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Assistance programs in La Plata County

Low-income families in the Durango CO area can get financial help including for paying rent, utility bills or other expenses. Find government programs, charities and churches in La Plata County that provide grant money, food, and other support to low-income families.

Rent, food, and utility bill assistance

Housing Solutions for the Southwest (HS), which is located at 295 Girard St., Durango, Colorado 81303, and phone number (970) 259-1086, provides several resources to low-income families. The non-profit provides emergency help with rent payment, security deposit or moving costs among other programs.

  • One of the main services in the area is the Eviction and Emergency Homeless Prevention Program. As part of this, the organization provides rent assistance to help stop an eviction. There are also cash grants, free lawyers for tenants in La Plata County and other emergency aid to ensure people are not evicted from their homes.
  • Another service they offer is known as Housing Counseling and Advice. This will provide foreclosure prevention advice. The staff also give information on government mortgage programs, landlord and tenant dispute resolution, legal advice, and other counseling.
  • They administer the Weatherization Program, which will help people save on their energy and heating bills. It will install, for free, energy saving upgrades to homes, in particular those of seniors or the disabled. It will help repair (or insulate) wall, attic, and crawl space insulations. The program will also help tune up furnaces, caulking, and other updates.
  • LEAP is the main low-income energy bill assistance programs for La Plata County. There is government grant money to help people pay winter heating costs as well as year round utility bills. Find more details on the Colorado LEAP program.

La Plata County Department of Human Services provides applications to government benefits. This can help the low-income, families living in poverty, seniors and others. As there are several public assistance programs from DHS which may help. One is Colorado WORKS, which is free money from the government as part of TANF. They also process Medicaid (Health First) and SNAP food stamp applications which will help feed a family.




DHS has other resources too. The goal is to offer help to pay for basic needs (food, medical, housing, etc.) at the same time as long term social services. As the government benefits are temporary in nature, and the office is at 10 Burnett Ct, Durango, CO 81301. Dial (970) 382-6150.

The Salvation Army of La Plata County has various social services for low-income families and single parents. There is emergency rent and utility help to stop homelessness. The charity also has a food pantry and soup kitchen that gives out free food boxes or serves meals, including to the homeless and migrant workers. There is also free school supplies for kids in Durango Colorado, free Christmas toys and more - even car repairs. The location is 10 Burnett Court, Durango CO 81301. Dial 970-317-2094 or 303-918-3020. Or locate other Salvation Army rent and utility assistance programs

Durango Food Bank is the leading free food distribution center. They give out canned groceries, fresh produce, baby formula and even Meals on Wheels for the homebound too. The location is 194 Bodo Dr C, Durango, CO 81301. Free Thanksgiving, Christmas and holiday meals are offered too. Call (970) 375-2672

Manna Soup Kitchen serves hot meals, including at dinner or lunch. There is also an emergency pantry for free food boxes. The charity is at 1100 Avenida Del Sol, Durango, Colorado 81301. Call (970) 385-5095


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