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Hattiesburg area rent and housing assistance programs.

Hattiesburg area families can get help with rent payments, security deposits, and access other housing programs. There are charities, churches, non-profits, and government agencies in both Forrest and Lamar County that assist the homeless as well as low income or struggling tenants with their rent and housing needs.

ind the leading organizations in the region to try below. The financial assistance may come in the form of a grant for paying rent or cash loan. Or there may be no monetary support given out, and instead the assistance may come in the form of free legal aid, rapid rehousing, shelter, or something else. Each application and request for housing information is handled differently, on a one off basis.

City of Hattiesburg Housing Authority
Main address 208 Gordon Street
Hattiesburg, MS 39401
Main number - (601) 583-1881
The government affiliated agency runs the HUD section 8 rent voucher program as well as administer various low income/income based as well as public housing programs. More on section 8 vouchers in Mississippi.

Ephesus Seventh Day Adventist Community Service Center
Location is 500 Helveston Road
Hattiesburg, Mississippi 39401
The church number is (601) 544-1802
Everything from financial aid (for rent, water, or housing) is available along with basic items.

Mississippi Center for Legal Services Corporation. The address is 1728111 E. Front Street in Hattiesburg, Mississippi 39401. The main number is (601) 545-2950. Free legal aid covers applications to public assistance, section 8, rent programs, and other needs. It can help stop evictions or assist with other civil or housing matters.

Salvation Army in Forrest and Lamar County
Address is 5670 Hwy. 49 S.
Hattiesburg, MS 39401
Dial (601) 544-3684
Housing programs include travel aid for the stranded (or homeless), overnight shelter, emergency rent or security deposit help, furniture for apartments and more.





Pearl River Valley Opportunity of Hattiesburg and Forrest County
Main address is 101-199 Pecan St
Purvis, MS 39475
Call (601) 794-1093
Any rent, mortgage, utility, or eviction prevention help is part of the Emergency Food and Shelter Program. It is funded annually by the federal government.

Department of Human Services Hattiesburg/Forrest County
Only information/referrals is given, including to cash aid, HUD programs, and others. Dial (601) 554-4350.

Short term housing and homeless shelters

Domestic Abuse Family Shelter. Location is confidential. Dial (601) 582-2102. The location is for either women or children who are fleeing violence. Short term housing, clothes, legal aid, and referrals to long term, permanent housing is also offered.

Pine Grove Green Meadows is transitional and supportive housing. It too is for woman and children. Location is 209 South 29th Avenue Hattiesburg, Mississippi 39401. Phone (601) 296-6472. It is for women fleeing violence, those with substance abuse, or the disabled – mentally ill.

Men can use Pine Grove Village at 201 Rosa Avenue, Hattiesburg, MS 39401. The number is (601) 544-8609. Disabled and formerly homeless men, or section 8 families can use it to help pay the rent too.


By Jon McNamara

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