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Free food pantries, groceries and soup kitchens in Columbia County Georgia.

Find free food pantries as well as soup kitchens in Columbia County Georgia that are near you, most of which are registered with the Golden Harvest network. The various distribution centers are located across the county. There may be a food bank at a local church, a regional charity, or a government affiliated office such as a community action agency that is open today. Locate a free pantry near you in Columbia County GA.

The focus is on helping low-income families, people with no money and seniors. The bottom line is there are places to go to for free food, groceries, holiday meals, personal hygiene supplies, dog or cat food and other aid in Columbia County. Find locations below, as well as a toll free referral number at the bottom of the page or locate apps to help save money.

Since Columbia County is not that large, and it borders bigger cities such as Augusta GA, some of the food banks are in nearby communities. But struggling families or individuals can still drop by and apply or use a drive thru food banks. Even if a pantry can't provide the groceries that someone needs, they may have referrals. After all there are programs including SNAP food stamps, Meals on Wheels, and Summer Food Service Program available among others.

When applying at a food pantry, bring the following. Proof of income; residency; age of all household members; and bring a license or social security card for identification. All pantries have limited resources, so it is a good idea to call for hours or to see what may be available.

Columbia County GA places for free food boxes

Antioch Baptist Church
Main address is 723 W Milledgeville Rd
Harlem, Georgia 30814
Phone: (706) 556-8376
The food bank is open Monday - Friday at 10:00 AM to 3:00 pm. Free groceries, paper products, hygiene supplies, soap, paper goods, and emergency food boxes are given out to the needy.

Columbia County Cares
1959 Appling-Harlem Road
Appling, Georgia 30802
Telephone number is (706) 541-2834
Multiple assistance programs are run. Whether it is emergency financial help or applications to SNAP food stamps, assistance is available. There are also free school supplies, Christmas meals and toys, and more.




Central Church of Christ
3650 Riverwatch Parkway
Martinez, Georgia 30907
Appointments are needed. Dial (706) 855-0801

Christway Christian Church
4004 Prescott Dr.
Martinez, GA 30907
(706) 863-0535
The Columbia County Georgia is open both Monday and Wednesday. Canned and fresh food, pasta, baby formula, and other supplies are given out.

Columbia County Salvation Army Pantry and Feeding Site
The Salvation Army operates a free food pantry, clothing closet, and soup kitchen. Everything from free groceries to toiletries (soap, detergent, etc) to hot meals are served. There is also financial help. Or stop by for free Christmas or Thanksgiving food baskets, toys, snacks for kids, or brown bag lunches. More on Salvation Army food assistance Columbia County GA.

Concerned Women
Location is 101 Newmantown Rd.
Grovetown, Georgia 30813
(706) 854-1338
Women, children, and single moms can get help. The non-profit is open Tuesday, Wednesday as well as Thursday. A shelter is also offered in Columbia County.

Fellowship Baptist Church
670 E. Robinson Ave.
Grovetown, GA  30813
(706) 860-6357 or dial (706) 305-5449)





First Mt. Carmel Baptist Church
6269 Cobbham Rd.
Appling, Georgia 30802
Main phone - (706) 541-0711
Volunteers deliver meals to the elderly and homebound. There are also snacks for kids, canned soup, beans, and more.

Harlem United Methodist Church
Address is 115 W. Milledgeville Rd.
Harlem, GA 30814
(706) 556-6885
Open Tuesday - Thursday - 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm

New Heights Community Church
5050 High Meadows Dr
Grovetown, GA 30813
Phone: (706) 863-0355
Dial 706.863.0355 for hours.

Journey Church
4798 Hardy McManus Rd.
Evans, GA 30809
Dial (706) 364-1454
The soup kitchen and emergency food pantry is open 2nd Saturday of each month until noon.

Lewis Memorial United Methodist Church
Location is 5555 Hereford Farm Rd.
Evans, Georgia 30809
For intake, call (706) 855-7083 or dial (706) 863-6795
Appointments are needed.




Mosaic United Methodist Church
478 Columbia Industrial Blvd.
Evans, GA 30809
(706) 650-9187
The pantry is open the 3rd Saturday of each month from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Not only is there year round food, but also Christmas meals and Thanksgiving turkeys, clothing, and household cleaning supplies.

New Holt Baptist Church
Main address is in their Life Center, which is at 180 Old Milledgeville Rd, Harlem, GA.
Telephone number - (706) 736-1199 or (706) 556-8439
The pantry is open the 2nd Saturday of each month from 11AM - 1PM and by appointment in emergency situations.

The Bridge Ministry of the CSRA
Address 715 S Old Belair Rd, Grovetown, GA 30813. Main Phone: (706) 210-5711
There is a free weekly grocery giveaway. Shelf stable food, canned meat or fruit, vegetables and more is provided in Columbia County. They partner with Golden Harvest Food Bank too.

Old Union Baptist Church
6095 Old Union Rd.
Harlem, Georgia 30814
(706) 860-9055
The hours are Monday and Wednesday. Only the first small number of families that qualify from Columbia County can be assisted. School supplies, Christmas toys, and other services are offered too.

Steiner Grove Baptist Church
768 Reynolds Rd.
Grovetown, GA 30813
(706) 860-9083
It is only open one day per week (Thursday) until noon.

Vineyard Church
3126 Parrish Rd
Augusta, GA 30907
Phone: (706) 863-9766
The site is open 2nd Monday - 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm as well as Thursday from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm.

Mosaic United Methodist Church
Main address: 478 Columbia Industrial Blvd
Evans, GA 30809
Telephone number is (706) 650-9187

Still Waters
3711 Executive Center Dr
Martinez, Georgia 30907
Dial (706) 955-9224
They distribute fresh produce to families, canned groceries, and more. There is also meals for children as well as home delivery for seniors.







Central Church of Christ
3650 River Watch Pkwy
Augusta, GA 30907
Phone number (706) 855-0801

Matthews Table of Lewis Memorial UMC
Location is 5555 Hereford Farm Rd
Evans, Georgia 30809
Primary phone - (706) 863-6795
Part of the nationwide charity network. Volunteers provide information on SNAP food stamps or school lunch programs. More emergency needs can also be met as well from the pantry.

Additional free food and meals in Columbia County GA

For more referrals to free food pantries or soup kitchens near you (or government resources), try the Feeding America Golden Harvest Food Bank at 706.736.1199. They offer information on programs such as Senior Brown Bags, food stamp sites in Columbia County, Meals on Wheels or the The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP).


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