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Arizona medical care programs for uninsured and free health insurance.

Families who lack health insurance in Arizona can look into various government programs or resources that are offered by non-profit agencies. The state, working with partner organizations, will do what they can in order to help the low income and less fortunate pay their medical bills. Or they offer free health insurance plans, medications, and try to help low income as well as uninsured Arizona households receive the coverage they need.

While a number of options are available, many resources are offered for children, seniors, and the disabled. Other key beneficiaries can include residents in Arizona who have cancer, pregnant mothers or those who need prescription drugs for certain diseases or medical issues. Services will often have waiting lists and the funding may be limited. If you currently are underinsured, or can’t obtain private health insurance, then call one or more of the programs listed below. Or look into free government health insurance as well as other programs. There are also free dental clinics in Arizona as well.

Resources for health or medical care or insurance programs in Arizona

Long Term Care System, or the Arizona ALTCS program, is offered to the disabled, blind, and elderly. It can coordinate ongoing medical services at a non-profit or government facilitated nursing facility and provides for prescriptions, lab work, doctor visits, and more. Coordination is done with the state’s Health Care Cost Containment System as well as Arizona Long Term Care System. Call 800-962-6690.

AzTEDP - Arizona Telecommunications Equipment Distribution Program can distribute free telephone equipment for residents who are eligible due to sight, hard of hearing and/or speech impairment. Eligible participants can receive free telephone equipment such as signaling/flashing devices, TTY's, and volume control telephones. Dial 866-223-3412. Or find free cell phones from the government.

Baby Arizona is for pregnant women. Non-profit health centers and the state will offer prenatal health care while the pregnant woman is waiting for AHCCCS health insurance. If an applicant is later determined to be ineligible, the state and case managers will work out a reasonable payment plan with the doctor who agrees to participate in Baby Arizona. Telephone number is 800-833-4642.




Arizona HIV/AIDS Drug Assistance Program will offer free FDA approved medications to patients who are diagnosed with this disease. 800-334-1540.

Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment is both the screening and treatment for breast and cervical cancer. Assistance is also offered for patients who have a pre-cancerous cervical lesion. 800-528-0142

AHCCCS provides free or low cost health insurance. There are several versions and components of the program, and it is the Arizona version of Medicaid. It helps ensure low-income families in Arizona have access to health care services and government insurance plans. It can help the single moms, the unemployed as well as disabled in AZ

  • Working Individuals with Disability (a/k/a Freedom to Work) is available for the disabled and blind, ages 16 to 65, who are not eligible for any other government or public care. It is offered for those who currently receive Social Security Disability payment from the government. There may be some premiums due for this health insurance plan. Call 800-654-8713
  • Health Insurance for Adults without children is also available, however funding is very limited and there may be a waiting list. 800-654-8713
  • AHCCCS Health Insurance for children and teenagers is offered to people under the age of 19. Families who apply need to meet low income levels and also currently lack health insurance. This is the Arizona CHIP health insurance plan. Telephone number is 800-654-8713.
  • Last, but not least, Arizona offers Health Insurance for Families with Children, and this can either be free or offered at very low costs. It is only offered for US citizens, an eligible immigrant, or qualified aliens. The program can pay for behavioral health services, Doctor's office visits, hospitalization, lab work, and prescriptions. Telephone number is 800-654-8713.

Low Cost or Free Health Clinics can provide free (or affordable) care to patients across the stateLow income, the uninsured, immigrants and patients with limited or no health insurance can turn to community clinics in Arizona. They can also help the homeless and patients with no income. Eye exams, insulin or diabetes treatment, free vouchers for medications and other goods are offered. Read more on free community clinics in Arizona.

Pregnant Women can receive some forms of health insurance as well. This can help ensure both the baby as well as the mother remain healthy and get the services they need during this timeframe. The goal is to ensure the newborn and the mother get the treatment they need. 800-352-8401




Health Insurance for those 65 or older is available to those who do not need a nursing home level of care. This can help senior citizens and the elderly remain living in their current environment. Call 800-654-8713 for details.

Coverage for Individuals Who Require Nursing Home Level of Care is similar to above. However this is for Arizona seniors, disabled, or elderly that need a nursing home and that are uninsured or who insurance will not pay for it. The state will offer free or very low cost nursing home care as part of this Medicaid service, including any hospitalization costs, doctor office visits, medications, or other care. Phone 888-621-6880.

Blind or Disability (AHCCCS). If you have been certified with an approved disability from your doctor then the state may arrange for some comprehensive coverage. A separate service may be offered for people who need long term care. Some of the assistance coordinated may include hospice services, institutional care in a nursing facility, home and community based services, medical services, and behavioral health. Dial 800-654-8713.

Arizona VFC, or the Vaccines for Children Program, will offer free/low cost vaccines for children, infants, teenagers and young students. The state of Arizona, federal government, and other groups partner with community clinics and non-profit health centers. Shots can be provided for polio, measles, Dipththeria, flu, and more. Call 602-542-1023 for applications and details.

Receive financial help for paying Medicare costs. The government may distribute grants or funds for paying bills. Some of what may be covered includes Medicare health insurance plan premiums, deductibles and co-payments for eligible individuals. 800-528-0142

  • Arizona CoppeRX Card -is for people in Medicare. Arizona created this free prescription medication card to give residents a simple way to get substantial discounts. People just need to present this card to any pharmacy in Arizona to save money. Discounts typically range from 15 to 55 percent, on both generic RX or name brand products. Call 1-888-227-8315 or (855) 432-7587, or find additional ways to receive free prescription drugs.

AzTAP, or the AZ Technology Access Program gives equipment to uninsured disabled people. There may be free scooters, home modifications or repairs, grab bars, hearing aids, computers and other goods. The goal is to allow the disabled to keep their independence. Call 800-477-9921

KidsCare Healthcare Insurance is in effect affordable health insurance for children 18 years old or younger who meet income limits. It is the state’s version of CHIP as well as SOBRA. Note that there will often be a waiting list in Arizona. Children and students can receive well child visits and immunizations, physical exams, specialist care, and other support from the state and non-profit hospitals that participate. Call 1-855-432-7587 or 877-764-5437 for details on the program.

Well Woman HealthCheck Program is basically free cancer screening for breast, cervical, and other forms of cancer. Age restrictions are in place, including the applicant needs to be over 40 for breast cancer screening or 18 for cervical cancer. Dial 877-257-8502.




Arizona health care is offered for people with pre-existing conditions. So if you have been denied insurance from a private carrier then the state, working with the Department of Health and Human Services and other organizations, will offer residents a number of benefits. Applicants will have a few different plans to choose from and it can pay for prescription drugs, specialty care, deductibles and more. It is basically government coordinated, public free health insurance policies. Telephone: 866-717-5826. Or read more on medical bill or debt assistance programs.

SSI Medical Assistance is available for seniors, the elderly, and individuals who are age 65 or older. It can also provide insurance coverage to the disabled or blind, regardless of their age. Note that you currently can’t be receiving cash benefits from the SSI program. This is funded mostly by the federal government, with some matching grants from the state. 800-528-0142.

SHIP/State Health Insurance Assistance Program mostly offers information, referrals, and guidance to consumers. Counselors from various non-profit organizations, including agency on aging offices, will provide information about Medicaid, Medicare, and other health insurance benefits. You can also get support with claim filing; applying for Medicare Part D (RX coverage); Medigap insurance; Medicare Advantage Plan and various deductible. 800-432-4040.

Additional medical resources in Arizona for the uninsured

Families or people living in poverty, or that no insurance, can get other support, including social services from the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS). The organization, which gives referrals from 602-417-4000, offers details on free insurance plans, medical savings as well as other benefits.


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