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Assistance programs in Muscatine County.

There are organizations that help low-income families in Muscatine County pay their bills, including rent, utility bills, transportation and more. In addition to financial help with bills, charities and government affiliated organizations also give out free food, clothes and other stuff to people in need. Find assistance near you in Muscatine County.

Get help with electric bills, housing, food and more in Muscatine County

The Community Action of Eastern Iowa helps thousands of families each year by providing them short term, emergency assistance. Case workers also give clients access to programs that lead to self-sufficiency. They are the agency that serves the Iowa counties of Muscatine, Cedar, Clinton, and Scott.

  • One of the programs they offer is the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. The program will assist both homeowners and renters who live in Muscatine County with their utility bills. LIHEAP was created to pay a portion of a household’s winter heating costs.
  • They also administer the weatherization program, which provides homeowners with free energy saving improvements and upgrades to their homes. This will provide older homes with free updates, such as caulking, furnace repairs, free windows and more
  • Get help with food in Muscatine County. Examples of these programs may include free food for children and seniors from CACFP.
  • In a crisis, emergency financial assistance can be issued for paying costs such as rent or energy bills. Other programs in Muscatine County Iowa from the community action agency may be Chore Services for seniors and the disabled, free AC repairs and summertime cooling bill assistance.

Case managers also focus on coordinating self-sufficiency, and this may be job training for the unemployed or budgeting type sessions for the general public. The non-profit offers both short term, crisis aid and long term stability services. The location is 1903 Park Ave, Muscatine, IA 52761. Dial 563-886-3191 or (563) 263-9290, or more on Community Action Eastern Iowa assistance programs.




Housing, rent, medical and utility help in Muscatine Iowa

Good Samaritan clinic provides medical care. Patients and people with medical or dental needs can get support. There is help for the uninsured and low income as well. Find free dental and medical care too. The center offers qualified individuals including x-rays, eye exams, extractions and limited lab) to low income or uninsured patients ages 16-64 who are working but have no medical or dental insurance.

Patients are seen by nurse practitioners, volunteer physicians, dentists, and physician assistants. They also have information on free health insurance in Iowa that is available. Contact the Good Samaritan clinic at (309) 755-9400 or (563) 263-0530

The Muscatine Salvation Army offers many social services. The non-profit is a resource that offers both spiritual and social counseling to the low income and unemployed, among others. Services provided by the local Salvation Army to Muscatine County residents include utility and heating bill assistance, emergency food pantry, as well as counseling.

  • Other free services may be offered too. They include children's character building classes, rent assistance, and a free meal program as well as groceries from a pantry. Or apply for free school supplies or Christmas toys (and meals) from Angel Tree and Adopt a Family. They also partner with food banks in Iowa.

The Salvation Army also has social services (by appointment only) in the Muscatine County area. There are summer camps and the possibility of financial aid. Whether it is a loan or grant for paying bill or rent, case management services, holiday help, or other aid some support may be offered. The Christian faith church helps people of all backgrounds. Resources are limited. The location is  1000 Oregon St, Muscatine, IA 52761. Dial (563) 263-8272. Or read Muscatine County Salvation Army.

MCSA Food Pantry is a nearby food bank for low income residents. They offer some form of assistance to anyone, regardless of income. The address is 312 Iowa Ave, Muscatine, IA 52761. There may be groceries, hygiene supplies, baby formula for new parents and other items. Call 563.264.3278.

United Way Muscatine County is a leading non-profit that provides help to the low-income, homeless and unemployed. Get referrals to grant money as well as details on charities or churches, insight into food pantries, applications to benefit programs and other aid. Call (563) 263-5963, or read more here.




The county General Assistance Program is a government benefit for low-income families with no other options available. It is emergency aid. There is cremation help, free government money to pay for back rent, car repairs and more - even including free motel vouchers. All the applications for GA in Muscatine County are reviewed on a case by case basis. For more information, the office is at 414 E. Third St., Muscatine, Iowa 52761. Call 563-263-7512.

Muscatine Public Housing - HA both operates low-cost apartments and has section 8 rent vouchers. The location is 215 Sycamore St, Muscatine, IA 52761. There is also priority section 8 rent vouchers for women facing abuse or the elderly. Call (563) 264-1554


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