743. Telephone: (580) 326-3351

Muskogee County
2400 Hilldale Springs Dr., Muskogee, OK 74403. Dial 918.686-8004. Telephone: (918) 683-7637
The homeless seeking rehousing, homeowners with a foreclosure filing, or people in rent arrears can dial for advice.

Northeast Oklahoma Region
The office is for Craig, Delaware, and Ottawa County. Main address: 856 E Melton Dr, Jay, OK 74346. Dial 918-253-4683

Opportunities CAA
117 West Russworm, Watonga, Oklahoma 73772. Dial (580) 623-7283
This non-profit works with the government and others to help tenants being evicted and homeless adults. They cover the counties of Alfalfa, Beaver, Blaine, Cimarron, Custer, Dewey, Ellis, Harper, Kingfisher, Major, Texas, Woods, and Woodward.




Southwest Oklahoma
Counties include Greer, Harmon, and Jackson are supported from 900 S Carver Rd, Altus, OK 73521. Telephone: (580) 482-5040
Tenants with an eviction letter or who need legal advice for housing court can call for help

United Community Action Program
Creek, Kay, Noble, Osage, and Pawnee County residents with an eviction can get help from Location is 501 6th Street, Pawnee, OK 74058. Phone: (918) 762-3041.
This non-profit may have information on housing programs, including federal government resources such as ESG for stopping evictions, shelters, and more.


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