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Assistance programs Davis County Utah.

Locate financial assistance as well as free stuff across Davis County Utah from the charities, churches, and government agencies below. Get grant money to pay housing costs, including rent, utility bills, or a mortgage in the Layton area and county. OR find free food, clothes, or school supplies for low income families. Locate financial help near you in Davis County UT.

A focus is on seniors, the low-income, disabled and homeless. Locate a motel voucher program or even free internet for kids or adults. Emergency, immediate financial help is also offered as well as free stuff, including basic needs. Farmington and Davis County families can get medical care, Christmas toys, gasoline vouchers as well as debt counseling or legal aid. A number of social services are offered as well.

Grant money to help with housing or bills from Community Action

The non-profit Open Doors (formerly Family Connection Center) is a leading agency that help the unemployed, people in poverty and low-income in Davis County. They offer many programs, including hardship grants, job placement, clothes and more.

  • Housing and rent assistance is available. Each and every year, federal grant money is usually provided to Davis County to provide help with rent and housing to residents. Among the local agencies and charities that will receive the federal funding in the form of ESG grants is the Family Connection Center (FCC). The non-profit has free transitional housing and related programs, provides rent assistance and other housing aid. There is also the possibility for cash assistance for tenants in a financial crisis. There is a formal application process in place and all funds are limited.
  • Emergency energy bill help is offered by FCC. They provide funds to help people keep their heat, lights, and gas on. Or get applications to LIHEAP as well as free energy conservation resources.
  • Self-sufficiency services, including job placement or training is available. They also help people rebuild or repair credit scores, save money, and budget. There are also free non-profit programs that help people code computers.




  • Free food pantry - Open Doors helps low-income families, kids and seniors get free groceries. There will be canned food, perishable items, and specific goods too, maybe including Ensure for seniors or USDA commodities.
  • Emergency Financial Assistance - This is a program that provides, at most once every three years, cash grants for emergencies that people may experience such as evictions or that need help fixing a car. The finds will assist with mortgage difficulties, foreclosures, utility service shutoffs, and essential prescriptions and life saving medications. They can also provide Christmas and holiday gifts.
  • Homeless to Housing Programs - The grants from the non-profit will also be provided to people who are facing an eviction or another financial crisis that need a place to live. In addition, money is also available for those who may be homeless today or right on the verge of it. Funds are being provided by Open Doors in Davis County to individuals and families and they are meant to provide one or two months of rental assistance. The money is intended to help people get through a short term housing crisis.

Many other resources are offered too. For example, this program can provide services to people and give them help on such things as budgeting, accessing other community resources, referrals to government programs, and other aid. The community action is based at 875 UT-193, Layton, UT 84041. Call (801) 771-4642. There is even support for low-cost of free high speed Internet programs, including in rural areas, and look here for free internet for seniors.

Financial assistance for bills, social services and get free stuff in Davis County

Catholic Community Services of Utah provides help to those who are most in need of assistance, regardless of their religion, race, background or personal circumstances.  They accomplish this mission by serving the needs of the low income, immigrants, single moms and poor. They also provide help to individuals and families. Their goal is to help people reach their full human potential.

Catholic Charities in Davis County UT has many services. There will be limited financial help as well as free items, such as clothes, furniture for a home or apartment, or food. OR get low-cost legal aid for immigrants and seniors or counseling. They provide basic needs and emergency services. Phone (801) 977-9119.




The Davis Community Housing Authority would be another housing organization for the low income. The DCHA offers a wide variety of assistance programs to help low as well as moderate income and also disadvantaged people with finding housing and assisting with rent. There are section 8 HUD vouchers, low-income no wait list apartments, and home buying services too. The address is 352 S 200 W, Farmington, UT 84025. Phone: (801) 451-2587.

Futures Through Training of Davis County UT provides various resources, including the Farmworkers program as well as applications to the HEAT Program. Other social services are arranged too.

  • The HEAT program is the Utah version of LIHEAP. Government grants will prevent winter utility shut-off and can also help low-income households pay a portion of their winter utility bill. As funding allows, can offer emergency utility bill assistance. It is also only for US citizens, the applicant must either be working now or have a recent, stead employment history as there is no point in giving a grant to help pay rent or utility bills if the applicant can't sustain themselves. Click here for additional utility assistance programs in Utah.
  • Farmworkers will get help too. This includes information on housing, food, or meals. There is also employment services to help them find a job or gain new skills.

The non-profit, commonly called FTT, can be reached at 801-394-9774.

Financial help Davis County UTClothing and free personal stuff is passed out. There are charities that giveaway clothes, winter jackets, socks and other items in adult or kids size. Or get furniture vouchers for couches, tables, lights and many other free items for a new home or apartment. This will be more limited but is sometimes offered with new clothing goods and learn more on places that giveaway clothes.

Renters assistance as well as housing programs in Davis County help tenants as well as the homeless. There is grant money, funds for security deposits, and low-cost apartments too - including for people with bad credit. A wide range of resources are offered. Find details on rental assistance in Davis County UT.

Utah Department Of Workforce Services processes applications to government benefit programs. There are several for low-income families and/or the unemployed. Get public assistance from Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), which is free cash aid to pay bills. Or grant money from General Assistance, and free EBT cards in Davis County UT from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).







They also help with other needs, whether Medicaid, SSI disability applications or elder care. Most of the support is time limited and has work requirements, and learn more at 1290 E 1450 S, Clearfield, UT 84015 or dial (866) 435-7414. There are other wok and training programs too, and a free center for job training near you.

The Salvation Army supports Davis County residents as well from nearby Ogden. The social services include a low cost thrift store as well as food pantry. Or apply for seasonal items, ranging from free school supplies for kids of all ages to Angel Tree, Thanksgiving meals or a low-cost summer camp. From time to time emergency funds will be offered for select bills. Call (801) 621-3580

Free medical and dental in Davis county UT

The Davis County Health Department helps the low-income, uninsured and seniors among others. Whether insured or not, care is provided.

  • The county has created a Prescription Assistance Program. The goal is to offer a way for people to get their high-cost prescriptions and other medications for far less money. In addition, it is also a way for individuals to navigate the health care system for free or reduced price prescriptions, including getting information on such resources as NeedyMeds.
  • Some of the meds that can be provided include discounted or free medications for blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid,  and more. These drugs to assist patients are usually aimed at helping people maintain their health.
  • Additional free or low cost medical is offered. There will be information on applying for Medicaid or Medicare, immunizations, STD checks, and free or low cost health checkups for women. There are also details on government insurance plans for the low-income, including free health insurance in UT.

The free or low cost health care is open to anyone in the county, regardless of their age or income. However a sliding scale will be charged for some people based on their ability to pay. Call the county at (801) 525-5000 to learn more or apply.

Davis County Dental Health is a local agency that provides free or cheap dental assistance to those who qualify. Cleanings, exams, teeth extractions and emergency root canals (and more) may be offered to the low-income and patients with no insurance. They partner with local government and state of Utah agencies to assist and provide dental care to residents who qualify for aid. Call  (801) 889-1044 or (801) 444-9090

Intermountain Healthcare Layton Clinic provides various forms of medical and dental. The free or income based clinic is at 2075 University Park Blvd, Layton, UT 84041. Assistance includes internal medicine, diabetic services, physicals, free OB/GYN and much more. Or get free mental health, doctor on demand and pharmacy services. People on Medicaid can get support too.

Clients can get x-rays, vision, obstetrics, prescription glasses, specialty referral and other medical services. Call (801) 779-6200. There are even partnerships with drug companies for meds, and look here for more on Patient Assistance Programs.




Free food assistance, free items and non-financial aid

Residents of Davis County have dozens of free food pantries as well as feeding sites to call for help. Some of what is offered will include meals, free food, groceries, vegetables, baby formula, and more. There are also Meals on Wheels for the elderly. The exact items will vary by center.

  • Fish -n - Loaves, dial 801-544-2426. The pantry gives free food, baby formula and feeds the homeless too from 1332 N Hill Field Rd, Layton, UT 84041.
  • Bountiful pantry is free as well. The location is 480 E 150 N, Bountiful, UT 84010. Phone: (801) 299-8464

Or find more locations of food banks, soup kitchens and clothing closets. There are other places that feed low income families as well as give Meals on Wheels. More on free food pantries in Davis County.

Debt and foreclosure help

Contact AAA Fair Credit Foundation at (801) 483-0999 or 1-800-351-4195 to gain access to a variety of debt, mortgage, and foreclosure programs. This Farmington based agency will help people receive financial counseling, budgeting and enroll into debt management,. There is also free foreclosure prevention, and special matched saving accounts (IDAs) that enable low to moderate income individuals and families to build assets.

The non-profit credit counseling agencies also help people with credit card debt or auto loans, and medical bill assistance is offered too. Or learn how to save money, and enter the financial mainstream of society. Find other ways to get help with debts and bills, including learn how to sue debt collectors.


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