Public assistance and government aid Kansas.
Find a list of Kansas public assistance programs for low-income families, seniors, the unemployed and disabled. A summary of the resources, including cash assistance, Medicaid from KanCare, food stamps, and other social services are below. Priority for public aid as well as emergency assistance from the government is usually provided to families with children, seniors, and the disabled.
The Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF) is the leading government agency to call for food assistance, Medicaid, cash aid from TANF, and other benefits. Find the application number below for public assistance in Kansas as well as local counties.
Cash aid and financial help from government help in Kansas
Kansas Cash Assistance, which is also called Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), may be able to help low income adults and children pay for basic needs and bills. However a main focus of the program is on ensuring people get self-sufficient, which includes job training, finding a job, housing or rent help and similar activities. Case managers can also help with resume review, career counseling, job training, providing support services for work, education, applications for SNAP food stamps, and other career activities.
A real focus is on helping low income families and individuals acquire new skills so they can increase their income and build on their current abilities, and also keep children in their homes. There are also resources for paying rent expenses, both from state public aid as well as national resources. Learn more on programs that help pay rent.
In order to receive cash assistance from this public resource in which applications are processed by DCF, a family must be expecting a child, have someone that is pregnant, or the family needs to have at least one child in the home that is already under the age of 18. The child may live with a relative or parent or they can even live with a person named by a court to take care of the child, such as a custodian, guardian, or conservator. The family who is applying for grants or cash assistance must also have few resources or meet low income thresholds.
SNAP Food STAMP Benefits Assistance – Low income families in Kansas and people with little or no income can get help in buying nutritious food. The program provides vouchers and benefits to qualified families and individuals. The public assistance program, known as SNAP food stamps, can be used to buy food, a small amount of household products and groceries from local grocery stores or supermarkets.
Monthly cash assistance and benefits are provided on a state issued Vision card, which is very similar to a credit or debit card (also known as EBT). That card is what participants need to use to pay for and acquire their food. Free groceries and food is given and prioritized to persons with disabilities, those who are age 60 and older, the low income, unemployed, and children. Applications are processed by Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF).
Cash benefits are provided as part of the Kansas General Assistance Program for persons who are disabled. The Kansas DCF program serves those who do not qualify for other state or federal programs. It is a short-term public assistance program, and at most someone can receive assistance for up to 24 months. The person must apply for federal government Social Security disability benefits to be eligible for aid. An applicant needs to have few resources and limited income for general assistance.
Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) - Qualified households can get help with paying a portion of their home energy and utility bills by providing a one-time per year cash assistance or grant benefit. It is funded by federal government and public funds, however low income families and seniors in Kansas can apply for LIHEAP. Emergency assistance can be paid out as well to help prevent a disconnection of utilities.
Employment Work Programs – Families in Kansas who receive either Food stamps or the Temporary Assistance for Families (TANF) can get help in both finding and keeping a job. The individual will be able to work with their TANF case manager, and qualified adults will receive access to services and resources that can be used to prepare them for employment.
Some of these job training programs and employment services may continue for up to a year after cash assistance ends, and participants must participate in work program activities to remain eligible for TANF cash benefits. Some exceptions can be made in a small number of situations or circumstances.
Public assistance from DCF for parents with children in Kansas
Early Head Start in Kansas is paid for by public and federal government funds. The service is a comprehensive early childhood development program for children who are four years of age or younger. In addition, pregnant women may also qualify for services from Head Start. Some of the aid offered to residents in Kansas include services for children with disabilities, developmental screenings, social services, mental and physical health, nutrition, food, and more.
Parents can also benefit from the Kansas Early Head Start program. The service can provide job seeking and retention services for parents, weekly home visits, parent education, community involvement in early learning, literacy activities and more. Some forms of child/day care can also be covered, such as offering child care on a limited basis, supplies for child care partners, and assessment of child care settings.
Child Care Costs - Get financial help in paying for child care costs and expenses through the child care subsidy program which is administered by Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services. The assistance program helps working poor and low income families who receive temporary cash assistance, support is offered for low-income and working families, services are available for some families and teen parents completing high school or GED. In addition, free child care can be paid for if the parent is in education or job training activities. Learn more on free daycare vouchers in Kansas.
Government free public health and dental care as well as insurance programs
Kansas Health Policy Authority (KHPA) – Can provide individuals help with purchasing insurance and other medical services, with a focus on the elderly, children, pregnant women, and people with disabilities. There may be public assistance to pay for some of an insurance deductible too. Many of the medical assistance programs are offered in partnership with the state-funded MediKan program, public programs like Medicaid, and also the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. Find details on shopping for assistance paying for costly health insurance deductibles.
Medicaid, known as KanCare, is a federal-state program that provides health insurance and long-term care services to people with low-incomes or a disability. All states currently participate in the Medicaid program and federal matching funds are available for the costs of these services. KHPA is directly responsible for the purchase of health care services funded through the Medicaid program, while the Department on Aging and the Department for Children and Families are responsible for administering long-term care services.
KanCare can help the poor, low income, disabled and other pay for medical bills, health care and mental health services. It is the primary public assistance program, both nationwide and in Kansas, that focuses on medical needs.
Kansas government assistance helps with prescription drug costs too. Both generic as well as some “name brand” medications can be acquired using public aid, including for diabetes or insulin, heart conditions, cancer, and other medical needs. There are also vouchers as well as negotiation services for insulin and diabetes. Find details on free government insulin.
Medical Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities and Seniors is also offered by resources run by the Kansas Department on Aging, Social and Rehabilitation Services (SRS). This statewide program is responsible for administering long-term mental health services as well as care services. Individuals who meet age guidelines or with disabilities may qualify for public assistance and care in one of these categories.
Food Banks and Soup Kitchens are run by the Kansas Social and Rehabilitation Services. The program gives groceries, food, and surplus items to many charitable institutions, including community food pantries and soup kitchens. The food is distributed through community organizations across Kansas, like the Salvation Army and your local community action agency.
Working Healthy offers public medical care from Medicaid and other insurance programs. Financial aid, as well as other benefits such as KanCare or food stamps, is offered for people with disabilities who want to work but worry that by actually holding a job that could jeopardize their vital long term care coverage and health insurance.
Locate public benefits from DCF by county in Kansas
Dial the Kansas Department for Children and Families at 1-888-369-4777 for information on cash and public assistance programs and services. Get applications for TANF cash aid, SNAP food stamps, work programs, Medicaid and more. Or select a county below.
Johnson County