Free food banks, groceries and pantries Oakland California and Alameda County.
Find information on free food pantries, charities, soup kitchens and hunger prevention programs in the Oakland California area that help low-income families and people with no money. Many of the organizations are non-profits and will provide various services to those that need help. Find how and where to get free food in Oakland CA (and the county below), including today.
Charities also have free druve thru food pantries in Alemda County for the low-income, including immigrants. There is also a phone number at the bottom of the page for other local Oakland CA area hunger prevention programs. Resources at the pantries or soup kitchens near you range from free food, groceries, hot meals (including at the holiday), or applications for CalFresh and baby formula for single mothers.
There are also free personal hygiene supplies or toiletries, including detergent, soap, feminine goods and more. This, and more, is available to the low income, unemployed, and really anyone who is facing a hardship in Alameda County and the city of Oakland California.
Many of the pantries will provide free food, groceries, counseling, and other support to people of all incomes and backgrounds. They may also have emergency assistance programs too if the individual has no other place to turn to for help or food. Another focus is on assisting senior citizens and the vulnerable from programs such as Meals on Wheels.
The hours of many of the distribution centers, whether a church or pantry, in Oakland are limited. They may limit usage as well. So it is always best to call in advance to determine when food and other groceries are distributed, as well as if there are any other conditions that need to be met in order to receive help.
Places to get free groceries or food boxes in Oakland CA and Alameda County
Alameda County Community Food Bank Address - 7900 Edgewater Drive, Oakland, California 94621. Phone number - 510-635-3663 They have multiple Volunteer and Food Donor Programs. The food bank partners with and provides food to local charities, pantries and not for profits. These locations then pass these groceries and food items out at the local level to individuals who stop by for help.
San Lorenzo Family Help Center and the Ecumenical Pantry Location - 16032 Hesperian Blvd, San Lorenzo, California 94580-3444. Telephone number - 341-314-6770 In addition to emergency supplies, can provide referrals to charities, churches, and social services in northern California.
Alameda Food Bank Address of the food bank is 650 W Ranger Avenue, Alameda, California 94501. Dial 510-523-5850
All Saints Episcopal Church Location - 911 Dowling Blvd, San Leandro, CA 94577. Phone number is 510-569-7020 Hot meals, clothing, basic needs, and other services are provided to seniors, low income families, children, and people in need from the immediate community. The assistance is at the Food Pantry at the Neighborhood Center.
Berkeley Food Pantry Location of food bank 1600 Sacramento Street, Berkeley, California 94702 Dial 510-525-2280 for hours or information on how to apply for food, groceries, and other aid.
Brookins African Methodist Episcopal Church Church address - 2201 - 73rd Avenue, Oakland, CA 94605. Telephone number - 510-568-8954 The charity has Breakfast, Groceries and Food Giveaway Programs. The low-income, single moms in Oakland, homeless and others can get help. Pasta, tuna, canned tuna or meat, fruits and more. The elderly in Oakland can also get Ensure. The charity also has free Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas meal programs/.
Eastbay CRECE The pantry is at 4848 International Blvd, Oakland, CA 94601. Call (510) 533-8140
Catholic Charities of the East Bay Assistance is from 433 Jefferson St, Oakland, CA 94607. Dial (510) 768-3100 All religions can be helped. They give free food, household stuff such as toilet paper or feminine goods, laundry detergency and more. There is free groceries for immigrants, including undocumented ones. Or get help finding housing, social services and other aid.
Salvation Army services This is one of the leading not for profits to call in the Alameda and Oakland California region for assistance. Not only will the free pantry help feed families, children, and seniors, but they offer holiday meals (Thanksgiving and Christmas), shelter, and case management. They also have USDA Government Commodities; Holiday Toys and Food Baskets.
- The main location is at 2794 Garden St, Oakland, CA 94601. Call (510) 383-9300
- Salvation Army - Tri-Cities Corps Community Center is at 36700 Newark Blvd, Newark, California 94560. Dial 510-793-6319.
- There are other sites with food pantries, soup kitchens and basic needs. More on Salvation Army assistance programs Oakland CA and the county.
Centro de Servicios Location 525 H Street, Union City, CA 94587. Dial - 510-489-4100 The non-profit will try to satisfy and meet all requests. However resources are limited. Breads, rice, beans, frozen food items, and other canned goods may be served. Program offered is known as Basic Needs: Food, Financial Assistance, Groceries and Other Items
Children's Emergency Council 7421 Amarillo Road, Dublin, CA 94568. Call (925) 828-5363 Call the food bank at 925-828-5363 to determine what type of perishable items or meals are offered. Also get help applying for California and government food programs such as TANF.
CityTeam Ministries - Family Services Address: 722 Washington Street, Oakland, CA 94607. Primary phone 510-452-3758. Call for center hours. There are free holiday meals, applications to housing and USDA food programs, Cal-Fresh, and more. There are surplus commodities in Oakland CA, such as cheese, bread, and other goods for seniors and kids (among others).
Davis Street Family Resource Center – DSFRC Location of food bank - 3081 Teagarden Street, San Leandro, California 94577. Phone number - 510-347-4620 The non-profit runs an Emergency Food Program. Free groceries, gift cards, cereal, crackers, bread, peanut better and jelly and other goods.
Downtown Oakland Senior Center Address is 200 Grand Avenue, Oakland, CA 94612. Phone: 510-238-3284
Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church Food is provided from the church at 1203 Willow Street, Oakland, CA 94607. Dial 510-893-2932 to get hours or to speak to a representative. Christmas meals are served. They also pass out boxes of food to the homeless and low income. the pantry may also have personal hygiene items, hot drinks, cereal, and other healthy items. They giveaway free groceries to the low-income and people in poverty.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Alameda County – SVdP 2280 San Pablo Ave, Oakland, CA 94612. Main number is (510) 877-9236 A Free Dining Room is run on site that can serve hot or cold meals to the homeless and low income. Some financial aid may be provided for expenses too. This can include housing, rent, and energy bills. More on St. Vincent de Paul help in Alameda County.
New Life Christian Church - Weekly Food Pantry 20394 San Miguel Avenue, Castro Valley, California 94546. Call 510-889-1304 A pantry passes out free food, groceries, and aid on a weekly basis. Perishable and canned goods along with household supplies may be issued.
Oakland Leaf Foundation - Urban Promise Academy Family Resource Center (UPA FRC) Main address - 3031 E. 18th Street, Oakland, CA 94601. For hours, call (510) 436-3636 or 510-879-1642 Supports those who the greater Oakland region. Free food, groceries, Thanksgiving or Christmas turkeys and meals are passed out. Donations are always needed as well.
Hope for the Heart - Food Distribution Center Location is 22035 Meekland Avenue, Hayward, California 94541. Dial 510-581-4673
La Familia Counseling Service - Hayward Family Resource Center (FRC) Address - 680 W Tennyson Road, Wing B Hayward, California 94544 For hours, call 510-782-2947 In addition to running a food pantry for Alameda County residents, they can refer people faced with a hardship and the unemployed to various financial assistance programs.
La Familia Counseling Service Outreach Services - Neighborhood Resource Center Call the center at 510-785-8270
Mary Ann Wright Foundation Non-profit foundation address is 3120 San Pablo Avenue. Stop by or call the number below. Oakland, CA 94608 Telephone number - 510-601-8119
Prescott-Joseph Center for Community Enhancement, Inc. The free food pantry of West Oakland is at 920 Peralta Street, Oakland, CA 94607. Call 510-835-8683 The assistance is known as the WOFP, or West Oakland Free pantry. They give groceries daily, including today. There are summer snacks for kids, applications to Cal-Fresh in Alameda County, food for single moms and other aid.
Alameda County Social Services Offices The unemployed, elderly, families in poverty and others can get help. Get referrals to free food pantries near you today. Or find Meals on Wheels programs in Alameda County, holiday programs, WIC or Cal-Fresh food stamps and other support. Many charities and social service offices work with the government agency.
- North County Self-Sufficiency Center, 2000 San Pablo Avenue, Oakland. Call 510-891-0700
- Eastmont Self-Sufficiency Center food programs are at 6955 Foothill Boulevard, Oakland CA. Call 510-383-5300
- Enterprise Self- Sufficiency Center and food bank - 8477 Enterprise Way, Oakland, CA. Call 510-263-2420
- Eden Area Multi-Service Center location is 24100 Amador Street, Hayward, CA. Call 510-670-6000
- Fremont Outstation - 39155 Liberty Street, Suite C330, Fremont. Call 510-795-2428
- Livermore Outstation - 3311 Pacific Avenue, Livermore. Dial 925-455-074
Family Resource Center 680 W Tennyson Rd, Hayward, CA 94544. Call (510) 782-2947 The homebound and disabled can get Meals on Wheels. Or find Senior Brown Bag, vitamins or Ensure for the elderly and other goods.
Pantry of Hope Food Pantry is in St. Paul's Episcopal Church Courtyard at 114 Montecito Ave. Oakland, CA 94610 From 11:45-2:15 on 2nd and 4th Sundays (occasionally this changes, usually due to holidays) For questions contact Rev. Carolyn Bolton can at (510) 834-4314 x 504
Project Open Hand - East Bay HIV / AIDS patients can apply for emergency services, including food. 1921 San Pablo Avenue Oakland, CA 94612 Call the program at 510-622-0221
St. Elizabeth's Parish - Bread and Roses Location 1500 - 34th Avenue Oakland, CA 94601 Primary phone number - 510-536-1266 Provides food, nutritional perishables items, meals, and other aid.
St. Mary's Center - Food for All Ages Address - 925 Brockhurst Street Oakland, California 94608 510-923-9600 Meals on Wheels are available for senior citizens in Alameda County. There are also applications to Commodity Supplemental Food Program, free weekend snacks for students, and other services.
Telegraph Community Center Location - 5316 Telegraph Ave, Oakland, CA 94609. Call (510) 961-4385 Can refer individuals to other charities and non-profits in Oakland California. In addition, get information on a number of federal and state government assistance programs.
Tri-Cities Community Development Center - Dollie's Closet 37620 Filbert Street Newark, CA 94560 Telephone - 510-745-0521
Tri-City Volunteers, Inc. - Emergency Food, Clothing and Household Items 37350 Joseph Street Fremont, California 94536 510-793-4583 As the name implies, various forms of assistance programs to the low income, elderly, working poor, and unemployed. Food, clothes, case management, and other support.
Tri-Valley Church of Christ Address of church - 4481 East Avenue Livermore, CA 94550 Main number - 925-447-4333
Tri-Valley Haven - Haven Food Pantry Address - 418 Junction Avenue Livermore, CA 94551 Call for hours, and to learn about the food programs. 925-449-1664 The location above and below offer emergency food boxes, groceries, meals, and more.
Tri-Valley Haven | Sojourner House Location - 3663 Pacific Avenue Livermore, California 94550 Telephone: 925-449-2510 Whether a box of groceries, diapers, soup, rice, or dairy, free food is provided to the working poor.
Feed My Sheep Food Pantry/Mini-Mart Address is 8829 Plymouth Street Oakland, California Phone - (510) 384 8604 They serve free lunches, serve a Christmas dinner, and operate a food pantry and clothing closet in Alameda County.
Alameda County referral line - (800) 870-3663 Customer service representatives direct residents to food programs. Whether it is a Senior Brown Bag or Meals on Wheels, or just a box of emergency food for the weekend, free information is given out.
East Oakland Switchboard Address is 1909 - 73rd Avenue Oakland, CA Phone - 510-569-6369 Clients with a referral from a local charity or Social Services Agency can get food. Referrals are also provided to housing, grant programs such as Cal-Works, and applications to SNAP or free school lunches.
New Beginning International Ministry, Inc. Oakland, CA 94605 (510) 985-0541 Food and free meals are served on Saturdays.
Eden United Church of Christ Location of food pantry - 21455 Birch Street Hayward, CA Phone - 510-582-9533
Holiday Food Helpline - (510) 635-3663 Learn about soup kitchens and places for Thanksgiving, Easter, and Christmas meals in Alameda County. There is also information on holiday food baskets or toy programs for kids as well, as well as meal sites for the elderly.
West Oakland Community Collaborative Address: 920 Peralta St Oakland, CA 94607 Phone:(510) 835-8683 The non-profit operates the West Oakland Food Pantry. Groceries, baby formula, meat, and more is for low income families as well as single mothers.
Bethel Community Presbyterian Church 14235 Bancroft Avenue San Leandro, California Phone - 510-357-4130 Case management, food, application to Cal-Fresh, and more is available to residents.
Emeryville Citizens Assistance Program - ECAP 3610 San Pablo Ave Emeryville, California 94608 Phone:(510) 499-1263 Clients of the non-profit include senior citizens and families living in poverty. Food, applications to WIC vouchers, and commodity supplemental food (CSFP) are some of the benefits provided.
Find more free food or meal assistance programs in Alameda County
Several other food banks, pantries near you and assistance programs operate in Alameda County and Oakland California. Call (510) 635-3663 for referrals and information. Programs can provide free summer lunches, Christmas and other holiday meals, bags of groceries, perishable items and more. Or get help in applying for CalFresh food stamps or government benefits. Find details on Oakland CA Feeding America programs for struggling.
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