Assistance programs Forrest County Mississippi.
Find the agencies in Hattiesburg and Forrest County that help people pay utility bills, rent, housing costs, and other expenses. The organizations will provide low income, the working poor, and unemployed with short or long term financial assistance programs or basic needs, such as free food, clothes, or other stuff. Locate financial help near you in Forrest County and Hattiesburg MS.
There are churches, charities, and government assistance programs from Human Services in the Hattiesburg area. The low income can apply for TANF cash assistance for paying bills or get free school supplies for their kids or food for a family. There is also emergency car repairs or gas cards, electric and water bill help along with free job training as well as Christmas toys for children.
Programs that provide emergency financial assistance
Christian Services, Inc., which is based in Hattiesburg Mississippi, is a non-profit agency that provides numerous forms of assistance. Among them include a program that provides emergency financial help for helping low income families acquire food, funds for utilities, medicine, etc. They offer a hot noonday meal five days each week and also operate a Meals on Wheels program.
The facility distributes for free, high-quality, low-cost nutritional food boxes on a monthly basis. Another service from the charity is they partner with other groups by sharing large quantities of frozen and dry food with other area ministries/agencies. A thrift store offers low-cost clothing, furniture, etc. to low income individuals and others who need help. Call (601) 582-5683. The address is 301 E 2nd St, Hattiesburg, MS 39401.
The Forrest County Salvation Army provides direct social services and crisis intervention to local area residents in need. The program run by the agency provide temporary financial assistance for housing expenses such as rent, food, clothing, or utilities. There may also be limited vouchers to pay for medicine, cooling bills, eyeglasses, transportation and counseling emergencies. This can also include a free voucher to pay for gas (for a job) or one night hotel room in a crisis.
Some of the other services and resources offered include school supplies for needy children, summer camping programs for adults, assistance during times of disaster, seasonal assistance (free Christmas gifts or meals). The Forrest County area Christian charity also operates senior adult centers. Dial (601) 544-3684, or get more details on Salvation Army assistance in Forrest County.
Pascagoula Catholic Charities is part of a wide network that operates in Mississippi. The organization provides senior citizens, low income families, and the poor with a number of social services. The assistance will start with case management and then potentially lead to free food, emergency financial assistance to prevent evictions or a utility cut off, and more. Also explore resources such as Migration and Refugee Resettlement and establish goal setting plans.
Free basic needs and stuff is arranged. Whether furniture for someone who was homeless in the past, or volunteer auto mechanics to fix a car, help is offered. More Catholic Charities southern Mississippi.
SVDP - Saint Vincent of Hattiesburg is located at 114 Broadway Drive. The charity and its churches provide emergency help. There is a clothing closet on site for new or gently used clothing. Phone number is 601-620-7303.
Forrest County families often need help increasing their income. This can be new career skills, classes in medical care or computer science, work from home jobs and so much more. Having a stable income, and spending money properly, are keys to getting out of poverty. Read more on free job training in Mississippi.
Human Services office helps the low-income, unemployed and people in poverty get government benefits. The DHS office in Forrest County is at 1604 W Pine St, Hattiesburg, MS 39401. A wide range of public assistance programs are offered. They include:
- Free or low cost medial or health insurance, including Medicaid, Medicare, or ACA plans.
- Cash assistance programs - Human Services has applications for SSI disability, TANF, and other benefits. Learn more on TANF cash assistance.
- Free food assistance - Everything from SNAP EBT to USDA commodities, free school breakfast programs and others can be applied for.
DHS office has other programs too. They are the main intake site for state of MS benefit programs as well as federal government programs. Call (601) 554-4350.
Rent and mortgage assistance - Several agencies in the region focus on this need. They may offer a wide variety of grants for paying rent or security-utility deposits, anti-eviction defense legal aid services, shelter, and other support too. Some of the charities may provide a cash loan for this expense. Continue with rent assistance in Hattiesburg.
Edward Street Fellowship is a free food pantry. Get a box of groceries, infant formula, free food box, or a senior or disabled person can get free Meals on Wheels. The address is 2315 Lincoln Rd, Hattiesburg, MS 39402. Call (601) 602-2619
Southeast Mississippi Rural Health Initiative has a free or income based clinic in Forrest County. Everything from a free physical to OBG/YN, vaccinations or basic dental care (extractions, free teeth cleanings, etc) is offered among other health services. They also help people with no money or health insurance. The address is 66 Old Airport Road, Hattiesburg, MS 39401. Call 601-544-7500
Community Services Block Grants from regional Community Action
Pearl River Valley Opportunity, Inc. is the local community action agency. They offer programs that help low income and the working poor. Receive assistance for paying bills, and information on ways to become self-sufficient over the long term. The main programs offered by the agency are listed below.
- Prescription drug assistance - This program provides the low income, elderly, disabled, and indigent individuals and families financial assistance with paying for medications through the Community Services Block Grant Program. The funds will allow people to purchase some prescription medications. The agency can also refer individuals to such programs as Together RX Access.
- Pearl River takes applications for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) - This program is funded by the federal government, and LIHEAP funds are used to pay utility as well as energy bills. LIHEAP also provide services to help low to moderate income clients consume less energy in their homes and save on their bills.
In addition, the Forrest County community action agency also uses government LIHEAP funds to purchase air conditioners in the summer months for disabled and elderly clients, as well as purchase equipment for clients who have serious medical emergencies or conditions. In addition to these uses of the government money, LIHEAP funds are also used to purchase air conditioners, heaters and other energy related items to help clients who do not have adequate heating in the colder winter months.
- The federal government also offers the Emergency Food and Shelter Program. The benefit provides funds that are used to supplement shelter, feeding, rent payments, mortgage assistance, and utility bill assistance programs and efforts. Learn more on government mortgage programs including federal government Homeowner Affordability Plan.
Other housing solutions include security deposit grants, which can assist with relocating, and there are also loan and other financial aid programs. The financial help from the non-profit (or available by referrals) can assist with rental costs or electric bills.
- Food - They run an emergency food program that can provide foodstuffs. The agency known as PRVO as has referrals to local pantries and government benefits, such as SNAP food stamps. Other basic needs, such as clothing or free holiday meals, may be available from local churches.
- Senior programs - Pearl River Valley Opportunity and its partners operate Congregate Meals Sites, help the elderly apply for programs such as Medicare or free food, and support clients in other ways. A major focus is on helping low income seniors.
- Pearl River also helps seniors budget. This is even more critical when living on a fixed income, such as a pension or limited retirement savings. The elderly in Forrest County often need advice, as they do everywhere. Find how to live on a fixed income during retirement.
- Community Services Block Grant - This is what pays for many of the resources offered. Low income families from Forrest County may qualify for other support as a result of CSBG. The agency offers programs such as free transportation, Head Start for children, and funds to pay for security deposits. Other financial support may be offered as well.
To learn more, call Pearl River Valley Opportunity, Inc. at (601) 736-9564. Read more on financial help from Pearl River Valley Opportunity.
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