Assistance programs in Belmont County Ohio.
There are three main agencies and charities to turn to in Saint Clairsville and Belmont County Ohio for help. Learn about each of them below.
Salvation Army – Belmont County Corps
The non-profit agency provides emergency free food, shelter, rent assistance, clothing and household items as well as free furniture. The agency may have funds that assist with paying heating and utility bills and rent, including the possibility of no interest loans.
The charity, which is a church, also provides holiday meals (including Christmas and Thanksgiving) to shut-ins and Christmas assistance to kids and families of those in need of help. They also provide disaster assistance for victims and emergency responders; social and recreational programs for all age groups. Last, but least, the center offers spiritual counseling and advice. Dial 740.676.6225, and the main office is in Bellaire Ohio. Or more on the Salvation Army in Belmont County.
Wheeling Health Right, Inc.
This is a community supported free health care clinic. Medical professionals, nurses, and doctors provide free primary health care services for people with no medical insurance or those who are on Medicaid, and who have incomes at or below federal poverty guidelines. Volunteer physicians, nurses and lay staff provide services to these qualified patients. Dial 304.233.9323.
Community Action Commission of Belmont County
This agency offers the largest number of assistance programs. They are listed below.
Debt, including Money Management and Credit Repair and Counseling. Counselors will offer free one-on-one or group education in budgeting. Work with a counselor to gain access to debt assistance, credit counseling, and money management. Learn how to negotiate debt. The programs focus on emphasising and increasing family wealth through budgeting, debt reduction and planning for the future and eliminating unnecessary credit card and medical debt.
Foreclosure Counseling and Mortgage Assistance- These services are conducted on a one-on-one format with a professional. Learn about with steps to avoid foreclosure, options available to the client, and if the client is qualified; referrals to non-profit agencies and government programs that provide rescue funding. Learn more on Ohio mortgage and foreclosure programs.
EFSP Emergency Food and Shelter Program - Offers assistance, how ever it is limited to one month’s usage of past due water, gas or electric bills. A one time delivery of bulk fuel or heating oil may be approved if a household has less than a ten day supply of fuel for the winter. In addition, housing help is offered. Families with past due rent or mortgage payments that need to be paid, and lot fees for mobile homes are also eligible to apply for housing or mortgage assistance.
Weatherization - This program can help Belmont County residents reduce fuel costs and energy bills by conserving air leakage and insulating homes. It can also test home heating units for safety and efficiency of the unit.
Legal programs - Learn about local law firms and attorneys that provide individuals in Ohio free legal advice.
Help for paying heating and utility bills - A program known as emergency HEAP is offered. Applications to the program are accepted throughout the winter heating and summer cooling season. Households who have less than a ten day supply of bulk fuel, heating oil, or those who need help paying for utility deposits, or who are threatened with disconnection of their utility or heating service may apply for assistance from this government funded program.
Call the Community Action Commission of Belmont County, which is based in St. Clairsville, at (740) 699-2578 to apply for help or learn more.
Additional programs for food, financial aid and more
One of the needs in the community is for hunger prevention. To this end there are several organizations to turn to for help, including food pantries, soup as well as community kitchens. Everyone from Saint Vincent to Shadyside church may help. They offer free groceries, serve meals, pass out clothing vouchers, and more.
Most of the centers in Belmont County are open certain days and hours of the week. They also assist families in the immediate area. So there are restrictions, but find more information on Belmont County food pantries.