Assistance programs in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County.
Find financial help for paying bills or housing costs along with assistance from the government, charities, or churches. There are many resources for struggling or low income families, whether it is money for paying rent or mortgage to free back to school supplies from charities. Get financial help near you in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County VA.
The goal is to provide emergency financial help along with employment, credit or debt reduction services, and free budgeting workshops. Qualified applicants may also get grants for paying energy bills, legal aid to stop evictions, clothes, Christmas presents, as well as free groceries as well as food from pantries among other support.
Rent and mortgage assistance
The Salvation Army in Harrisonburg and Staunton Virginia provides mortgage and rent help to those in need. They often get funds from the United Way as well as government grants that go into their Emergency Food and Shelter funds. This often annual infusion of cash will assist families and individuals with paying rent and also making mortgage payments. The main goal of these funds is to prevent eviction from stable housing. Eligible recipients need to prove that they are in arrears on their rent or housing payments in order to get a loan or grant. Last year they helped dozens of families keep their homes. Call (540) 433-8770.
Another government agency to call is the Harrisonburg Redevelopment & Housing Authority. This non-profit government agency offers the working poor affordable housing and rent assistance, and help is offered for low income individuals and their families in this part of Rockingham and Harrisonburg Virginia. The government offers Section 8 housing vouchers, and interest individuals can apply for Virginia Section 8 housing vouchers directly at the Harrisonburg Redevelopment & Housing Authority. Call the government office at (540)434-7386.
Food assistance
Our Community Place is a community center on the north-end of Harrisonburg, VA. They serve a free lunch on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday as well as a free dinner on Thursday. For directions, please call (540) 638-0329.
There are also several churches and pantries in the region that provide free food, meals, and other goods (such as clothing) to the less fortunate. Most centers will also hold fund raisers and drives in order to raise money and awareness for the needy. Examples of these organizations include First Church of the Nazarene (Harrisonburg VA, dial (540)434-1092) as well as Elkton Area United Services (telephone (540)298-0931).
There are other places for free food, hot meals, USDA benefits, and additional hunger prevention programs. Learn more on other regional food banks and free pantries in Rockingham area.
Help for utilities in Harrisonburg area
If you are behind on paying energy, heating, or general utility bills, call the Harrisonburg Rockingham County Social Services at (540)574-5100. The government agency and their programs can help low income and qualified households when the federal government LIHEAP or Fuel Assistance or other resources cannot meet the applicants immediate need. Some examples of emergencies that can qualify for emergency aid include lack of heat, if the customers utility cutoff is imminent and inoperable or unsafe heating or cooling equipment.
Types of Crisis Assistance provided by Harrisonburg Rockingham County Social Services may include cash grants and some form of payment of utility security deposit, purchase of primary home heating fuel or oil, purchase of portable space heater. The Social Services department helps pay other bills as well, and there may be payment for emergency shelter or housing aid, payment of primary heat utility bill, replacement of heating equipment and/or provision of supplemental heating equipment/maintenance, or repair of heating equipment. The County Social Services office is also a create resource to call for information on all forms of government assistance or charity help too. Read more on public assistance in Virginia.
Rent, utility help, and food in Rockingham and Harrisonburg
People Helping People is located at 65 Ott Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 (housed on Muhlenberg Lutheran Church’s campus). The phone number is (540) 433-7286.” The program focuses on people who are faced with an emergency situation. Assists low income and struggling citizens and can help people address needs and pay for bills including cooling, heating, electric, and prescription medications.
This is a crisis church organization that serves families in Rockingham County and Harrisonburg City, excluding the town of Elkton. At most $100 can be provided every 6 months for those expenses mentioned above. Some rental assistance may be provided too.
Harrisonburg Salvation Army runs the Energy Share program, provides shelter, free seasonal aid, food, and so much more. This is a Dominion Power of Virginia energy program. It provides grants for paying bills until funds are exhausted. The Energy Share program helps those low income families who need help, regardless of the type of heat used. It is also a program of last resort.
The organization also provides fuel assistance through a program funded by the Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative Energy Assistance program. Last, but not least, the Rockingham County Virginia Salvation Army provides a private, non-profit charitable organization offering housing aid, emergency assistance, shelter, food, counseling, and meals. Click here for energy assistance in Virginia.
Numerous other services are provided by the Salvation Army, and they include basic needs and case management. For example, Rockingham low income families can receive vouchers for clothing, free boxes of food or holiday assistance such as Christmas toys. Case management will help people gain self-sufficiency and stability. There are also homeless shelters as well as substance abuse programs as well. Read Salvation Army Rockingham resources.
AIDS HIV Support Services - AIDS Network is based from James Madison University. Address is 601 University Blvd, Stes 322-324, Harrisonburg, VA 22807. Phone (800)648-5302. Provides people living with HIV/AIDS individualized medical case management and referral services to other government programs and community resources. Apply for financial assistance for lab work, money for HIV-related medical visits, and medications. Additional assistance may include emergency utility bill assistance, including electric expenses. All aid is offered as last resort, and only if people have no other options.
There are a number of free basic needs that can be provided to low income families or those in need. Whether it is a free clothing or furniture bank, or seasonal services, help is offered by the Salvation Army, Mercy House, and other agencies. Residents in Harrisonburg or Rockingham may find some or all of the following.
- -Furniture for a new home or apartment, such as coaches, kitchen tables, appliances, beds, and more.
- -Referrals and link to government aid, both regional and local.
- -Seasonal assistance including free Easter baskets, Thanksgiving turkey meals, Christmas toys or food baskets and so much more.
- -Community clinics in the Harrisonburg region may offer medical equipment, prescription drugs or vouchers, and referrals.
- -So much more may be provided too, even things such as diapers or baby wipes.
A Response to Domestic Violence - As funding allows, the non-profit can assist persons experiencing homelessness. Assistance can help them locate and move into permanent supportive housing in Rockingham County. 129 Franklin Street, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801, (540)434-0295.
Elkton Area United Services administers services such as GED Classes, Treasures for Everyone Thrift Store, Emergency Financial Assistance, Food Pantry, Meals on Wheels, Holiday Cheer, Back to School, and resources for Senior Citizens. The center is at 218 West Spotswood Trail, Elkton, Virginia 22827, call (540)298-0931.
Shenandoah Alliance for Shelter programs is a wide ranging social services, clothing housing, and food agency. A main focus is on coordinating permanent housing, offering homeless prevention services, and coordinate financial aid as well as other support in Rockingham County region. More on help from Shenandoah Alliance for Shelter programs.
Harrisonburg, HIP, Mercy House, Inc. – The Homeless Intervention Program is administered. The resource helps clients catch up on overdue rent and mortgage payments. The purpose of the Homeless Intervention Program (HIP), also known as SHARE, is to provide short term financial, rent and housing counseling assistance. Low income families and individuals who are experiencing a financial crisis and are at risk of homelessness can apply.
Other resources, including a thrift store, medications, medical bill assistance, and even free gasoline may be provided by the Mercy House. In addition, other housing programs, such as rapid rehousing, are available for people who are currently homeless. This can provide them with grants for paying a security deposit, case management, and funds for first months rent. Assistance from HIP assistance is intended to facilitate their ability to help people either maintain or obtain permanent housing. 247 N High St, Harrisonburg, VA 22801. Phone (540)432-1812. Read Mercy House housing and financial aid.
Health and dental clinics
Harrisonburg Rockingham Free Clinic – Only the low income and uninsured can use this center. It provides free health and dental care to the qualified patients of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County Virginia. Patients are seen by volunteer dentists, doctors, hygienists, or nurses.
In addition to the medical and dental care, some prescription medications are also provided for a minimal cost. Dental services are offered for tooth extractions or cleaning only. If a patient needs more attention, additional dental services are offered through the Shull Dental Voucher Program that allows patients of the clinic the opportunity to receive a variety of other dental services (such as cleanings or checkups) in another local dentist's office. Patients need to meet income guidelines, and bring proof of income, such as a paystub. 25 W Water St., Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801, phone number (540)433-5431.
Rockingham County Health Department – The government agency offers comprehensive health care that includes a broad range of treatment and diagnostic services. All of the medical services are intended to help people save money on their bills and access the care they need. There is even Virginia medical programs for the uninsured.
Resources are available on an ability to pay basis and target indigent, uninsured and low-income residents of the community. Programs include Communicable Disease Control, Community Health, Immunizations, Help for Diabetics, and Dental Health. Womens care health care encompasses annual exams, birth control, and pap smears. 110 N Mason St, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801, dial (540)574-5100.
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