Mortgage assistance programs in New York State.
There are several government mortgage relief programs as well as non-profits in NYS that help low-income families with a home loan. The goal of all these programs is to reduce and/or stop home foreclosures, with a combination of grants provided, home loan refinancing, mediation and more. Find how to get help near you in New York State with a mortgage payment.
Statewide programs in NY that help prevent a foreclosure
State of New York Mortgage Agency (SONYMA)helps New York homeowners refinance into a more affordable loan and there are also homebuying programs including Achieving the Dream. The refi can be an option for people with interest only loans or risky adjustable rate mortgages who need to get a better deal.
- Generally, this program will help those borrowers who have adjustable rate, sub-prime or interest-only mortgages if the interest rate has just recently increased. Assistance may also be offered to homeowners if the rate will increase in the near future. The SONYMA will also help lower income families that are struggling with their current mortgage get counseling, referrals to local HUD counselors and more. For more information, email or learn more on SONYMA mortgage programs.
The state required a mandatory foreclosure settlement conference. This is a government regulation to help ensure that the homeowner and lender / mortgage servicer try to find a solution. The homeowner can also bring an attorney, or one will be provided to them if they can’t afford one on their own. Read more on the foreclosure settlement conference.
Non-profit agencies provide free mortgage counseling services to anyone in need. Dozens of firms and non-profit organizations in New York have been certified as federal government HUD approved counseling agencies. These firms can help homeowners throughout New York get back on track with their mortgage payments. More on New York HUD approved agencies.
Homeowners need to be notified in advance of a possible foreclosure. The law, known as RPAPL 1304, requires that mortgage lenders need to send a pre-foreclosure notice to borrowers at least 90 days before any foreclosure proceedings may be initiated. This notice from the lender will encourage homeowners to seek help with their mortgage prior to the initiation of foreclosure proceedings. The law also requires lenders to list in the notice sent any government-approved housing counselors, such as HUD organizations, who are serving the borrower’s area.
- The New York law also establishes a mandatory settlement conference for foreclosure proceedings involving homeowners with certain subprime loans. For those homeowners who can’t pay for or afford an attorney, the court, under certain circumstances, may appoint one to help in this process. This law prohibit upfront fees and will require a written contract from anyone who promises help, such as these so-called “distressed property consultants. Read more on the New York foreclosure process.
Homeowner Protection Program, HOPP, is a government funded program that can help struggling families with their mortgage. This combines legal aid and possible financial help, and HOPP is Managed by the New York State Attorney General's Office. Dozens of free housing counseling and legal services organizations across the state form the HOPP network. The Homeowner Protection Program provide free assistance to homeowners. Services include foreclosure prevention counseling, legal representation or mediation, and guidance on avoiding scams. Dial 1-800-771-7755
The state of New York agency known as the Department of Financial Services administers a number of programs for homeowners. Many are run in partnership with housing and credit counseling agencies as well as local non-profits.
- Whether you have received a foreclosure notice from your mortgage servicer or bank, or just need a little extra time or help paying your mortgage, this NYS department may have a solution for you. They strongly recommend that homeowners ask for help as soon as possible. The longer they wait, the more difficult it will be to assist. Click here for more information on mortgage help from the Department of Mortgage Financial Services.
Local community action agencies provide emergency help with housing costs - including a mortgage. Financial help can include grant money from ESG funds, government grant money, as well as other resources. These New York based non-profits tend to focus the financial assistance on low-income families (or single people) with a short term hardship, and find community action emergency assistance in NYS.
Local mortgage assistance programs in New York State
State resources are listed above - all those programs offer mortgage payment help (or help to stop a foreclosure) across the state. However there are other, more localized resources that focus on certain towns, cities, or counties.
- Free foreclosure prevention assistance in New York City is offered as part of free legal aid. There are pro-bono lawyers at NYC Service Legal Outreach. It is a volunteer organization that was created by hundreds of attorneys in New York, with the primary goal of helping people save their home. Learn more on free legal aid in NYC.
- Another NYC focused mortgage assistance program is offered from local law firms. Several firms offer pro bono foreclosure legal assistance. Thousands of homeowners are assisted each and every year from these lawyers and their staffs. Find out more information on free New York City foreclosure prevention.
- Pathstone mortgage relief operates in central and western NY. A Rochester New York based private, non-profit agency provides homeowners across the region with free foreclosure prevention advice. They also offer free mortgage modification information, and may even deal directly with the homeowner lender to find a solution. Learn more on free foreclosure counseling.
- Center for New York City Neighborhoods operates a Mortgage Assistance Program. There are zero percent, interest free loans. The money can be used to bring a mortgage current, obtain a home loan modification, pay off property tax arrears, or settle other debts that could lead to foreclosure. Read more on mortgage assistance loans in New York City.

Temporary, one time mortgage relief programs in NY
Based on economic conditions, and state of NY as well as federal funding, there are other mortgage assistance programs available from time to time. The resources listed below come and go based on the housing market, strength of the economy meaning is their a financial crisis or not and other criteria. Some of the other programs in New York State that can help with a mortgage include the following.
- Homeowners in NYC can also contact a Bank of America home loan help center that has been opened in Brooklyn. The center can help families and individuals across all boroughs in the New York City area. You will have the ability to meet face to face with a housing counselor, apply for loan modifications, and explore all foreclosure prevention programs offered by Bank of America and the federal government. Find details on Brooklyn mortgage assistance services.
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