Assistance programs in Cedar Rapids and Linn County Iowa.
Find the main agencies for financial help in Lynn County. Grants, loans, free stuff, and more is available from churches, charities, and the government. Get everything from utility bill help to rent assistance, free transportation including gas vouchers, clothing, free groceries, and other social services. Find financial assistance with bills near you in the Cedar Rapids area.
Charities and non-profits focus assistance programs on low-income families, seniors and the disabled. The goal is to ensure residents have food, a roof over the head, and affordable medical care as well as a job with career skills. In addition, agencies also provide free cars for work or help Cedar Rapids families pay down loans or debts.
Financial help with paying rent, bills, and other expenses in Linn County
The Salvation Army, which has a main center located at 1000 C Avenue, NW Cedar Rapids, IA 52405, provides both (1) free stuff or basic needs as well as (2) emergency financial help. Many of the individuals and families who are struggling today need some short term help, maybe enough money to get through another month of rent or be able to pay a utility bill. While the Salvation Army has limited funds, they do their best to help as many people as possible.
- Rent assistance - The Salvation Army has limited funds for low-income tenants to help keep them in their home or apartment. Usually the amounts of the checks are fairly small, sometimes it can be just enough to prevent an eviction.
- Help with heating and utility bill - Many people today are struggling with their energy bills. They do also have some funds that can be used for paying electric bills, in particular providing enough money to prevent a disconnection of service.
- Food aid - They have an onsite pantry with free groceries in Cedar Rapids. They provide food assistance. Households can receive a food box or groceries up to several times a year. The box will contain mostly nonperishable food items, however it will provide approximately two weeks worth of free meals. As donations allow, the Cedar Rapids Salvation Army may also assist with providing personal care items such as toothpaste, laundry detergent, shampoo, and other household items.
Call the Cedar Rapid Salvation Army at 319-364-9131 to learn about any of the above services, including financial assistance. Case workers help low-income and struggling residents. Or learn more assistance from Linn Salvation Army.
Limited financial assistance from Ecumenical Community Center, or Helping Hands Ministry, located at 601 2nd Ave (dial (319) 366-2651) can provide qualified Linn County Iowa residents with rent assistance, security deposit funds, or money to pay heating bills and utilities. The charity also has free limited local bus tickets, grant money for utility deposits, and general referrals. For example they have information on how to get heating bill help in Iowa.
Linn County General Assistance, which can be reached at (319) 892-5850, which is a government agency that provides limited financial assistance on a temporary basis for a short period of time. The address is 1240 26th Avenue Ct SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404. The government assistance will be used to help pay for basic needs and expenses, that include, but is not limited to rent expenses, including for a mobile home. There are also programs for paying interest on a homeowners original mortgage; grants for utilities and gas bills, electric, heating expenses, and water.
In addition, the government agency may be able to offer free food vouchers as well as applications to EBT cards in Linn County IA for clients who are unable to work. Last, but not least, Linn County prescription information may be obtained here also so people can get health care assistance. Or find information on government and public aid in Iowa.
Des Moines Proteus, Inc., located at 3850 Merle Hay Road in Des Moines, Iowa, will offer emergency assistance to pay utilities and rent. In addition, find help getting a job from assessment, career counseling, job placement and vocational training.
Also apply for assistance to locate housing or apartments that are low-income with no waiting list, and access community services that are needed to transition from homeless status. The non-profit may be able to assist with paying for rent, moving, clothing, transportation, emergency food, personal items, etc. Call (515) 271-5303 or 1 (800) 372-6031.
Linn County Community Center - They only offer food, basic needs, and holiday support in the Lisbon and Mount Vernon Iowa, with a focus on the elderly, children, and the economically disadvantaged. Households who meet income guidelines can participate in a weekly food pantry which has been generously donated by individuals, local businesses, area churches and other community organizations. There ar also free Special Thanksgiving and Christmas food boxes are provided as well as An Adopt-a-Family program provides Christmas gifts to local children.
In addition, free clothing and accessories are available to any residents (no matter their age or income) through the FreeStyle Clothing Exchange. A free after-school program is provided for local students. The program also provides daily snacks and enrichment activities. Other yearly activities which benefit local children include Parks and Recreation Scholarships, Swim Pass Scholarships, and free school supplies.
For Senior citizens, the Southeast Linn Community Center partners with Horizons to provide meals. Congregate diners participate at the Center, while volunteers deliver meals every weekday to home-bound seniors. Anyone 60 or older may participate on a confidential and voluntary basis.
Local seniors can also participate in the Senior Transportation program. Volunteers provide rides for seniors to medical appointments, at no cost to the client. The center is based at 108 South Washington Street, Lisbon, Iowa 52253. For details on these programs, the number is (319) 455-2844. There are volunteer opportunities for all at the Center.
St Vincent DePaul can be called at (319) 365-5091. The address is 928 7th St SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52401. When funds are available, they may have assistance for food, rent and/or utilities. Some money may be offered to pay a one time security deposit fee for the homeless. There is also a free overnight homeless shelter is offered in Cedar Rapids in the form of funds to pay for the cost of staying in a motel. School supplies, holiday programs and other social services are offered to, some in partnership with the local Salvation Army centers.
Cedar Rapids St. Vincent DePaul, when funds are available, can have financial assistance for rent, food, and heating bills. Holiday programs can provide gifts, coats, clothing, and Thanksgiving or Christmas meals. Many churches and volunteers also partner with the society of St. Vincent. Read more on SVDP Cedar Rapids assistance programs.
Catherine McAuley Center focuses on providing low income housing, food, and education services. The main clients are single moms or victims of domestic violence, however other low income families in Linn County can get help too. They offer transitional apartments, Adult Basic Education classes, and free food or holiday meals from a pantry as well as car or gasoline voucher assistance. More on Catherine McAuley Center services.
Hawkeye Community Action serves the working poor, seniors, unemployed, and low income. The non-profit provides services across Linn County. Using government grants and private funds, some of the assistance programs may include the following.
- Financial aid is available from programs such as LIHEAP or partners like Embrace Iowa. There may be grants to pay for utility or heating bills, emergency expenses such as a medical bill, and other expenses.
- Several housing programs are available. There are shelters in Cedar Rapids, transitional housing, and permanent low income apartments.
- Referrals may be available to resources including loan or grant programs for needs such as rent, transportation, car payment, or security deposits.
- Free telephone programs for people on benefits or the elderly. Community Action has formation in Lifeline and other communication devices. More on free government iPhone.
- Self-sufficiency from HACAP of Linn County includes Head Start, clinics, and educational services.
- Information is available on food pantries, government benefits such as SNAP, and more.
For more details on their programs, call or stop by the main office. Case managers will do their best to help qualified low income families. Read details on Hawkeye Area Community Action Program.
Iowa Legal Aid is available in Linn County. Low income, seniors, and disabled may qualify for free advice and representation from a lawyer. A number of needs can be served by the non-profit law firms. Some examples are as follows. Landlord/Tenant medication and eviction prevention, Veteran Benefits Assistance, or legal assistance in dealing with consumer debt or foreclosure filings, consumer law, and more. Civil legal matters such as child custody and will preparation may even be offered too. Get a free lawyer consultation in Cedar Rapids. Call (800) 272-0008.
Emergency housing funds, grants, shelter, and more is offered to tenants as well as homeowners. Or the homeless in Linn County can get help as well. Government grants and charities offer assistance with deposits, help single moms pay for housing, and arrange disability services too. More on rent and housing assistance in Cedar Rapids region.
Metro Catholic Outreach – Services include a once per month food pantry as well as rent and utility assistance to those who need help. 420 Sixth Street SE, Sister Mary Lawrence Community Center, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401, telephone (319) 739-5490
There are a number of churches in Linn County, and they may administer or have referrals to a wide number of services, most of which are for the the less fortunate with a focus on children and senior citizens. Programs available include free winter coats for children and a more general clothing closet. A food pantry is on site, with delivery serves possible to the home bound in Linn County. Meals may be served, both throughout the year and at Thanksgiving, Christmas or other major holidays. So a major focus of the non-profit is on meeting basic needs.
Financial assistance from the regional churches is very limited. They may occasionally have funds for paying heating or utility bills if it will prevent a disconnection. In some cases a loan will be issued to the applicant for these costs such as rent. Other resources include school supplies, activities for seniors, transportation, and referrals. Find financial aid from churches in Linn County.
Linn County Commission of Veteran Affairs has program for military members, veterans, and their families. Case workers can help eligible veterans apply for government compensation, health care and pension programs. They also work with and can refer people to other VA facilities and social service agencies.
Programs can assist with funeral and burial expenses. Veterans and their families can use the food pantry. Veterans can apply for up to 3 months of temporary financial assistance. Money can be used to pay rent, energy bills, or housing/mortgage costs. Transportation may be offered to doctor or medical appointments. Phone (319) 892-5160. The address is 1240 26th Ave Ct SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404.
Free Christmas gifts, meals (including at Thanksgiving and Christmas) and other holiday help is offered in Linn County. Several assistance programs ramp up to assist the poor, elderly, senior citizens, and less fortunate. They give toys, games, and other items. Continue with free holiday assistance programs in Linn County Iowa.
Food pantries, free groceries and distribution centers
These location may offer free food, groceries, or meals to the needy. Items are given to families, seniors, and people of all ages. Or find more Iowa food pantries.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Address : 516 Rowley Street, Walker, IA 52352, phone (319) 448-4241
First Church of the Open Bible, 1911 E Avenue NW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52405, phone (319) 389-4681. This location also offers special Christmas meals.
Open Hands Food Pantry is located at Cedar Hills Community Church, and has pre-packaged meals. (319) 396-6608
The food banks and distribution centers above are just a few examples of the places to turn to in the Cedar Rapids area. Several other emergency pantries, free meal sites and clothing closets operate in the county. More details on free food pantry programs in Linn County.
Linn County Iowa free clinics and health centers
Community Health Free Medical Clinic, 947 14th Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401, call (319) 363-0416. Among other programs, they offer free eye exams and prescription glasses. However the prescription glasses are very limited.
The center is also a free community clinic for children or adults who do not have health insurance or money, and certified nurses and doctors provide care. An Orthopedic, internal medicine, and Ears, Nose, and Throat Clinic are also on site. In addition, dental assistance is offered for patients that need immediate dental care. Some limited amounts of prescription drugs or vouchers may be provided as available.
His Hands Free Medical Clinic – Services offered are listed here. Dental care includes root canals on interior teeth, restorative, extractions, cleanings, x-rays, and dentures. Free health care includes diagnostic testing, chiropractic care, limited prescription drug assistance, and women's healthcare. They also run the Iowa Medication Voucher Program, which offers uninsured or underinsured patients a 90 day supply of certain medications for $3. Call (319) 862-2636
Linn Community Care – Project Access provides free lab and radiology services as well as doctor visits. Other health care offered is pregnancy testing, comprehensive obstetrical services, breast exams, pap smears, gynecological exams, and family planning. Dial (319) 730-7300. The free medical clinic is at 1201 3rd Ave SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403.
Prescription Assistance Office – Runs the RX program for the Health Free Medical Clinic. Call the Cedar Rapids non-profit at (319) 221-1586.
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