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Energy bill and utility assistance in Alabama.

Get financial assistance in Alabama to pay utility bills, including from the government or electric as well as gas companies. There are a number of programs that help low-income families keep their power on, including free grant money, payment plans or extensions, free air conditioner systems, government relief and more. Find help with pay a utility bill in Alabama.

In addition to direct help from a utility company or the government (including LIHEAP), some local charities and non-profits also assist. While most of the emergency assistance for people with a disconnection notice is for the low income, the disabled or senior citizens, many other people may be able to get relief with their utility bills. As grant money can help single moms in Alabama, those with a medical issue and others keep their power on or reconnect it.

Help with bills from utility companies in AL

Alabama Power Company has a number of programs for low-income families and struggling customers. They offer a discounted rate for those customers who are on Supplemental Security Income (SSI), TANF or who are verified as getting public assistance from Aid for Families with Dependent Children (AFDC). The company also offers various payment plans and extensions.

The customer service team will offer other solutions too, whether applications to government grant money from LIHEAP, free home energy audits, or help for people with a health care needs, power bill assistance is offered on a case by case basis. Call 1-800-245-2244 to ask about programs or read more Alabama Power assistance programs.

Spire provides help to low-income customers. There are payment plans and budgeting billing for people on AFDC or SSI disability. The company also provide help to turn gas on, including reduce deposit plans and free energy conservation. Spire also offers other emergency financial help to struggling customers in AL that need help with gas or electricity costs.




In addition to their own emergency programs, Spire partners with churches and charities to offer gas bill help. As Spire is a major gas provider in the state that operates in all cities. Find other details on assistance with bills in Alabama from Spire.

Cherokee Electric Cooperative offers help with bills from Operation Warm as well as other programs. Free grants and financial assistance may be available to help the low-income pay their electrical bills. Funds are administered and passed out to individuals through the Cherokee County Crisis Center. They also offer electric relief to the elderly or disabled that need help with their bills due to a short term hardship. Call 1-800-952-2667 or 256-927-5524

Decatur Utilities has several programs, including referrals to federal LIHEAP and weatherization. The main program known as Operation Warm may be able to provides energy assistance to people and the low income who don't qualify for LIHEAP. The program from Decatur Utilities runs from December 1 through May 31 of each and every year, during which applicants are eligible for assistance only once during that period.

The utility company can offer customers additional services as well. There are budgeting bill programs, payment plans, and of course government resources such as LIHEAP. Customer service representatives can advise customers on possible solutions, including those from non-profit partners. For more details on these Alabama assistance programs that may be able to help, find more financial aid from Decatur Utilities.

Hartselle Utilities also runs the Operation Warm program, which provides energy bill assistance to people who don't qualify for government funds from LIHEAP or TANF. The Community Action agency, which processes Hartselle Utilities applications, bases its decision who gets emergency help on many factors.

The financial assistance program can be combined with other help, including forgiveness or disconnection prevention services. Call (256) 773-3340 to learn more or contact the Community Action Partnership of North Alabama.

Joe Wheeler Electric has applications to the Operation Warm program, LIHEAP, and more. The cooperative also partners with local charities as well as community action agencies to help low income families pay their electric and gas bills. The customer service team provides other support as well. Call (256) 552-2300 for details.

Project Share is a utility assistance program run by either the Salvation Army or community action. The grant program funded by local businesses, individuals, and utility customers who donate to the program through their monthly bills. The project is available year round and it can help pay the bills of disabled persons, senior citizens, and also those people who are on fixed or low incomes.







Clients in need apply for Project SHARE assistance at the local Salvation Army or community action office in their county or town. There is limited funding with money offered to pay all types of power bills including light bills or to even fix an air conditioner. More information on Project Share Alabama resources.

Government grants in Alabama that help pay light, electric, and utility bills

Low income programs - There are two government funded resources, and they are cash assistance from LIHEAP as well as free energy conservation from weatherization. The programs are paid for by the federal government, but are run locally in your town and county by non-profit community action agencies.

Social Services can also help low income as well as elderly or disabled households apply for free grant money to pay past due utilities. In addition, senior citizens over the age of 60 and the sick can get a free air conditioner, or help to pay summer electric bill, from the government. Learn about Alabama LIHEAP and weatherization.

National charities and additional government aid as well as free DIY tips and more support is offered. If your company is not listed below or above, find other options and ways to get help with paying utility bills.

Additional AL utility relief programs

There are other programs, in particular from local churches or charities, that will help people facing a shut off pay some or all of their past due utility bill. HUD in Alabama has information and also local community action agencies offer support too.


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