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Free food pantries and groceries Toledo and Lucas County.

Find free food banks, soup kitchens and pantries in the Lucas County Ohio area. Low-income families, single moms, people with no money and seniors will get free food boxes, groceries, and meals. There are several charities as well as churches that help prevent hunger and operate emergency distribution centers that are open today. Find a free food bank or pantry near you in Toledo or Lucas County

Charities offer other support, such as government aid from the USDA. Free food boxes, hot or cold meals, groceries, and other non-financial aid is provided by food pantries that may be near you and that are open today. There are also drive thru food pantries in Toledo Ohio as well as places for free pet food. Find details below along with a phone number for referrals to mire food programs in Lucas County.

Each of the locations is an independent food distribution center, so the services vary. Some of the other resources that may be offered include Thanksgiving and Christmas meals and gifts, personal hygiene items, and supplies for babies, such as diapers and infant formula. They also tend to assist seniors through Meals on Wheels services and have special food items for children in Lucas County.

Using both volunteers and donations from the community, the free food pantries are some of the leading resources in the area. Many of them are also based at non-profit organizations, so all of the programs they run are focused on low income families. Almost all of the centers can direct people to other local charities and churches in Lucas County, as well as programs in both the state of Ohio and federal government assistance programs such as SNAP food stamps or EBT cards.

Where to get free food in Lucas County Ohio or a hot meal

Church Women United Thrift Shop
Address - 631 S Crissey Road, Holland, Ohio 43528. Phone number - (419) 865-2300
Boxes of food are combined with clothing, personal hygiene items, and bags of groceries.

Jewish Family Service of Toledo
6505 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, Ohio 43560. Dial (419) 885-2561 for service or intake.
The non-profit will have special seasonal food items, help with employment, and other crisis support. Clients need to be on the path to self-sufficiency.

Olivet Lutheran Church
5840 Monroe Street, Sylvania, OH 43560. Dial (419) 882-2077
The church offers meals, emergency food boxes, and other aid to the needy.




Sylvania Area Family Services
Address: 5440 Marshall Road, Sylvania, OH 43560. Call (419) 882-8415
The main resource offered is the federal Government Emergency Food Program.

Flanders Road Church of Christ
Address: 5130 Flanders Rd, Toledo, OH 43623. Phone: (419) 882-8188

Catholic Charities of Lucas County
They offer various assistance programs, including food, meals, winter clothes and more. Programs include a free food bank and soup kitchen. There are also fruits, dairy, meat, Ensure for the elderly, and a regional Meals on Wheels program. They also help immigrants and Spanish speakers. Find free food programs from Toledo area Catholic Charities.

Grand Lodge
Toledo, Ohio 43607. Phone - 419.810.0993
The non-profit giveaway a free monthly food box. Cereal, soup, beans, rice and more is at the pantry. The goal is to create access to good, healthy food and help eliminate hunger in the urban areas of Toledo.

Greater Grace Christian Church
Seniors and the disabled can use the charity at 3342 Monroe St, Toledo, OH 43606. Phone: (419) 214-6900
There is also a free, local meals on wheels service. Or get free Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas food baskets and meals with other older people in Lucas County.

St. Joan Of Arc Catholic Parish
Location is 5856 Heatherdowns Blvd, Toledo, OH 43614. Phone: (419) 866-6181
In addition to a free, year round emergency food pantry they also give free holiday meals to the low-income, including Thanksgiving turkeys. Or get soap, laundry detergent and toiletries in addition to shelf-stable groceries.





J Frank Troy Senior Center
Address: 545 Indiana Ave # A, Toledo, OH 43604. Phone: (419) 255-6206
Free grab and go meals for senior citizens. Or use the free pet food bank for low-income homebound people in Toledo.

St Lucas Outreach
Main Address: 745 Walbridge Ave, Toledo, OH 43609. For hours, call (419) 724-5280

That Neighborhood Church
Main Address: 1501 N Ontario St, Toledo, OH 43604. Call (419) 244-8672
A free pantry has stuff such as Dried Beans, canned goods, paper products, and personal toiletries. Or get free Ensure or Boost for seniors in Toledo. Volunteers and donors keep the pantry going.

Mustard Seed Outreach Ministries
5420 302nd Street, Toledo, OH 43611. Call (419) 727-1800
Food is combined with financial aid. Also get items such as baby formula, soap, feminine products, or fresh or canned food. They help the poor, unemployed, and struggling in Lucas County.  More on Mustard Seed programs in Lucas County.

Ashland Church
2350 Starr Ave, Oregon, OH 43616. Telephone: (419) 720-1995
Each month, free commodities are given out, including to seniors and single mom (or dads) with kids. There is free government cheese, milk, bread and other staples.

Mosaic Ministries of South Toledo
A soup kitchen and free food bank is on site. Location is 1842 Broadway St, Toledo, OH 43609, or dial (419) 344-5844

SeaGate Food Bank of Northwest Ohio
Location is 526 High St, Toledo, OH 43609. Call (419) 244-6996
Low income families, the working poor, disabled and others can get free food, groceries, meals, and more. There are also paper products like toilet paper or household goods including laundry detergent.

AIDS Resource Center Ohio, Lucas County
3450 W. Central Avenue, Toledo, Ohio 43606. Call (419) 241-9444
Programs, including food and information on medical care, is offered for HIV and AIDs patients.

Bethlehem Baptist Church
Address - 1430 W Bancroft Street, Toledo, Ohio 43606. Dial (419) 241-9360 for intake or information.
Free hot meals are for low income and working poor families in Lucas County. Emergency food boxes may have canned goods, dairy products, formula for single moms and more.





Salvation Army NWO
Location is 620 N Erie St, Toledo, OH 43604. (419) 241-1138
A leading charity in Lucas County. Offers referrals, help in applying for government aid, LIHEAP, food and clothing closet, and holiday assistance like Angel Tree. The charity also distributes emergency food, holiday assistance, and information on programs such as LIHEAP to Lucas County Ohio residents. They can also help with food stamp applications from the Ohio Benefit Bank.

Central Residents Council (CRC)
Address is 642 Division St, Toledo, OH 43604. Phone: (419) 246-3188
Offers the needy, low income, and jobless both a clothing closet and food pantry. Meals, groceries, and government surplus items are provided to the needy and low income.

Epiphany Lutheran Church
Location of church food banks - 915 N Reynolds Road, Toledo, OH 43615. Call (419) 536-5986
Free Thanksgiving and Christmas meals are also served, as well as small toys for children.

Faith Lutheran (south)
2440 South Avenue, Toledo, Ohio 43609. Dial (419) 385-7459
The elderly and homebound can inquire into a delivery service.Free food pantries Toledo OH and Lucas County

Food for Thought Toledo, Cedar Creek Mobile Food Pantry
The pantry is mobile and a drive thru, so it can be anywhere around the Lucas County region. The main office is at 3350 Hill Avenue, Toledo, OH 43607. Phone: (419) 654-0235 or (419) 972-0022

Frederick Douglass Community Association
1001 Indiana Avenue, Toledo, Ohio 43607. Call (419) 244-6722
Various social services are offered. Get information on rental programs and public assistance like food stamps. Also offers free food, like fruits, vegetables, and breads. Baby formula may also be distributed.

Friendly Center
Main address - 1324 N Superior Street, Toledo, OH 43604. Administrative phone number (419) 243-1289 or (419) 243-1280
Assistance programs help feed the homeless, low-income, and people with no money. There is also a drive thru pantry. Or get  meat and poultry products, dairy products, fresh fruit as well as pre-packaged breakfast, lunch and dinner meals for children.

Friendship New Vision
Address - 5301 Nebraska, Toledo, OH 43615. Call - (419) 534-5437

Helping Hands of St. Louis Church
443 Sixth Street, Toledo, OH 43605. Dial the church at (419) 691-0613
An emergency pantry in Lucas County. Non-perishable goods, clothing, and weekend snacks are for children. Or inquire into WIC or free school lunch applications from USDA.

Historic Church of St. Patrick
130 Avondale, Toledo, OH 43604. Dial (419) 243-6452

Hope Ministries of Toledo
Food bank location - 910 Phillips Avenue, Toledo, OH 43612. Office number - (419) 269-9355
Meet with a case manager or specialist. Learn about and get help applying for food aid, school or work clothing, and other assistance, such as emergency rent help or deposits.

Lutheran Social Services of NWO
2149 Collingwood Boulevard, Toledo, Ohio 43620. Dial (419) 243-9178
Housing, food, shelter, and meals for the homeless and veterans are offered.

Martin Luther King Kitchen for the Poor
650 Vance Street, Toledo, OH 43604. Dial (419) 241-2596

Martin Luther Lutheran
Location is 601 Nevada Street, Toledo, Ohio 43605. Phone number - (419) 691-8097
Inquire into a free box of food. Or holiday meal baskets are passed out to the working poor.

Monroe Street Neighborhood Center
Address: 3613 Monroe Street, Toledo, OH 43606. Dial the food bank at (419) 473-1167







Toledo Northwestern Ohio Food
24 E Woodruff Ave, Toledo, OH. Call (419) 242-5000
They offer referrals. This regional center support non-profits and churches in Lucas County.

Emmanuel Baptist Church
Address: 4207 W Laskey Rd, Toledo, Ohio. For hours, call (419) 473-3280

Open Door Family Resource Center
Address of center - 1205 King Road, Toledo, OH 43617. Call (419) 867-1838
Programs include Summer Food Service, surplus USDA commodities, fresh produce and more.

Providence Center for Social and Economic Empowerment
1205 Broadway Avenue, Toledo, OH 43609. Call (419) 244-0666
Works to ensure long term self-sufficiency of local Toledo and Lucas County families. At the same time will distribute short term aid such as meals, food, access to shelter, and household products. Or apply for SNAP (food assistance) for people in poverty in Lucas County.

Redeemer Lutheran Church (central)
1702 Upton Avenue, Toledo, Ohio 43607. Dial (419) 536-3781 for food, holiday meals and a clothing closet.

Salem Lutheran (North)
1127 N Huron Street, Toledo, Ohio 43604. Call (419) 243-2345
Emergency food, fresh produce, baby formula and more. Get a box of groceries, pasta, peanut butter or jelly, or a free meal for the homeless too.

Toledo Area Ministries
Location is 3043 Monroe St
Toledo, OH
Call (419) 242-7401
The faith based charity helps the less fortunate. Emergency boxes of food, clothing, school items, and more may be on site.

Southside Life Station
Stop by the center at 402 South Avenue
Toledo, OH 43609
Pantry phone (419) 242-3340

St. Francis De Sales Chapel
501 Cherry Street
Toledo, OH 43604
(419) 243-4242
The charity supports a small portion of Lucas County.

St. Martin De Porres Social Concerns
Food bank location - 1119 W Bancroft
Toledo, OH 43606
Primary phone number - (419) 241-4581

Trilby United Methodist (west)
Address of church - 5918 Secor Road
Toledo, OH 43623
Dial (419) 472-2103





Trinity Faith Outreach Center
1312 N Huron Street
Toledo, OH 43604
For Service/Intake - Outreach, dial (419) 246-9747

United Missionary Baptist Church
Address: 2705 Monroe Street
Toledo, Ohio 43606
Phone number - (419) 242-1455
A box of food is combined with Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas meals and gifts. The disabled may have a volunteer assist them too.

Wesley United Methodist (North)
Location of food pantry 2934 Stickney Avenue
Toledo, OH 43608
Call (419) 726-4160

Western Avenue Family Center
1411 Broadway
Toledo, Ohio 43609
Phone (419) 344-5844. Dial for emergency food boxes.

Additional free food and meal programs in Lucas County

Families in the Lucas County and Toledo Ohio region can call 419-242-5000 for more information on emergency food pantries near them. A few dozen other non-profit locations, charities, and churches offer canned goods, meals, and government commodities to low income families. Some centers, including Feeding America programs in Lucas County, also offer free Christmas meals, holiday boxes, summer snacks, and other seasonal food assistance programs.


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