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Energy and utility bill assistance programs in Delaware.

If you need help paying utility bills in Delaware, get information below on who to call for energy bill assistance as well as how to get access to free weatherization programs. There are government grants, payment plans for past due electric bills, funds to help pay winter heating costs in DE and other resources. The programs can help the low income and others facing a crisis get help.

Most of the utility companies that operate in Delaware offer some type of grants as well as long term or emergency financial assistance. They will oftentimes coordinate their aid with local charities and non-profits that operate in the towns and counties across the state. A focus is on the elderly, disabled and low-income. State residents can also save money on their energy bills from various conservation and weatherization programs. Below find information on all the options and resources that are available to qualified low income individuals.

Government low income assistance programs in Delaware

DEAP as well as local Low Income (LIHEAP) Administering Agencies in Delaware - The federal government LIHEAP program can provide emergency grants and regular monthly payments to the low income and elderly in the area. The government program is known as DEAP in Delaware. If you need more information, or want to apply, the following are the phone numbers for whom to call to get information on the process, financial assistance, and grants from the federal government funded low income energy assistance program.

This is the federal government funded low income energy assistance program that can help pay monthly bills and provide finance aid in an emergency to help prevent a disconnection. Kent County: 302-674-1782, New Castle County: 302-654-9295, Sussex County Delaware: phone 302-856-6310. Get more details on government DEAP fuel assistance.

Delaware Weatherization Assistance Program - Save on your monthly energy bills from this federal government funded energy conservation program. It is free to qualified individuals, and it will pays for energy conserving updates to home. For example, insulation, caulking, and furnace repairs or tune ups. Call any one of the following Local Administering Non-profit Agencies in Delaware to apply or get more details on the services offered. Sussex County: 302-856-6310, New Castle County: 302-654-9295, Kent County: 302-674-1782.





Utility assistance from utility companies

Delmarva Power (Conectiv) – This energy provider runs the Good Neighbor Fuel Fund for its low income customers. How this works is Conectiv matches donations from businesses, customer contributions as well as donations from individuals and other agencies with a donation from shareholders. A household must first apply for LIHEAP in order to be able to receive aid. Funds are administered are passed out to those in need by the non-profit Salvation Army organization. Call 302-472-0750 to learn more or apply for help.

Delmarva Power has other programs for low income customers, seniors, and the disabled. Many of them are offered in partnership with local community action agencies or the federal government, and examples of those include LIHEAP. Customer service representatives from the company may also be able to provide qualified customers in Delaware with payment extensions or some other type of arrangement. Delmarva will work with families to try to get up with some type of solution rather than disconnecting their power. Get more information on Delmarva Power utility bill assistance programs.

Chesapeake Utilities – This Delaware based utility company runs the Sharing Program. The Sharing Program may be able to provide financial help to the disabled, the elderly, low income or individuals or families living on a fixed income in the state. The aid provided is targeted at those low income households and can help them pay for winter heating costs, gas and other utility bills.

The programs is funded by customer donations, and in addition matching shareholder contributions are administered by the Salvation Army in Sussex county as well as administered by Catholic Charities in Kent and New Castle counties  Delaware. Call the following phone numbers to apply for help. Sussex 302-856-6310, Kent 302-674-1782, New Castle 302-654-9295.

Chesapeake Utilities offers other resources in Delaware. Some of them are offered by the company, such as payment plans. Other resources are available in partnership with non-profits and charities, such as the Sharing Programs. The Delaware energy company can also direct low income, disabled and senior customers to government programs such as LIHEAP. More information on assistance from Chesapeake Utilities.

Fans, air conditioners, and summer assistance - Community action agencies across the state of Delaware may be able to provide low income families, in particular seniors, with assistance for paying their summer cooling bills as well as air conditioning units or free fans. Also get information on how the LIHEAP program can help residents stay cool during the summer. Learn more on free air conditioners in Delaware.

By Jon McNamara

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