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Bluegrass region of Kentucky assistance programs.

There is financial help and social services in the Bluegrass area of Kentucky, including Anderson, Boyle, Franklin, Garrard, Jessamine, Lincoln, Mercer, Scott, and Woodford County. Find help with paying rent or utility bills or get free food or other stuff. Get assistance near you in the region.

The following churches, charities, and government organizations may be able to provide help to low-income families, seniors or the disabled. The goal is to help address the financial hardship with grants or financial aid as well as provide long term support.

Financial assistance and other non-monetary aid

Amen House - Both financial and non-financial assistance may be available. The center provides a continuously stocked food pantry that distributes groceries and food. There is produce, dairy and more including baby food and formula. In addition diapers may be offered, as well as a free clothing closet providing seasonal appropriate clothes, household items and linens.

  • Limited financial assistance may be offered at certain times of the week. Cash and grants may be provided for those people who are in danger of receiving utility shut offs and eviction notices if they do not get help. In addition for to pay for critical medical needs is considered. The location is 319 E Main St, Georgetown, KY 40324. Call (502) 863-5305.

Community Service Center of Wilmore - High Bridge provides services to residents of the High Bridge, Wilmore, and Keen Kentucky communities. The Center runs a food pantry, and can offer other financial aid. Some of the other services include grant money to pay utility and heating bills. There is also financial help for paying rent/mortgage to stop homelessness, or look here for how to get free money.

  • The non-profit will also offer free small home service, improvement, and energy conservation projects. Transportation assistance is also provided for basic needs (medicine, grocery shopping, doctor visits, etc) on a very limited, case by case basis. The non-profit can also refer people to other charities and government programs.

Other programs are offered too. Call (859) 858-2819, or the location is 209 E Main St, Wilmore, KY 40390.

Jessamine County Salvation Army provides support as well. A food pantry and thrift store is on site. It may have free hot meals for seniors, boxes of groceries, and Thanksgiving and Christmas meals and gifts. Some financial assistance may be distributed too. More on Jessamine County Salvation Army.




Salvation Army has several centers around the Bluegrass region and Central KY. Locations serve Scott County, Anderson, and many other cities in the Bluegrass area. While the exact services will vary by location, in general the assistance from the Salvation Army is provided on a case by case basis to the low income, working poor, and needy.

  • Services offered can include financial assistance with: rent, utilities and cooling bills, prescriptions, household items, clothes etc. A free food pantry and holiday meals and assistance may also be offered. Other financial matters may be addressed as well, such as car repairs.
  • Salvation Army also gives away free stuff, including food, clothes, and Christmas toys or meals. There are also backpacks and school supplies for students from low-income families or single mom homes.
  • Referrals are available in the region, including counties of Woodford and Lincoln. They also offer mortgage relief to the low-income. The Salvation Army is always a great place to ask for advice. For example, learn about Kentucky HUD counseling agencies.

Case managers from the Salvation Army, including in Jasmine County, will work closely with clients to address their needs. They really focus on helping people gain self-sufficiency and overcome poverty. This often comes down to either finding a job (if unemployed) or increasing income. So learn about job training and other social services in central Kentucky.

  • Scott County Salvation Army is at 100 Washington Square, Georgetown, KY 40324. Imemdiate financial help free gas vouchers for work and holiday help. Or apply for rehab, a homeless shelter and many other social services are offered. Call (502) 863-1551
  • Another nearby location is 517 Greenup Ave, Frankfort, KY 40601. Dial (502) 227-2638. Read more on Salvation Army services in Lexington KY.

Blue Grass Community Action Partnership - This is the local community action agency. They have several programs that can help the low income, working poor, elderly, and other individuals. Call them to discuss weatherization assistance, low income energy assistance program (LIHEAP), homeless prevention programs, and a wide variety of other programs. Applications are provided to free government grant money.

  • The non-profit community action agency provides assistance across the region, including, but not limited to the counties of Jessamine, Scott, and Bourbon. The agency processes applications for low income energy bill assistance, has information on loan programs for paying rent or bills, and other referrals. A priority is on helping the elderly in the Bluegrass Kentucky region, so they offer Elder Nutrition Program and home delivered meals among other resources. For more details on BGCAP services, call (502) 695-4290, or read more on Blue Grass Community Action Partnership.





Scott County residents may be able to receive help from the non-profit Community Action Council. This Kentucky organization runs numerous programs and offers social services. Examples of what may be provided are as follows.

  • Free groceries and government commodities from food pantries. There is also applications to free school lunches and Thanksgiving or Christmas baskets.
  • Information on energy and heating bill programs, such as LIHEAP or the Columbia Gas Energy Assistance Program
  • Housing and rent vouchers from the Continuum Of Care or the federally funded Tenant Based Rental Assistance.
  • Case management, job training, and other support.
  • Several other resources are available as well. Learn more on assistance from community action council.

Free holiday assistance is available. There are non-profits that help the unemployed, working poor, single mothers, and children in all counties, including Scott and Jessamine among others. Using donations, the charities provide toys, hot meals, Turkeys at Thanksgiving, and other gifts. Continue with free Christmas and holiday assistance in Lexington region.

Health and Human Services provides applications to government benefit programs. There is SNAP food stamps for help paying for groceries. Or get SSI applications, free government money from KTAP and unemployment applications. Other programs range from Medicaid to elder care, and look here for details on SNAP benefits in Kentucky.

Low income housing - Resources range from shelter to free food for guests and transitional apartments. Homeless families, veterans and the disabled in counties such as Anderson may also be able to obtain special housing programs as well. Social workers also offer assistance in locating a new, affordable home or apartment. More details on transitional housing in Lexington and Fayette area.

Boyd County CARES is based at 2516 Carter Ave., Ashland, Kentucky 41101. There is small dollar amounts of utility help or back rent to stop an eviction. There is a free food pantry, Christmas presents for kids or seniors, and RX vouchers. They also give free furniture, help people get an ID, give out diapers and so much more. Call (606) 324-2949

Anderson County Health Department - Some limited health care services and exams are provided. There is free vision and hearing testing, physical examination, immunizations, and check ups. The low-income or uninsured will also get health care counseling, health education, and referrals to government medical programs and other non-profit clinics. They can even have information on such options as getting help from Alliance of Claims Professionals . The location is 1180 Glensboro Rd, Lawrenceburg, KY 40342. Call (502) 839-4551







Faith Children's Clinic - This center, which is staffed by a medical professional, provides free medical services and health care needs for children from birth to 21 years of age who do not have medical insurance or a medical card. They also help parents on Medicaid. Patients with no health insurance, and who meet low income poverty guidelines, can receive medical care. The location is 116 Pocahontas Trail, Georgetown, KY 40324, or call (502) 863-1537

KY Homeownership Protection Center - Speak to a counselor to get information on non-profit and mortgage relief from the government. They also help with applications to utility bill assistance and home repair to make smart choices and avoid losing their homes. Programs do focus on the Bluegrass area of Kentucky, but you can also get information on national mortgage assistance programs. (866) 830-7868

Food assistance and help with groceries

Some of the locations to pick up free or low priced food include those listed below. There are also free seasonal programs, such as Christmas or Thanksgiving food baskets for low-income families..

  • Jessamine County Food Pantry is located at 104 S 2nd St, Nicholasville, KY 40356. Groceries, fruit, produce, free pet food and more is offered. Call (859) 312-4003.
  • Bethel Harvest Church - Call (859) 881-3939. The food bank is at  3260 Lexington Rd, Nicholasville, KY 40356.
  • Hillcrest-Bruce Mission covers Boyd County KY. The pantry has fruits, shelf stable food, wellness classes and free hygiene stuff too from 1819 Eloise St, Ashland, KY 41101. Call (606) 324-5723
  • Woodford Food Pantry gives out free grocery boxes. They also help with SNAP applications, EBT cards and more from 20 Field of Dreams, Versailles, KY 40383. The main number is (859) 879-6373
  • Nicholasville Christian Church - Free food and groceries are provided, including bread and frozen meals. The location is 104 S 2nd St, Nicholasville, KY 40356. Main phone: (859) 885-4311
  • Lamp and Light Ministries - Lawrenceburg Kentucky. Dial (502) 680-0151

There are other free food distribution centers in the region too. The resources vary, but they help feed the community. Find a food pantry in KY near you.


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