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Medical care for uninsured and free health insurance Illinois.

Government as well as non-profit agencies in Illinois will provide free or low cost medical care to the uninsured or patients who lack full health care coverage. There are also a number of free health insurance plans available, both from the government and charities. Most of the resources also require that applicants meet certain low income guidelines, and find how to apply for free health insurance in IL below.

Numerous services are available in the state, including Medicaid - HealthChoice Illinois. Some focus on providing more basic care, such as checkups, screening, immunizations, eye exams or medications. Additional medical services can deal with more unique or specialized medical needs, which can include cancer screenings (or treatments), mental health therapy or providing insurance coverage for complicated pre-existing conditions including free cancer tests. Find additional free mammogram screenings near you.

Children, senior citizens and women are also given priority in most cases for free health insurance or care. The state of Illinois will work with the federal government on Medicaid as well as Medicare, hospitals and local non-profits in order to fund and administer these programs for residents.

Free or low cost health care in Illinois or insurance plans

Access to Care is the name of a program that provides affordable health care services for uninsured and low-income residents of northwest Chicago and suburban Cook County IL only. Clients need to meet established income levels and they can’t be signed up for Medicaid, Medicare, All Kids or FamilyCare. Some of what can be paid for and provided includes basic lab and x-ray services for $5, prescription medications, and access to a doctor for a small fee. Call 708-531-0680.

Medical Assistance Program, which is Medicaid insurance in Illinois, is a free government health insurance plan for the poor, disabled, low-income and less fortunate. It provides medical care for households that are uninsured and that meet income levels. The free or low cost government insurance plan, often referred to as HealthChoice Illinois, can provide prescription drugs, exams, homecare for seniors, in patient care, basic dental coverage, glasses, and other support.




This is another form of health insurance that will also be for those denied coverage due to pre-existing medical conditions. The state can help patients access a broad range of health benefits and medical bill assistance. This can include, but is not limited to, primary, hospital and specialty care as well as prescription drugs. There are premiums, deductibles and out of pocket expenses due, but all pre-existing conditions are covered Dial 217-782-2570 or 1-800-843-6154.

  • All Kids is an Illinois insurance plan that can coordinate comprehensive health care as well as insurance to uninsured children from low income families. It is a version of Medicaid in Illinois. It can cover infants, newborns, or children and teenagers who are age 19 or younger. Receive medical bill assistance for hospital stays, prescription drugs, doctor visits, vision care, dental care, eyeglasses, regular check-ups, immunizations, speech and physical therapy. Telephone number is 866-255-5437 or 1-877-204-1012.
  • Illinois Health Benefits for Workers with Disabilities will provide disabled adults, seniors or kids with access to Medicaid ( Medical Assistance) in Illinois. Patients can in effect buy into these affordable government insurance plan to access benefits. Call 800-226-0768.

Illinois Cares Rx Basic and Plus covers medications. This is a state-sponsored prescription plan for senior citizens. The program, and free prescription discount card, helps pay for medicines and drugs that Medicare Part D does not pay for. Dial 1-800-226-0768, or find other sources of senior citizen prescription drugs.

The DuPage County Health Care resource is financial assistance program for paying medical bills. Patients with no insurance or money will get free eyeglasses, dental fees, fees, and prescriptions or therapy paid for. It is only offered for families who live in the county. A number of restrictions are in place. 800-942-9412

FamilyCare insurance is offered for parents / adults. In some cases children as well as the entire family or relatives who may be caring for them. The household needs to have a child under 18, and it can also provide medical services to their caregiver. Wellness, doctor visits and other medical costs are covered. Call 866-255-5437

Programs to Stop Medical Debt Collectors will help low-income and uninsured patients in Illinois. Regulations and laws exist in Illinois that will stop both aggressive and illegal collection efforts from medical debt collectors as well as hospitals. Fair pricing and coverage laws also ensure patients have access to free health care, affordable dentists or doctors and competitive prices. Continue with medical debt collection laws in Illinois.





Illinois Free Community Medical Clinics and Health Care Centers help the homeless, working poor, and people with no insurance. Families and individuals who are either low income, or who have no or limited health insurance may be able to get help from community clinics. These centers offer numerous medical and free dental services to Illinois residents. More on Illinois free community clinics.

  • The low income, people with no or limited health insurance, or patients facing a hardship may be able to qualify for low priced or free dental care from clinics in the state. Dentists give free care, as well as emergency help, to adults, kids and people with no money. More on free dental clinics in Illinois.

The state offers free Healthcare for Illinois Veterans. This is a low cost government health insurance plan. Veterans, as well as their families that lack other insurance plans, can receive low cost insurance with affordable premiums. It is for residents who do not get medical help from Veterans Health Administration benefits .In some lases low income veterans who are also uninsured can get free care. Call 877-483-8779.

Ryan White Care - Illinois AIDS Drug Assistance Program is administered by the Illinois Department of Public Health and is funded by the federal government. Patients who are uninsured and who are diagnosed with AIDs or HIV may qualify for free medications, transportation to the doctor and treatments. Phone -  800-243-2437

IBCCP is the Breast and Cervical Cancer Program. It will provide free screening for eligible uninsured or underserved women. Included are pap tests, Mammograms, breast and pelvic exams. The insurance will pay for women’s care, including OB/GYN as well. Call 888-522-1282.

Illinois Comprehensive Health Insurance, which is also called ICHIP, can provide health insurance on an individual basis. Assistance is offered for those who have been denied coverage due to high risk and/or pre-existing conditions. In total over 50 different diseases or conditions are classified as high risk.

  • It can even in effect replace someone’s existing health insurance plan if their premiums are higher than this Illinois program. While terms can change, the premiums set by the state can be at 125%-150% of the average rate charged by the largest private health insurance companies. Call 1-866-851-2751.

Affordable or maybe even free, stroke and heart disease screening is available for low income women from WISEWOMAN. The government created this in an effort to delay, prevent or control cardiovascular and chronic diseases. You will need to call in order to find a screening site in your Illinois town, city, or county. In addition to basic checks, it will provide health care checks for stroke and heart disease screening. Also receive free education, tips, and advice on how to live a heart-healthy diet/lifestyle. 888-522-1282

Illinois Healthy Women is a voluntary resource that under or uninsured women can sign up for. It coordinates family planning, birth control services, and other assistance to the disadvantaged. Illinois women can also get assistance appealing health insurance disputes. A number of needs can be addressed, including physical exams, family planning, counseling about women's health, pap tests, mammogram, and lab tests. If requested, it can also offer women testing for sexually transmitted infections. Call 800-226-0768.







Illinois Medicare insurance Savings Program is offered by a partnership of Agency on Aging and the state government. People on Medicare, mainly senior citizens, retirees, or the disabled, will get help paying for Medicare Part A and B Premiums. Government funds help the low-income pay deductible, premiums, get medications and more. This is also known as Extra Help. Call 800-252-8966

ICan Connect - Illinois Telecommunications Access Corporation is a resource for those residents who are hearing impaired, deaf, speech-disabled, or even deaf-blind. There may also be free cell phones or technology given out as part of this health care plan, including disabled adults or senior citizens,. Vouchers and loans are distributed to help uninsured people pay for, or finance, equipment such as TTY with LVD or Amplified and Braille Telephones. Phone 312-957-4865 or 800-841-6167, or locate free government phones for the disabled.

Illinois Assistive Technology Program (IATP) covers equipment that the disabled and/or elderly need. It can pay for hearing aid, vision equipment, grab bars for a shower, ramps, wheelchairs, and so much more. Seniors and the disabled, whose health insurance does not pay for the equipment they need, can try this program. There are even free hearing aids for low income households. Call 800-852-5110.

Vaccines and Medications for Children Program will coordinate free/low cost vaccines for kids - children from low-income or uninsured homes as well as single moms in IL. Local clinics in Illinois administer the shots. It can help address influenza, tetanus, Meningocaccal, measles, and more. Minimal fees may be charged to patients. Call 800-526-4372.

Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility (MPE) is temporary and immediate coverage for outpatient health services. It is offered to uninsured pregnant women as well as those with no money. Patients can receive temporary care. Applicants will also need to apply for the Moms and Babies program for ongoing and more comprehensive care.

  • MPE will pay for prenatal checkups, doctor visits, lab tests, vitamins, medicine, specialty medical care, emergency rooms, and mental health/substance abuse services. While not as common, funding may also cover transportation expenses that are incurred getting to medical care and other services. Phone 866-255-5437.

Moms and Babies is a non-profit program that will pay for healthcare services for low-income and under insured pregnant women, single mothers and their babies. Both in and outpatient bills are paid while the women is pregnant and up to 60 days after the baby is born. Phone 866-255-5437.


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