Napa County assistance programs.
Low income families can find churches, local charities, government assistance programs or non-profits that offer financial help for paying bills. Grants can help pay back rent, electric or heating bills, or maybe a mortgage payment (when combined with free foreclosure counseling) Find free groceries from pantries, medical or dental care from a community clinic, school supplies and other support in Napa County.
The emergency financial aid, in particular for paying housing costs, is often combined with case management services. There is also housing and meals for migrant workers, free Christmas gifts, home buying services, and low income housing in Napa. Even learn about housing choice vouchers. The goal is to prevent homelessness, hunger, and give long term stability.
Find help with paying bills
A resource for local families to receive a variety of assistance is the American Canyon Family Resource Center, which is located at 3431 Broadway, Suite A5. The organization offers its own relief programs, and the officials are also continuing to partner with other agencies and charities to try to help struggling residents find relief and provide help with bills, rent, and more.
The center has multiple programs, including one to help people find employment and that also provides job training. It is the city of American Canyon California main nonprofit agency, and the Family Resource Center is where in particular most of those who need aid wind up looking for assistance, for everything from utility bill assistance, rent payments, and also food aid.
The need for help from the locals has been tremendous. Most of the requests are coming from folks who need help with paying utilities and with also providing food, so those are the primary needs. They are also working with people on budgeting, debt reduction, and credit repair services. Continue with debt help.
In addition, the center is working closely with various other charity organizations such as the United Way to provide job-related workshops. This is also combined with information on how to save as well as make money. Whether a side gig, or home based work, there are different types of industries and jobs available in Napa County.
There are many job training and employment programs. They have program that offers job placement, résumé writing and job development, and other workshops. They also help people start a business and offer classes for that. The organization can be reached at (707) 980-7024.
Immigrants and immigrants often need help getting established. This includes everything from housing to food, clothes, employment and more. The counseling can help farm workers and non-English speakers as well as others in Napa County. There are even local pre-paid cards for the underbanked to help them pay the bills or save money.
Family Services from Salvation Army - While the resources they offer are very limited and often based on donations and private grants, the non-profit can provide for some basic needs. Or they may offer referrals to other Napa County or state of California resources. They can provide some or all of the following.
The centers have information on free food from pantries and emergency housing, with the possibility of funds to pay rent to prevent an eviction or utility assistance. The homeless can look into shelters or funds for a security deposit after they have regained self-sufficiency. Another Salvation Army resources may be holiday assistance (free meals or Christmas gifts), clothing for children, back to school supplies and much more. More on Napa County Salvation Army.
California Human Development, or CHD, offers housing solutions in Napa County. The statewide agency manages some low income apartments in the county. The non-profit organization also offer self-sufficiency type resources, such as ESL classes, information on job training and more. Most of the programs are targeted at farmworkers, immigrants, low income families, and non-English speakers. CHD is a leading human services agency in the state. Read more on California Human Development assistance programs.
Free food banks as well as soup kitchens in Napa can help feed the working poor, seniors, and struggling families. Thousands of residents use one of these pantries each month, and many more use them to receive a free meal at Christmas or maybe a gift for their child.
- Community Action of Napa is on Laurel Street. Phone number is 707-253-6100. This is the main non-profit for food, referrals, and information on public aid.
- Pope Valley Food Pantry at 5800 Chiles.
- Store house at Yajome St.
- There are several other clothing closets and thrift stores in the Valley. Click Napa County free food pantries.
Many families need access to free or affordable dental care. There are sliding fee community clinics as well as Medi-Cal (Medicaid) services, resources for the elderly as well as uninsured, and even insulin, eye exams, prescription drugs and more. Use the link for clinics.
Rent and housing assistance
A number of charities and non-profits offer both shelter and/or rental assistance. The housing assistance program will provide both short- and medium-term support. There may be grants to use for rental assistance, money to be used for paying security and utility bill deposits and payments, funds to help pay for moving costs like truck rentals and storage fees.
But the program is even more expansive, as money may be used to help Napa County residents repair their credit, seek landlord-tenant counseling, and provide free legal assistance. The goal is to always use a grant, but some clients are given loans when the funds run out. For more details on the places to try, find rent help in Napa County.
In addition, each and every year generally millions of dollars in federal government funds is provided to Napa County. The money will provide various types of housing assistance, but not mortgage aid. The grants is really intended for lower-income renters who may be in danger of losing their homes because of job losses. The idea behind the assistance being provided is to prevent evictions and stop homelessness before it happens. Also, the goal is to to help people transition out of local homeless shelters and find housing.
The local organizations that will be distributing the funds include Community Action Napa Valley, Catholic Charities, Legal Aid of Napa Valley and Fair Housing Napa Valley. Contact these agencies for more information or to apply. Or get more details on housing choice vouchers.
Another option will always be State of California homeless prevention and rapid rehousing programs. They help everyone from tenants to homeowners in Napa County to those who are currently homelessness. The goal is to help them get, and remain in affordable housing.