Eastern New Mexico assistance programs.
Several different non-profits and financial assistance programs are available for residents of Curry, DeBaca, Guadalupe, Harding, Quay, Roosevelt, and Union Counties New Mexico. There may be emergency rent or electric bill assistance, free groceries or food from pantries as well as medical or dental care. The agencies, churches, and government assistance programs and their resources are listed below.
Or families in Eastern New Mexico can also get free car repairs from churches, back to school supply items or uniforms, Christmas toys for kids, and even prescription drugs. Various resources are available.
The Salvation Army - Offers a Family Assistance program, that can help qualified people pay rent and utility bills. Funding is limited. Vouchers for prescription medication may also be available. There is also a homeless shelter, free food as well as baby formula, Christmas toys from Angel Tree, school supplies, and much more. The nearest location is is Clovis New Mexico based. Call 575-762-3801, or find details on Salvation Army assistance in Eastern New Mexico.
New Mexico Legal Aid Services - The pro-bono law firm provides free legal advice, representation, help in getting benefits and other services for low income individuals in the area. Several counties are supported. Dial 575-769-2326, or click here for additional New Mexico legal programs. It is a national service, and find free pro-bono attorneys.
Living Stones Church of the Nazarene - Limited funding may be available for paying rent and preventing evictions. Dial 575-769-1971
Food Bank of Eastern New Mexico - Works with churches and other non-profits to distribute free food. Free holiday meals may be served too. Dial 575-769-6002.
Food Banks - The following agencies provide free food and groceries to residents of the area, including Curry, Roosevelt, DeBaca & Quay counties. Lighthouse Mission (575-762-1933), Fruitful Spirit Ministries (575-763-4400), St. John's Baptist Church (575-762-2266)
There are a few dozen other free food pantries in the region. They offer emergency support ro clients, even including free holiday meals. Both soup kitchens are offered too, and they offer free food, ingredients and meals for Spanish speakers and immigrants. More on free food pantries in Curry County.
La Casa Family Health Center - This is a community clinics that supports families and patients in eastern New Mexico. A wide variety of free or low cost health care is offered, as well as prescription medications. Services are offered on a sliding fee scale. There may also be dental cleanings for kids or adults as well as free eye exams. Clovis and Portales. 575-769-0888
Eastern Plains Community Action Agency - This is probably the leading non-profit agency in the area, and they offer the most assistance, advice, and counseling. The main program they offer is the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG). It is federally funded and pays for their services.
This is a wide ranging program and it can offer Utility Bill Assistance, Health Care and Medical Support, as well as grants for paying housing costs, including Rent / Mortgage Assistance or Security Deposits. A goal is on income and self-sufficiency. They also help immigrants and Spanish speakers. EPCAA offers these for more basic needs and emergency expenses.
Other support from the non-profit ranges from Food Assistance, Tax Preparation Help, Educational Assistance, and much more. They also offer Head Start and Child Care for children. Last, but not least, they are a great place to turn to for advice. For example, learn about New Mexico mortgage programs.
The agency is located in Tucumcari New Mexico. (505) 461-1914. However it serves the entire region. There may also be other resources available from the center. More on Eastern Plains Community Action Agency Programs.
Help New Mexico is one of the state’s leading community action agencies. Low income and working poor families can get referrals, help in applying for government assistance benefits, transitional housing, and other support. Some funds may even be available for food, utilities, or rent.
HELP is also involved in directing Eastern New Mexico families, including immigrants and Spanish speakers, to government benefits. Some of the main ones include LIHEAP grants, no interest loans for paying for rent, Medicaid, and many others. As the case managers are a resource for the community. Read more on Help-NM.
Utility and energy bill help - Many programs are available to the low income to help them pay utility, water and energy bills. Different non-profits and charities administer them. For more detailed information, dial 211. Other options include the following. Central Christian Church (575-356-6001), Living Stones Church of the Nazarene (575-769-1971), New Mexico Department Human Services. Income Support Division (575-762-4751). Or anyone that needs additional support can find emergency water bill assistance programs.