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Grants for homeless individuals.

Grants are provided to homeless people or families from government or non-profit organizations, charities, and churches. The hardship funds provide both emergency shelter as well as long-term solutions to homelessness, including job training, healthcare and social services. Find grants near you for the homeless.

The assistance programs to apply to include Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) from HUD, programs offered by local homeless coalitions, non-profits including the United Way, Rapid rehousing grant money and more. The goal is to offer emergency grants homeless people, including parents, veterans, the mentally ill or single adults, as well as funds as a form of long term support.

Government grants for homeless people

Grant money from ESG will also help with rapid rehousing. The federal government, working with states, cities and local owns, will help find both a temporary and then permanent home or apartment for homeless people to live in, including women or fathers with kids. The grants will help pay for a deposit, first months rent or other costs – and the programs are combined with long term self-sufficiency. Find rapid rehousing near you.

Grants are offered for homeless veterans. The applications are available in every state and most local communities. The VA as well as HUD, in partnership with states, distributes the funds to homeless veterans or those that are close to homelessness, such as about to be evicted or lose a home to foreclosure. The main programs include HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Program as well as Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF), which both help homeless people. Learn more on SSVF grants for homeless vets.

The Emergency Solutions Grants program, administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and administered locally, is a key program in the fight against homelessness. The federal government, partnering with local charities or churches, offers funds for homeless, including for motel rooms or transitional housing. Some local government will also offers ESG grants for homeless prevention programs, such as back rent or utility bills.

  • ESG will help homeless people get shelter, low-cost hotel or motel rooms, or transitional housing for a place to stay. This will be available from local charities or government agencies. Homeless people can apply to a social service office for the grant or get referrals from a non-profit or look here for vouchers to pay for a motel.




Free housing is offered to some homeless people and the programs are offered by federal grant programs. In general, there are very criteria around income, being drug-alcohol free, and more. This will also help single parents with kids, including moms. Many of these homes are part of HUD section 8, and learn more on free government housing near you.

Homeless individuals have other grants available for them, but these government benefits are more targeted. Each of them are funded by the federal government and focus on homeless people that have a medical issue, women or youth fleeing violence, grant money for the mentally ill that are homeless and more. The government offers funds, with applications locally. The main ones are below, and call the HUD Exchange Helpdesk at (202) 708-1112 to find a local application site near you.

  • The Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) is for people with HIV and/or AIDS that need housing. The grants will help them pay for income based, supportive housing that addresses other needs as well, such as medical and more.
  • Homeless individuals that have a mental illness can get grants from the Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH) Program. The funds from the government benefit can be provided by non-profits near you, hospitals, or medical centers. They combine a place to live as well as therapy, counseling, and medical support.
  • Grant money from the government is available for runaways that are homeless. Charities accept applications, and the money is are available from the Runaway and Homeless Youth Program. The program is federally funded by HUD but applications are taken locally. The money, and support, is for kids, teens, and people under age that are homeless. The Runaway and Homeless Youth will also helps kicks that are homeless /unsafe due to abuse or human trafficking.

Non-profits or charities near you that provide grants to the homeless

Charities, churches and non-profits near you also work to both limit homelessness and rehouse people. They have grants, case management and other support, often filling gaps left by government programs. While each charity is different in what they offer, there may be emergency shelter for homeless people or families (including kids) to long-term solutions such as employment training and mental health support.




Homeless coalitions, which operate locally (including near you) as well as the national level, are made up of non-profits, churches and charities. The goal is to end homelessness. These coalitions often have applications to grants for homeless individuals, information on short term housing, and they also coordinate resources with the government. They also administer grants aimed at specific populations within the homeless community, such as veterans, seniors who live on social security or youth. Learn more on the National Coalition for the Homeless.

United Way refers homeless individuals to grants in their local community. They focus on improving the health, education, and financial stability of every person in every community, including low-income families or people that are homeless. All services are free, and learn about emergency shelter, transitional housing, and support services, including financial help, at achieving long-term stability for the homeless population. Locate rent assistance from United Way 211.Grants for homeless people

Continuum of Care (CoC) program, which many transitional housing programs often a part of, is a local, non-profit driven program offered in partnership wit clarities. Many cities and counties have launched their own initiatives to combat homelessness, funded through local government budgets or bond measures. These local programs, which charities including the Salvation Army or transitional housing process applications for, often provide grants, vouchers for motels room and more directly to the homeless in a local community. More on transitional housing for homeless individuals.


Homeless grants are offered by the government as well as charity organizations. The funds are aimed at helping to eliminate, or reduce, homelessness in local communities. When seeking grants or other forms of financial assistance, it's important to have any available documentation ready, such as identification and any information regarding current housing that confirms homelessness.


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