Assistance programs Bartow County Georgia.
Find financial help with paying bills and housing (mortgage, rent payments, security deposits, and utility bills) and other support. Non-profits, the government DFCS office, churches, and charities (among other agencies) help low income families and Bartow County families that are struggling.
Or families can get free clothes, food, transportation, school supplies or uniforms, Christmas gifts as well as gasoline assistance. There is also free debt, credit or job counseling services in Cartersville and additional support from one or more of the agencies below.
Free health care for low income and uninsured
Patients can contact Bartow Health Access, Inc. at (678) 535-7216. The organizations goal is to provide low cost, high quality accessible health and medical care for those without health insurance or who have a very limited income. BHA will also help patients get medications at a reduced cost or free of charge. They do this by partnering directly with numerous drug and pharmaceutical companies that manufacture the medications, such as Merck and Johnson and Johnson.
The state of Georgia also arranged additional health insurance and medical programs. They are run in combinations with government and non-profits in Bartow County. The low income can get free health insurance plans and the elderly are also major beneficiaries. A wide variety of services are offered, and learn more on free health insurance plans in Georgia.
Rent or utility bills assistance, referrals, and additional financial aid in Bartow County
Bartow County Salvation Army (770) 386-6256 may be able to help. They have programs for the working poor, elderly, unemployed, and others who need help. They may be able to provide limited assistance for expenses such as utility bills, rent, and other costs. The Carterville Georgia Salvation Army also gives out free items, ranging from back to school supplies to personal toiletries as well as Christmas gifts or meals.
They can also refer people to local charities and non-profits, as well as government assistance programs from the state of Georgia as well as the federal government. For example, learn about Georgia hardest hit fund which can help homeowners pay their mortgage and avoid a foreclosure. More on Salvation Army Bartow County assistance programs.
Call the Bartow Community Action Partnership, Inc. They are the primary agency that low income turn to in the Cartersville area as well as the local community. The programs and resources they offer include all of the options below.
- Financial assistance for expenses - The agency partners with local agencies, charities and churches. Together these different groups will help people in need locate additional resources for paying their rent, housing assistance programs, utility, gas, water, and electric bills. Various community action programs are also targeted at the homeless, including grants to help them pay the security deposit on a new apartment.
- Utility bill assistance - Programs such as the Low Income Energy Program, Cooling Bill assistance, and a free fan program can all help people save on energy bills, or receive cash assistance in paying them. Funds a re limited, and initially focused on the elderly and disabled in the community.
- Utility assistance for seniors - Senior Discount Programs are offered by many local utility companies, and the agency can help you apply for them.
- Budgeting, credit, and debt assistance - A program known as case management can help people get back on their feet financially.
- Job finding services - The community action agency provides activities that are primarily designed to assist low to moderate income participants find a job or increase their income. The job finding programs will help many, including the elderly poor, unemployed, and low income both secure and retain meaningful employment. Counselors from the agency will provide participants and clients with information on resume development and preparation, counselors will help people create resumes and provide interview/employment counseling to those who request it.
- Weatherization program - If you are qualified based on your income, a team of professionals that work for the agency will insulate your home, both replace or repair old or broken windows, add storm windows and add weather stripping to your home free of charge, all in an effort to help you save on utility and cooling bills.
The center is part of the overall Tallatoona Community Action Partnership organization, which is also known as TCAP. The above listing is only some examples of the resources offered, and there are several other financial assistance programs in Bartow County. To learn more, or get referrals, call the Cartersville Georgia community action agency in Bartow County at (770) 382-5388 to get help with bills or get more information. Read more on Bartow County Tallatoona Community Action Partnership.
North Bartow Community Services provides support to families living in poverty but that are working to overcome their situation. Some of what they can provide is financial in nature, and may include grants for energy bills, security deposits or rent. Other services range from vouchers to pay for a portion of prescription costs to a food pantry. Or apply for SSI or food stamps at the center.
The programs are for only a limited number of cities/towns in the county. For information on loans for paying bills from the charity, the thrift store, or other support, the main office is in Adairsville and can be contacted at 770-773-3812. More on North Bartow Community Services.
Bartow County DFCS provides government assistance and public benefits. There is wefare/TANF cash aid. Medicaid is a free health care plan for the low income and Medicare is for seniors. Other resources include nursing home care, free daycare vouchers near you from government agencies, grants for the disabled and more. The Bartow County Division of Family & Children Services office is at 47 Brook Dr, Cartersville, GA 30120. Call (770) 387-3900 for details.
Housing, shelter, and rent programs - The homeless can get help as well as tenants close to eviction. There are a few local agencies in Bartow County that provide rental as well as security deposit help. Additional regional programs are also available.
Very low income families can apply for housing assistance. There are also resources for single parents, the disabled, and elderly in the area. A combination of grants, legal aid, and counseling is used. More details on help with rent in Bartow County.
Programs and pantries that offer food - Both low income families and residents in a crisis can try these non-profit organizations, including emergency food pantries as well as soup kitchens. Numerous assistance programs may be offered.
- Boxes of groceries from a pantry.
- Volunteers serve hot holiday meals, including at Christmas.
- Other household goods such as clothes or personal hygiene items may be offered in Cartersville.
- For more details on their services, more on Bartow County free food pantries.