Colorado free child and daycare assistance programs.
Low income families in Colorado that are struggling with paying their child care costs may be able to receive support from CCCAP, or the free Colorado Child Care Assistance Program. Government funds are used to assist families and parents, and a number of conditions and restrictions are in place as well.
The main agency in the state that oversees the program is CDHS, Division of Child Care. They work with local county social service offices and the federal government to process applications and ensure the funds go to only qualified families and residents. The agency will also work on terms and conditions, and some of them include the following.
The applying parent needs to be currently employed. Or they can be in full time job training or attending some type of school/education. Financial assistance and free vouchers as well as subsidies are offered by Colorado in an effort to support their efforts toward self-sufficiency. Low income levels will need to be met by applicants as well. Your county department of social/human services can also set or revise eligibility requirement for families.
The state relies on federal government, state, and county dollars to keep it operating. Only a fraction of applicants will be able to enroll and many others will go onto a waiting list. Fees that are due from the parents also help fund the program. In order to receive the federal government funds, the state of Colorado must also adhere to and abide by federal regulations and policies.
Applications are processed at the local level. Call or stop by your County Department of Social/Human Services in order to apply for child care assistance or get more information. A formal application process is in place and proof of your income and status is required as well. For example, applicants will need to complete and provide information about your family including your work or school program, immunization information, current employer, and household income.
Colorado will allow you to select your own child or day care provider, as long as they have been certified and approved by the state. Families have the ability to choose a licensed child care center, a family home, a neighbor, friend, or some other relative. Beneficiaries will need to make some decisions as well. They will need to decide the type of care that meets your family needs and that will be best for your child.
The state does have databases and information on who is approved or what they need to do in order to be licensed. This can help families locate a high quality provider. After you select your day care provider then be sure to work with the county to ensure you are properly enrolled. Otherwise the payment process will not work.
Shared daycare costs or free vouchers in Colorado
The state will only assist with paying for a portion of your costs. Parents will still need to pay a portion and this is called the parental fee. The amount that you need to pay will be based on many factors including your gross income, the number of members of your household, and also the number of children in care. Some low income parents or those in a crisis may be given free vouchers to pay the bills.
Your portion of the costs and the fee should be paid directly to your child care provider according to their billing and payment cycle, which is usually due at the first of the month. This does not apply for those who get free daycare in Colorado though.
After you are enrolled, a number of conditions will need to be met on an ongoing basis. If you fail to adhere to programs terms Colorado can end the financial assistance or free daycare vouchers at any time. A few examples include the following, however be sure to review any forms provided by the state very closely.
- If you do not pay your fee on time, then you may be disqualified.
- People must notify your social worker if you move, have a change in income, status, or if you have any change in your eligibility This needs to be done in very short order, which is normally 4 weeks. Please provide that information in writing.
- If you do move, there is no guarantee from the state of Colorado that your low-income child care benefits and subsidy will stay in place. This is the case as each county has their own terms in place.
Contact information for free daycare in Colorado
As noted, all resources are limited and often require job training or placement. Call your local human services office to apply, or dial 303-866-5958 for more information.