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Rent assistance in Birmingham and Jefferson County.

Get help paying rent in Birmingham and Jefferson County Alabama. Find information on charity agencies, non-profits, churches and government housing assistance programs. All resources are aimed at the low income, elderly or single mothers and others who need emergency rent or housing assistance. A focus is on families facing eviction. The goal of any of these Jefferson County rental assistance programs near you, listed below, is to prevent homelessness in any way possible.

Thousands of local families face evictions each and every year. The rent, security deposit and legal aid programs are mean to reduce homelessness. The Birmingham area organizations provide funds (either loan or government grants) to help individuals pay rental assistance and provide other housing assistance during difficult times, including free motel or hotel vouchers or income based, subsidized section 8 housing units.

Places for help with rent in Birmingham AL area

AIDS Alabama is only available for HIV+ people. The program offers counseling, outreach, both sort term transitional and permanent housing, or grants. There are also resources that provide rental or utility bill assistance or funds to help people with HIV and/or AIDs pay the a security deposit or moving costs. The location is 3521 7th Avenue South, Birmingham, Alabama. Phone number is 205-324-9822

Bridge Ministries Inc. can only provide one time financial assistance or government grants. The charity operates from 1016 19th St S, Birmingham, Alabama 35205. The money can pay rent in an emergency situation. Case management and counseling is offered too, as well as funds for other bills like energy or food. They offer rent or deposit help to low income families, single moms or dads, the disabled and others in a financial crisis. Phone number is 930-0309.




Metro West has information on low income housing and possibly money to pay rent in a crisis. Note that this not-for-profit organization has limited resources for helping with utility bills or other housing expenses. In addition, it may provide only referrals or loans as a form of assistance for rent (in some instances). Location is 6101 Doctor M.L.K. Blvd, Fairfield, AL 35064. Call 205-923.1545

Housing Authority of the Birmingham District runs a Section 8 housing voucher assistance program for both the city as well as Jefferson County. There are rent subsidized homes from HUD, foreclosure and housing counseling, or emergency section 8 units too. They also run the family self-sufficiency program. Phone: (855) 123-4567. The public housing authority (PHA) is at 1826 3rd Ave S, Birmingham, Alabama 35233-1905. Continue with Jefferson County housing authority.

  • Many federal and state of Alabama housing programs are administered by the Jefferson County Housing Authority. Call 205-849-0123. Among the services include public housing, Section 8 housing vouchers in Alabama, supportive housing and shelter for homeless people, and general counseling. Address is 3700 Industrial Pkwy, Birmingham, AL 35217.

The Greater Birmingham Ministries is another church or religious based group that can help Birmingham and Jefferson County Alabama residents pay their rent. Call them at (205) 326-6821. Funds for housing are disbursed, including mortgages, rent payment assistance, and other housing expenses.

A formal application and intake procedure is in place from their office at 2304 12th Ave N, Birmingham, AL 35234. There may also be basic needs for the tenant, such as furniture or appliances.

The local version of the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP) is run by Jefferson County Office of Community Development. Call them at (205) 325-5761. There also help with income subsidized homes, partner with landlords on housing development services and provide other support from 716 Richard Arrington Jr Blvd N, Birmingham, AL 35203..

Legal Services Alabama has an office at 1820 7th Ave N, Birmingham, AL 35203. Assistance can deal with evictions from private and public housing. Lawyers also give free advice on disputes over security deposits, and filing claims for government benefits, such as section 8 vouchers or social security disability. Other free legal aid is offered too in Jefferson County. Call (205) 328-3540 for intake.




SSVF from VOA in Birmingham offers homelessness prevention, emergency rent help and stabilization services to Veterans as well as their families. Get help in applying for VA benefits, emergency financial assistance or loans to pay rent, and access low income housing units. There are also transportation, job programs, and free motel or hotel vouchers for homeless veterans. Outreach and case management is offered. Location is 135 Gemini Cir, Birmingham, AL 35209. Veterans or their families can dial (205) 945-7172.

Helpline Christian Outreach Ministries, Inc., located on 88 Roebuck Dr, Birmingham, AL 35215, can be used at most once per year. Apply for help with paying rent or other expenses. Call 205-833-7712.

The Salvation Army has a few locations around the Birmingham region, including Bessemer (phone 205-425-4303), Shelby County Corps (dial 205-663-7105) as well as in Birmingham Alabama itself. Call 205-328-5656 for details and referrals. Emergency financial help for bills (rent, mortgages utilities) and other support is offered.

Get help with rent in Birmingham AL areaEach and every branch has low income housing assistance as well as resources for homeless persons or those facing evictions including assistance with paying rent. Locations also have on site emergency homeless shelter for men, women, and children. Transitional housing for homeless families is often offered too. Continue with Birmingham Salvation Army.

Catholic Center of Concern is based at 712 4th Court W, Birmingham, AL 35204. There may be emergency rent help or rehousing services, which can help pay utility or security deposits. Or get furniture, counseling, and budgeting help. Any assistance for rental arrears or housing needs is limited. Dial 205-786-4388.

One Roof partners with the government and local agencies to stop homelessness, which includes emergency rent money and rehousing. The office is at 1515 6th Ave South, Birmingham, AL 35233. They pro actively refer people with an eviction notice to local rent relief programs and try to rehouse people into affordable homes or apartments. Call 205-254-8833, or learn more here

Dannon Project helps people find permanent, safe, and affordable housing. Whether funds to move or pay for storage, or grants for first months rent or a deposit, help is offered from 1600 20th Street South, Birmingham, AL 35205. Transitional housing is offered too, and a major focus is on ex-prisoners. Call 205-202-4072.

Independent Presbyterian Church (address is 3100 Highland Avenue, Birmingham, Alabama 35205) mostly focuses on utility help. But if the lack of power can cause an eviction, they can assist. Call 205-933-1687.







Jefferson County Committee for Economic Opportunity (JCCEO) is the local community action agency. They advocate for housing issues, and help the working poor, unemployed, and disadvantaged. The office is at 300 8th Avenue West, Birmingham, Alabama 35204. Whether financial help for bills (or rent), or landlord-tenant counseling, help is offered. All financial help is combined with case management. Call 205-327-7500.

Urban Ministry, Inc. offers emergency financial assistance for rent. The charity is at 1229 Cotton Ave SW, Birmingham, AL 35211. Maybe even more importantly they administer referrals to other agencies as well as charities. Call 205-781-0517.

ESG grants and HEARTH is a form of homeless prevention. This means that agencies in Birmingham Alabama may be able to offer grants for paying rent to stop an eviction or arrange services, such as legal mediation. Clients include families in a crisis, veterans, the disabled and others. Additional help is for paying security deposits, placing the homeless into shelter, or providing motel vouchers in addition to money for first months rent. More information on Jefferson County eviction prevention programs.

Birmingham Volunteer Lawyers Program, which can be reached at ((205) 250-5198) offers free legal aid and services for civil matters. This can also include housing such as discrimination or unsafe apartments. Other assistance is to prevent an eviction and attorneys from the pro-bono firm can help with that need. Clinics are often set up around the city.

Pathways runs shelters and transitional housing. Food, meals, and support is offered. When ready to exit the housing centers, guests may get referrals to funds to pay security and utility deposit fees or first months rent. The non-profit is at 409 North Richard Arrington Boulevard in Birmingham. Dial (205) 322-6854.

Family Promise Of Birmingham provides housing assistance, including rent payment help or shelters, to families with kids, including single moms or dads. The faith based Jefferson County AL charity is at 1016 19th St S, Birmingham, AL 35205. Call (205) 918-0246 for referrals to programs to help pay rent, storage costs or moving expenses.




Even federal government housing and rent programs are represented in Jefferson County Alabama. The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has a local office at 950 22nd Street North Birmingham, Alabama. Call 205-731-2630. The feds offer housing assistance for low to moderate income individuals and families. Specifically, the assistance includes mortgage and loan insurance, as well as monthly rent supplements.


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