Transitional housing and homeless shelters in Kansas City.
Families facing eviction or that are homeless in Kansas City can receive help. Several churches, charities, and government organizations provide short term homeless shelters and transitional housing programs. While the demand for help is very high and there is usually a waiting list, many of these resources have assisted families during their times of struggle. Find temporary housing in your area of KCMO.
Not only will a participant get a place to stay, but they will also be able to enroll into case management, job programs, and other social services. There are also homeless shelters for people with substance abuse issues as well as veterans or single moms. These agencies in Kansas City fully realize that is the key to addressing the root cause of homelessness and poverty.
In addition, a social worker will dedicate time to helping people find a new, low income housing unit or place to live over the long term. This can include information on programs for paying rent, deposits, or moving costs. So while the transitional housing or emergency stay in a shelter is meant to be short term, individuals or families will also be able to benefit from a wide array of other services and assistance programs.
Organizations with transitional housing in KCMO
Catholic Charities KCSJ - Northland Supportive Housing Address: 4001 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd #250, Kansas City, MO 64130. Call 816-221-4377 The resources offered often have a waiting list. However they run a Transitional Housing/Shelter program that will also work to create independent living and economic self-sufficiency. Participants of the low income housing resources will need to attend financial literacy, reduce debts, increase life skills, and pay a portion of their income towards their rent.
- Supportive Services for Veteran Families is also run by Catholic Charities. This program offers short term housing assistance to veterans only. This will help clients in Kansas City offer come barriers. Receive short term housing, support on tenant landlord rights, case management, and budgeting classes, with a focus on helping homeless veterans or their families.
St. Micheals Veterans Center 3818 Chelsea Dr, Kansas City, MO 64128. Dial (816) 659-8292 The non-profit provides transitional housing (and support services) to vets in Kansas City. There are also shelters for homeless veterans too.
Metropolitan Lutheran Ministries of Kansas City (MLM) 3031 Holmes St, Kansas City, MO. Telephone: (816) 931-0027 Many assistance programs are offered, including to homeless single adults or families. Get information on free transitional housing programs in Kansas City, rehousing services, and more. They also help single moms and dads, and get details on help from Metropolitan Lutheran Ministries of Kansas.
City Union Mission Address: 1100 E 11th St, Kansas City, MO 64106. Call (816) 474-9380
Community Linc 4012 Troost Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64110. Call (816) 531-3727 They have a Supportive and Transitional Housing Program. Adult Services and assistance for the homeless include case management, budgeting, individual and group counseling, life skills training, and more.
Forest Avenue Family Shelter 4300 Forest Ave, Kansas City, MO 64110. Dial 816.753.4753 to reach the shelter program.
Hillcrest Transitional Housing 3101 Minnesota Ave, Kansas City, KS 66102. Phone: (913) 400-2573 The Homeless Youth Program is for Kansas City residents under the age of 21. Participants need to be enrolled in an educational program and will need to work part time. Another location gives temporary housing to youth in the Platte County, Missouri region.
Hope Faith Ministries 705 Virginia Ave, Kansas City, Missouri 64106. Dial (816) 471-4673 This is the Homeless Assistance Campus. Get emergency shelter for a place to sleep, sleeping bags, hygiene kits and more. They also provide support to people with no money.
Shelter KC - Kansas City Rescue Mission Main address - 1520 Cherry Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64108. Main number: (816) 421-7643 A number of housing programs, shelters, and other aid is for the homeless and very low income.
Wyandotte County location of Hillcrest Transitional Housing Main address is 3101 Minnesota Ave, Kansas City, KS 66102. Call (913) 400-2573 A low income, transitional housing program is offered. Or shelter if that is what is needed. Work with a case manager on finding and paying for a permanent home or apartment as well.
Joyce Williams Center 4900 State Ave, Kansas City, KS 66102. Call (913) 321-0951 This non-profits runs a battered women's shelter. It offers refuge and a place for women and their children to stay who have experienced emotional, physical, and/or sexual abuse. This also helps asylum seekers (Females) get a place to stay in KCMO.
Government Homeless Hotline - Social Services The city partners with local churches and charities to help people living on the streets or those about to be evicted. A hotline provides information on homeless shelters open the same night, government grant money, and other support. Call (816) 474-4599.
KCVA - Emergency Housing for Veterans Main address - 4801 Linwood Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64128. Dial (816) 861-4700
Mental Health America Of The Heartland 739 Minnesota, Kansas City, Kansas 66101. Call (913) 281-2221 for intake. Both short term as well as permanent supportive housing for homeless, disabled mentally ill persons.
Mount Carmel Community Outreach Address is 1220 Troup Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas 66104. Dial (913) 621-4111 Emergency shelter assistance is offered from the church-based charity. They coordinate housing for singles, senior citizen, the homeless and transitional units. Other resources in Kansas City include case management, health screenings, homeless services, education/career development, budget "coaching", and free information/referral.
Ozanam Pathways Transitional Living Program main address is 300 East 36th Street, Kansas City, MO 64111. Call (816) 508-6200
Rediscover 5904 Bannister Rd, Kansas City, MO 64134. Call (816) 966-0903 A supervised apartment setting may be available for residents under the age of 25 who have a mental illness and also lack a place to live. It is for young adults that also require adequate financial and social support.
Restart, Inc. 918 E. Ninth Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64106. Call (816) 472-5664 Runs a transitional living and shelter program and also can provide short term shelter for youth, men and women. Other social services include job search assistance resource room and access to computers for job hunting.
Rose Brooks Center Address is confidential. Kansas City, MO 64132. Call (816) 861-3460 or 816-523-5550 for intake and a waiting list. They help women that have been facing abuse. Shelter, legal aid, financial help and other programs, including safe transitional apartments are offered.
Safehome, Inc. Exact address is confidential but in Overland Park, KS 66204. Call (913) 432-9300 Focuses on domestic violence victims.
Salvation Army A leading non-profit in the region. They have several low income housing programs and other resources and operate from multiple centers. The Access House offers transitional housing with supportive services for the homeless mentally ill with goal of transitioning to permanent housing. Another resource will provide longer term transitional housing, advice, financial aid and case management for currently homeless individuals. The Salvation Army in Kansas City also has so called scattered site permanent and transitional supportive housing for clients.
- 101 W. Linwood Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64111, dial (816) 756-2769
- 6723 State Ave., Kansas City, KS 66102, (913) 232-5400
Sheffield Place Main address - 6604 E. 12th Street, Kansas City, MO 64126. Call (816) 483-9927 The location will offer supportive housing services to homeless mothers and their children.
Sarita Lynne Ministries - Princess Phyllis Wheatley House 2214 Benton, Kansas City, Missouri 64127. Telephone - (816) 216-7846
Save, Inc. 1108 E 30th St Ste B, Kansas City, MO 64109. Call (816) 531-8340 Resources include Rent Payment Assistance as well as Hospice Care for seniors. There is also free Transitional Housing/Shelter as well as affordable, local Private Rental Housing. The charity will help people find a place to live too.
Additional free places for the homeless in KCMO
There are other programs that provide either emergency shelters for homeless people or short term housing. The Kansas City Coalition for the Homeless is a resource, and call 816-924-7997 for referrals. The goal is to help people get a place to stay and long term support.
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